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How many more Guyanese have to be robbed or murdered?

March 30, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, There are many among the ruling elite who have laid the scourge of crime on the doorsteps of a particular race, class or sector of society. They are wrong, because a closer look will reveal that crime has no color, class, race or sector. Crime is a major problem in Guyana, especially against innocent citizens and the business community. It has been on the rise since the turn of the century and the PPP regime has not done much to curb it, except for the Minister of Home Affairs to constantly fool the people that crime is on the decline when it is not. The criminals are on top of their game in that they continue to baffle the Minister of Home Affairs and a confused, inefficient and unprofessional Police Force with their skills. Criminals have infiltrated the society and have been robbing the citizens at will, largely because the PPP regime, in particular the Minister of Home Affairs, has not developed a coherent plan or strategy to adequately deal with it. He does not care about the pain and suffering the criminals have inflicted on the population. Criminals are not only robbing the people, but they are murdering them as well. So what will it take before the Minister adopts drastic action to protect the citizens, most of whom are afraid to walk the streets and have to hide behind metal bars in their homes? It is easier for those in power to blame a race, political party or sector of society, than to examine the structures and laws that have failed the people and have emboldened the criminals to operate without detection.  There should have been structured police patrols in certain crime ridden areas and zero tolerance for such lawlessness. Almost every day the nation is told of another armed robbery which is not uncommon. Citizens almost on a daily basis wake up to armed robberies, rape and murder. How many more citizens must be robbed and murdered, families held hostage, children raped and homes invaded before the government does something? Criminals know about the inefficiencies in the Police Force and the incompetence of the Minister of Home Affairs and they have exploited these to their advantage. We can go on and on with strategies for improving security, but who is listening? Not the PPP cabal. The leaders of the PPP know that they do not have to do anything about the crime issue or prevent any other illegal activities because regardless of what they may say or do there are large numbers of PPP supporters who are willing to support and defend their actions simply because of race. For almost six decades, many PPP supporters have either ignored or just do not care about the consequences of racial voting which has divided Indo-and-Afro-Guyanese, retarded economic growth and have marginalized a large section of the population, among others. With that in mind, there is no motivation for the PPP regime to consider solutions to solve murders, reduce crime and the trafficking of illegal drugs and end domestic violence against women and children. The PPP regime does not care about the poor or whether the economy improves, as long as they have unfettered access to the state finances and resources. They are not interested in good governance, better wages and working conditions for workers and improving the lives of the poor. Their motivation is to continue to feed their blind supporters with empty promises and seeds of subliminal racism to ensure that in Guyana’s multi-ethnic, semi-literate society they can use the race card in this and future elections to defeat their opponents at the polls as they have done in the past. Until the people, especially supporters of the PPP, realize that their leaders are pulling wool over their eyes and rise from the ashes of ignorance, hatred and blind political loyalty, Guyana will continue to experience an increase in corruption and crime such as armed robberies and murders, poor healthcare, a failing education system, low wages, and the consequential inefficiencies, incompetency and vulgarity associated with poor governance as practiced by the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime. May 11, 2015 is the day the people are hoping to see the end of race-based voting and will work together with the new coalition government for solutions to the many problems that face Guyana. Asquith Rose, Chandra Deolall, Dr. Merle Spencer-Marks

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Quote "Their (PPP/C) motivation is to continue to feed their blind supporters with empty promises and seeds of subliminal racism to ensure that in Guyana’s multi-ethnic, semi-literate society they can use the race card in this and future elections to defeat their opponents at the polls as they have done in the past.Unquote


The PPP has not done enough to fight crime

March 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

DEAR EDITOR, Undoubtedly, this election will mark the official start of a campaign between two parties, the new APNU+AFC Alliance and the old PPP which means that there will be no minority government like what happened in 2011. In this election, the people must make crime and the high number of unsolved murders their priority, and they should demand solutions from both parties. They know that the PPP is extremely good at making promises during the campaign but ignore them as soon as the election is over. For this reason, the people will not trust or believe anything the PPP says or promises in this election because they have not fulfilled any of their promises in previous elections. In terms of crime, the general population is totally fed up. Twenty-one murders in the first two months of 2015 is too much for the people to accept. It is not the kind of news that the people, especially those who have been robbed or lost their loved ones to criminals want to hear. It is particularly disheartening, coming especially at the start of the new year, when the nation is filled with hope for improvements in all sectors. The murder toll in Guyana is a haunting reality that the people must confront as a nation if they hope for a better life. The Government’s boast of the lowest levels of crime in decades rings delusional in the face of the murder statistics and the mountain of unsolved crime. The President continues to accept excuse after excuse from the Minister of Home Affairs for his very poor performance in solving crime. But the public has passed the point of accepting excuses for the PPP’s total failure to reduce crime and make Guyana a safer place. There are at least three murders a week, so if there is anyone who is entitled to read the riot act or crack the whip at the Minister and the PPP regime, it would be the public, who have had to suffer through one failed anti-crime strategy after another. In this election, the people have to hold the PPP responsible for its failure to protect the citizens from armed bandits and to guide the country to a safer place. After several years as the Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Rohee does not now have the luxury of separating himself or his PPP regime from the failure of the security forces to protect the people and for the high number of unsolved murders. We invite Mr. Rohee, the President and the rest of the cabinet to return to the words of the PPP campaign manifesto in 2011, in particular its statement on β€œCrime reduction and human security” where the party stated that the success of the political, economic, social, technological and managerial dimensions require the safety and security in the country. Three years later, the people are as far away from enjoying a sense of safety and security as it was prior to when Jagdeo took power, if not further. In the face of increasing murders, not to mention the armed robbery and the other serious crimes that do not make it into the headlines, the evidence is mounting that Mr. Rohee has lost his way in the battle against crime and should resign. The latest tough talk on crime from the PPP regime reeks of desperation. There has not been a serious anti-crime fighting strategy or a crime solution programme by the PPP. Had they had any, the problem of crime would have been solved long ago. What is lacking is the effective multi-pronged approach to fight crime that the APNU+AFC Alliance would implement and deploy in the service for a safer, more secure nation. The Alliance is fully aware that human and economic progress on a sustainable basis and meaningful democracy are not possible unless crime is brought under control, with some assurance of human safety and security. In the context of the high incidence of crime and murders that now hold the country in its grip, these are haunting words. Even without empirical data, it is safe to say that crime is having a dampening impact on business, communities and personal confidence in the country. The enjoyment of life and property in Guyana is only possible in a climate of personal security. Without it, people become hesitant and fearful of taking risks in every aspect of life. The Minister needs to develop a workable crime plan in the shortest possible time. Preferably, before another life is lost. Guyana cannot realize its full potential with this level of crime and murders. Reducing crime will take more than increased budgetary allocation. It requires skills and competent personnel. An APNU+AFC government will begin anew until every woman, man, child, and the entire society can safely traverse the length and breadth of Guyana without fear of being raped, robbed, maimed, or murdered. No one with even a modicum of common sense or conscience can deny that times are hard in Guyana. Times are hard for a majority of Guyanese, and they have been hard for a long, long time because of the PPP’s dull economic policies which benefit the rich and powerful, and not the masses. Corruption and poor management of the economy by the PPP regime are also part of the reasons for the hard times experienced by the masses. The economy is forcing people, especially the youths who cannot find jobs to sustain themselves, to commit some of the most horrible crimes. This is most telling and the PPP had better wake up to the reality that β€œit’s the economy, stupid”, to quote Bill Clinton. Dr. Asquith Rose Chandra Deolall Dr. Merle Spencer-Marks


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