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How many extrajudicial killings are acceptable to the “decent” people of Guyana?

Georgetown, Guyana — Former President Jagdeo knows that there is no statute of limitations on cold-blooded murder.  He is becoming increasingly anxious about the  demands by Guyanese citizens both home and abroad, for justice for more than 200 mostly African mothers, who lost their sons to government sponsored murder.  His latest defense is that the 400 number as reported in the then opposition report is padded.  So we at would like to ask him, what is the correct number of extrajudicial killings?  And just how many extrajudicial killings are acceptable to Jagdeo and his supporters?

USG Cable June 19, 2007
“Before his arrest in Surinam and removal to the U.S., Roger Khan was frequently seen entertaining President Jagdeo at social venues around Georgetown. Businessmen tell tales of passing high-level narco-traffickers entering and leaving State House.”

The extrajudicial killings–orchestrated by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, approved by former Minister of Home Affairs, Ronald Gajraj, managed by former Minister of Health Leslie Ramsammy, operationalized by [then] commander of the Target Special Squad (TSS) Steve Merai and executed on the ground by Guyana’s number one drug lord, Roger Khan and his criminal gang–is Guyana’s greatest shame.  PPPC ministers and supporters are all complicit for their silence or rationalization of this evil.

USG Secret Cable – 2007 June 19
“Merai and the TSS were involved in extra-judicial killings dating back to the early 1990s. Later the TSS acted as enforcer for corrupt U.S. Vice Consul Thomas Carroll’s visa selling ring. After it was disbanded in 2002, many TSS officers ended up in the formal employ of narco-trafficker and “phantom” death squad leader Roger Khan. End Note.)”

Once again, former president Bharrat Jagdeo is allowed to make absurd claims to an uncurious media as they continue to sit for his almost daily propaganda outpourings without much of a challenge.  Sadly the keepers of democracy, the fifth estate, just do not seem up to the task of keeping the opposition leader as accountable as they are committed to exercising control over the coalition administration.

Do any of the “important”, “decent” people in Guyana recognize the indecency, the criminality, the crimes against humanity for which former President Jagdeo and conspirators must be held accountable?  Today the business community embraces a criminal, invites him to address their audience, contributing to his attempt to reinvent himself.  Today the Guyana Human Rights Association remains silent, Transparency International remains silent, the Guyana Council of Churches remains silent; too many upstanding, decent people remain silent.  Our collective silence is our country’s shame.  Our silence gives consent to Jagdeo’s moral turpitude. Poor people’s lives do not matter in Guyana.

USG Cable – 2006 May 11
“Shaheed “Roger” Khan is Guyana’s number one narco-trafficker, but the threat he poses to U.S. national interests extends much further than just drug smuggling (ref C). He has brokered drugs-for-guns deals, sending weapons to the FARC for cocaine. He is reported to have social and operational links to Desi Bouterse, former Surinamese strong-man, convicted narcotics trafficker, and possible coup-plotter (ref B). Khan was a driving force behind the “Phantom Squad” that carried out extra-judicial killings with impunity in Guyana in 2002-03.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

How much Guyanese suffered...and continue to suffer from this CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY...backed by uncle SAM and OTHERS?

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What role did the PNC play in this?

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Is Guyanapolitics2020 a PNC sponsored propaganda website?

Probably is. I remember quite a few of those popped up during the last election. Guyanese ain’t buying dogshyte news anymore.

Jagdeo bussed their backs and rubbed salt after they posted fake news.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Probably is. I remember quite a few of those popped up during the last election. Guyanese ain’t buying dogshyte news anymore.

Jagdeo bussed their backs and rubbed salt after they posted fake news.

Debater of the Year Award goes to Yugistair!    

Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

Probably is. I remember quite a few of those popped up during the last election. Guyanese ain’t buying dogshyte news anymore.

Jagdeo bussed their backs and rubbed salt after they posted fake news.

Debater of the Year Award goes to Yugistair!    

To a man, the Piss Pot Porters cannot address the fact that their government sponsored the worse spate of extrajudicial murders in the history of Guyana. They can only come up with the usual low IQ responses such as this.

Baseman posted:

As many as it takes to end the terrorism.  No number to small, no number too big.  Outcome is what matters!


Its only a Machiavellian mind that seeks to justify outcome by using whatever means possible. This kind of logic implies that the ruling elites can do whatever and take actions they deemed necessary without regard to the rule of law.

That being said....I read your previous posts which argues that people seem to forget that Indians and wealthy businessmen were killed and that the government, out of necessity, had to resort to extra-military means to protect citizens. 

