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Iran: How long can debt-laden US remain world power?

10/18/2012 10:58

Ahmadinejad says US influence in world affairs waning due to massive debt and loss of legitimacy, adds West increasingly questioning legitimacy of "Zionist regime," hints EU hurt more by sanctions than Iran.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Photo: REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predicted the impending downfall of the "US empire," blaming the collapse on a combination of the country's massive debt and its loss of legitimacy within the international community, Iran's official news agency IRNA reported Thursday.

“How long can a government with a $16 trillion foreign debt remain a world power?” he asked at a press conference with Kuwaiti media personnel. "The Americans have injected their paper wealth into the world economy and today the aftermaths and negative effects of their pseudo-wealth have plagued them.”

He added: “An empire, or a government, remains in power so long as the people under its power support it, but today the Americans have acted in a way that the world nations do not like them at all, and therefore, their international legitimacy is annihilated.”

Ahmadinejad also predicted that the West would soon drop their alliance with the "Zionist regime," saying that Westerners and US politicians are increasingly "at a loss" as to why Israel exists.

Downplaying the effect of Western sanctions on the Iranian economy, Ahmadinejad said that the Islamic Republic would persevere. "The hegemonic powers have no way [forward], but to change the conditions.” Earlier this month, riots broke out in Tehran in protest of the collapse of the rial currency, which has lost some two-thirds of its value against the dollar in the past 15 months, stoking inflation that is now running at around 25 percent.

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The US will remain a super power because of its innovative nature, its high productivity rate and the fact that were we to wake up with it gone the world would quickly descent to a new dark age.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Lucas, stop endorsing Iranian thugs. 

Thug is a racist nation that has destroyed a handful of Muslim countries. I mean, I am talking about your white master.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The US will remain a super power because of its innovative nature, its high productivity rate and the fact that were we to wake up with it gone the world would quickly descent to a new dark age.

The only thing that keeps US still ahead for a short time is its policy of containment of other nations.

Aspects of this policy of containment include

- making them fight with their neighbors to disrupt trade

- gathering coalitions to economically blockade potential rivals

- financing opposing extremists to create subversion and chaos; boost sales of US weapons

- militarily invading them to impose the use of the dollar as trade currency.

- and so on


All this is probably what you mean by "innovative nature"


Quite a lot of the debt is between the Fed and the Treasury, left pocket/right pocket.  On foreign debt, it's all USD denominated which gives the US some flexibility in dealing with it.  The US can inflate the debt down but it comes as a price.  However, unlike say Guyana, Argentina, the Asian countries back in the 90's, the US does not have to earn hard currency to service it's debt.


That being said, it's not a free pass and the debt has to be reined in to a more reasonable ratio to GDP.  However, the US will continue to be the global power for the foreseeable future, at least well into your kids lifetime.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Quite a lot of the debt is between the Fed and the Treasury, left pocket/right pocket.  On foreign debt, it's all USD denominated which gives the US some flexibility in dealing with it.  The US can inflate the debt down but it comes as a price.  However, unlike say Guyana, Argentina, the Asian countries back in the 90's, the US does not have to earn hard currency to service it's debt.


That being said, it's not a free pass and the debt has to be reined in to a more reasonable ratio to GDP.  However, the US will continue to be the global power for the foreseeable future, at least well into your kids lifetime.

Appearances are deceptive. If the US didn't feel it was under threat of being left behind by emerging powers it wouldn't be destroying oil rich countries. The US wars are existential wars, to capture the oil that will keep the economy afloat before anyone else with enough money buys it.


The Americans know they are in decline and for this reason is that they are in a permanent state of war, in order to contain other nations.


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