However, this problem, and situation in which the PPP found itself after the prison escapee was a creation of the PPP. They refused to change the institutions of power, they refused to engage CARICOM, OAS or the ABCs to secure resources to make necessary changes in the army and police. Hence, the government was incapable of taking control of the situation. 

By relying on extra-judicial forces, the government reveals its weakness, and how impotent it was to protect its citizens. 

I don’t believe 400 “Black men” were killed (that number is very high for the population of Guyana) and some of those killed were probably criminals....but still, this is no excuse for the Government to pass on this responsibility to drug lords.

this has far-reaching implications. It further corrupts society and makes Guyana a drug haven, not to mention a pivotal area for the drug trade. 

Had the PPP done the right thing...changing the culture and composition of the forces and address this issue frontally and publicly, it would have gone a long way to rid Guyana of these drug elements. The sad reality is that because the PPP has not changed these institutions when they had a chance to do will come back and bite them in the arse, largely because the same pro-PNC and tainted law enforcement officials remain intact....Guyana may have experienced democracy, but the lack of institutional changes when the PPP had a chance to make those changes leaves us in the same place Guyana was before 1992.


VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

As many as it takes to end the terrorism.  No number to small, no number too big.  Outcome is what matters!


Its only a Machiavellian mind that seeks to justify outcome by using whatever means possible. This kind of logic implies that the ruling elites can do whatever and take actions they deemed necessary without regard to the rule of law.

Many of the PPP apologists who cheer these actions would be saying something totally different had this been the PNC govt taking out East Indians "just because they could be involved in crime"

Last edited by cain
Baseman posted:

As many as it takes to end the terrorism.  No number to small, no number too big.  Outcome is what matters!

Oh yes Jagdeo and his friends from the Colombia drug cartel networks. Jagdeo doesn't want this to be told to the people of Guyana, especially when the arrival of Roger Khan into Guyana might be imminent.


Na. The PNC and it’s army are working are working with the largest Italian drug cartel. They are going big time. 

It even caught the attention of CNN.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Na. The PNC and it’s army are working are working with the largest Italian drug cartel. They are going big time. 

It even caught the attention of CNN.


Guyana linked to major coke-smuggling Mafia ring



Very nice article there right yugi?

Which party was in govt in 2014 yugi?  I'll help ya..PPP

Which party will be sitting in opposition for a number of years yugi?  I'll again help ya..PPP

Mars posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

Probably is. I remember quite a few of those popped up during the last election. Guyanese ain’t buying dogshyte news anymore.

Jagdeo bussed their backs and rubbed salt after they posted fake news.

Debater of the Year Award goes to Yugistair!    

To a man, the Piss Pot Porters cannot address the fact that their government sponsored the worse spate of extrajudicial murders in the history of Guyana. They can only come up with the usual low IQ responses such as this.

So how come people say the biggest murder in the history of Guyana was when Burnham bring Jim Jones to squat near the Venezuela border?

Bibi Haniffa
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

Na. The PNC and it’s army are working are working with the largest Italian drug cartel. They are going big time. 

It even caught the attention of CNN.


Guyana linked to major coke-smuggling Mafia ring


Fast forward 2018. CNN reported that Guyana is now linked to the Italian Mob dealing in billions of dollars worth of drugs. This is a PNC record. The government and army's.

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:

To a man, the Piss Pot Porters cannot address the fact that their government sponsored the worse spate of extrajudicial murders in the history of Guyana. 

Try reading again Bibi...PPP was involved with extrajudical murders..a President giving the OK to have blacks killed by drug still in prison.

PNC did nothing to Jones and his followers..big difference.

yuji22 posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

Na. The PNC and it’s army are working are working with the largest Italian drug cartel. They are going big time. 

It even caught the attention of CNN.


Guyana linked to major coke-smuggling Mafia ring


Fast forward 2018. CNN reported that Guyana is now linked to the Italian Mob dealing in billions of dollars worth of drugs. This is a PNC record. The government and army's.

Now linked? Try should have read what Mars posted to learn there was a PPP link ...probably still is.

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

As many as it takes to end the terrorism.  No number to small, no number too big.  Outcome is what matters!


Its only a Machiavellian mind that seeks to justify outcome by using whatever means possible. This kind of logic implies that the ruling elites can do whatever and take actions they deemed necessary without regard to the rule of law.

That being said....I read your previous posts which argues that people seem to forget that Indians and wealthy businessmen were killed and that the government, out of necessity, had to resort to extra-military means to protect citizens. 

However, this problem, and situation in which the PPP found itself after the prison escapee was a creation of the PPP. They refused to change the institutions of power, they refused to engage CARICOM, OAS or the ABCs to secure resources to make necessary changes in the army and police. Hence, the government was incapable of taking control of the situation. 

By relying on extra-judicial forces, the government reveals its weakness, and how impotent it was to protect its citizens. 

I don’t believe 400 “Black men” were killed (that number is very high for the population of Guyana) and some of those killed were probably criminals....but still, this is no excuse for the Government to pass on this responsibility to drug lords.

this has far-reaching implications. It further corrupts society and makes Guyana a drug haven, not to mention a pivotal area for the drug trade. 

Had the PPP done the right thing...changing the culture and composition of the forces and address this issue frontally and publicly, it would have gone a long way to rid Guyana of these drug elements. The sad reality is that because the PPP has not changed these institutions when they had a chance to do will come back and bite them in the arse, largely because the same pro-PNC and tainted law enforcement officials remain intact....Guyana may have experienced democracy, but the lack of institutional changes when the PPP had a chance to make those changes leaves us in the same place Guyana was before 1992.

Sorry, No black, dugla, putagee or any other race will tell the Indians what they should or shouldn’t no to protect their property, life and limb.   Sorry, you stay in your corner and march in America!

yuji22 posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

Na. The PNC and it’s army are working are working with the largest Italian drug cartel. They are going big time. 

It even caught the attention of CNN.


Guyana linked to major coke-smuggling Mafia ring


Fast forward 2018. CNN reported that Guyana is now linked to the Italian Mob dealing in billions of dollars worth of drugs. This is a PNC record. The government and army's.

The link was established since the PPP was in Government, Numbnuts. That's what CNN was reporting on. Maybe you forgot that they were the ones who turned the country into a Narco Republic.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

Na. The PNC and it’s army are working are working with the largest Italian drug cartel. They are going big time. 

It even caught the attention of CNN.


Guyana linked to major coke-smuggling Mafia ring


Fast forward 2018. CNN reported that Guyana is now linked to the Italian Mob dealing in billions of dollars worth of drugs. This is a PNC record. The government and army's.

The link was established since the PPP was in Government, Numbnuts. That's what CNN was reporting on. Maybe you forgot that they were the ones who turned the country into a Narco Republic.

As is everything in Guyana, first the putagees were the drug runners. They had the transportation methods for it. Then came the Indians in the game. A Commissioner of Police tried to get into the game, but met wid stiff opposition from the putagees. That caused the hatred for the Indians and solicited the Blacks on the side of the putagees to even up an age old dilemma of marginalization on the plantations.

The putagees always cause trouble, they cheated out the blacks of economic privilizes, then they robbed their farms, then they moved in on the stalls at stabroek market.

Now, they sitting back waiting to capitalize on the oil money after the rest of the citizens do what they do best, rob demselves.


When drug running moved to industrial scale, it was all Portuguese and Red people running the show.  Remember the famous Crime Chief?  He was the criminal in Chief!  Remember the GAC plane ✈️ incident?

seignet posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

Na. The PNC and it’s army are working are working with the largest Italian drug cartel. They are going big time. 

It even caught the attention of CNN.


Guyana linked to major coke-smuggling Mafia ring


Fast forward 2018. CNN reported that Guyana is now linked to the Italian Mob dealing in billions of dollars worth of drugs. This is a PNC record. The government and army's.

The link was established since the PPP was in Government, Numbnuts. That's what CNN was reporting on. Maybe you forgot that they were the ones who turned the country into a Narco Republic.

As is everything in Guyana, first the putagees were the drug runners. They had the transportation methods for it. Then came the Indians in the game. A Commissioner of Police tried to get into the game, but met wid stiff opposition from the putagees. That caused the hatred for the Indians and solicited the Blacks on the side of the putagees to even up an age old dilemma of marginalization on the plantations.

The putagees always cause trouble, they cheated out the blacks of economic privilizes, then they robbed their farms, then they moved in on the stalls at stabroek market.

Now, they sitting back waiting to capitalize on the oil money after the rest of the citizens do what they do best, rob demselves.

Yeah, show your hatred for the Putagees, you racist ole jackass. A Putagee man probably deflowered the girl you were hoping to marry and left you sucking salt for years. You worship anyone fair skinned anyway so it must be some jealously in your black heart. That explains why you have been bleaching with Fair and Lovely cream for years and staying out of the sun. 

Baseman posted:

When drug running moved to industrial scale, it was all Portuguese and Red people running the show.  Remember the famous Crime Chief?  He was the criminal in Chief!  Remember the GAC plane ✈️ incident?

Yeah, Portuguese and red people drug lords like Khan, Dataram, Morgan, Kalamadeen, Jetman Lall and Brahma were running the show with help from the PPP. 

Last edited by Mars

As with everything first... several request from Jagdeo to launch a COI to the killing and crime spree went on deaf ears, he took his appeal to Parliament. If APNU has nothing to hide , why are they afraid to launch the investigation. 

I en see no Blacks and their supporters comment on Jagdeo appeal, them disappear like cockroaches. 


Ecactly. They should start an investigation or just shut up. The path to the killings lead to the highest level in the PNC and Congress Place. 

Same thing with Linden, they killed one one of their own to ignite riots. The COI concluded that there was no PPP involvement in the Linden protest shooting. 

The PNC is a very dirty crime family. 

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

When drug running moved to industrial scale, it was all Portuguese and Red people running the show.  Remember the famous Crime Chief?  He was the criminal in Chief!  Remember the GAC plane ✈️ incident?

Yeah, Portuguese and red people drug lords like Khan, Dataram, Morgan, Kalamadeen and Brahma. 

Nah, this was when dem Bannas was still in high school.  Do you recall a certain Crime Chief and his pilot brother?   Dem days coolies was still cutting cane, shying paddy and keching fish.

But I agree, they became later kingpins!

Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

When drug running moved to industrial scale, it was all Portuguese and Red people running the show.  Remember the famous Crime Chief?  He was the criminal in Chief!  Remember the GAC plane ✈️ incident?

Yeah, Portuguese and red people drug lords like Khan, Dataram, Morgan, Kalamadeen and Brahma. 

Nah, this was when dem Bannas was still in high school.  Do you recall a certain Crime Chief and his pilot brother?   Dem days coolies was still cutting cane, shying paddy and keching fish.

But I agree, they became later kingpins!

I remember a pilot named Jetman Lall given free reign by the PPP to run drugs and launder money from his private hangar.

yuji22 posted:

Even Desmond Hoyte commented on the Putagee Mafia. That was Long before the PPP time. Dem Putagee started the drug runnings. 

Name the ones who started it and stop talking shyte.

Portuguese drug lords like Khan, Dataram, Morgan, Kalamadeen, Jetman Lall and Brahma were running the show with help from the PPP. 

Last edited by Mars

I guess Putagee are angels who just hate Indos and Hindus. This hate thing is still in YOUR blood. It’s ok that you are finally spilling your guts. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I guess Putagee are angels who just hate Indos and Hindus. This hate thing is still in YOUR blood. 

Portuguese like Khan, Dataram, Morgan, Kalamadeen, Jetman Lall and Brahma are the angels.


The issue is that the indo bais buss the Putagee ass and took over and now the PNC bais are taking the trade to another level by involving the Italian mob. Good heaven.

Walk straight. Burnham, the Indos and now the blacks are bussing all you behind. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

The issue is that the indo bais buss the Putagee ass and took over and now the PNC bais are taking the trade to another level by involving the Italian mob. Good heavens. 

Walk straight. 

Talk about hate and look how easily the racist slurs roll off your tongue. 

The Italian Mob connection was established by your kind. 


Na bai, it’s the PNC who first bumped off the Putagee Mafia and now dem tekking the trade to another level. All you turn into football. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Na bai, it’s the PNC who first bumped off the Putagee Mafia and now dem telling g the trade to another level. All you turn into football. 

You ever hear Putagees complaining about tekkin licks? Y'all been whining like sissies for years that the black man beat up on you even though you outnumber everyone. You know how to play the part of the perennial victim.

Last edited by Mars

Yea ! Jagdeo and Brother Gaj buss all you ass to a point where you are still crying look, 400, no 500. Bai, tek all you licks and Staan easy deh. 

Stop crying like a lil gyal all over GNI.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Yea ! Jagdeo and Brother Gaj buss all you ass to a point where you are still crying look, 400, no 500. Bai, tek all you licks and Staan easy deh. 

I thought that it was 400 black men who were murdered. How proud you must be that your clan was the Guyanese best ever at carrying out state sponsored executions. Now go chant two hari krishna and drink a pint of piss in celebration.

Tekkin licks? Like Carib says, who screaming every day that "black man ah kill abhe"?

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