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@Ramakant-P posted:

Totaram's brilliant 10 dictions:

You are now writing crap.  You tun bassidy! Gwan daside.

Look who is talking--empty head Kakakant.  Chupidness na gat cure.

Tola..on top of all his issues the man is a liar.  He is highly delusional.  In a word he could understand--bassidy!

Javex+existing issues+lying=Delusional(bassidy)

He gone completely bonkers.   Bassidy.
The lunatic here is displaying symptoms of his malady.  Bassidy man.
Confirming that shallyv is a lunatic, a bassidy person, a chupidee.

Your logic is as warped as your mind.  Bassidy.

Your brain has been sodomized.

A few years ago, I met a teacher from Sri Lanka who had some years in an African country and who had a negative view of Africans he met. He said they were all thieves and liars! Must be in their genes!

@Former Member posted:

AND sniffing the brown/yellow "chemtrails" pon he bukta.

I disagreed with him! Stupidity is their problem! First, the white man, then the Indians the white man brought in, now it's China's turn to fk them! Hahahahahahaha.......Why, they even sold their own people for defective guns they didn't know how to shoot with, and rum, good ol' conscience numbing rum!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

A few years ago, I met a teacher from Sri Lanka who had some years in an African country and who had a negative view of Africans he met. He said they were all thieves and liars! Must be in their genes!

Ever been to Sri Lanka? We were warned to watch out for pick pockets. I had my sunglasses stolen. The drivers will overtake even on blind corners. Make sure you have a strong heart to ride the Tuk_tuks.

Here the Police and the Jamaican Gangs fear the Sri Lankans.

@Mitwah posted:

Ever been to Sri Lanka? We were warned to watch out for pick pockets. I had my sunglasses stolen. The drivers will overtake even on blind corners. Make sure you have a strong heart to ride the Tuk_tuks.

Here the Police and the Jamaican Gangs fear the Sri Lankans.

They ought to fear them! The Sri Lankans have been through hell! That's why I laugh at AfroGuyanese who think they should be feared!

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

Speaking of Sri Lankans just reminded me of one of their bakeries in Scarborough I used to pick up fish bun(it was spicy hot tarassss) also sugar bun. I rememberd sugar bun in Guyana, it had sprinkles of sugar on the top...same as the one from the bakery.

I believe Sri Lankan pastry was influenced by the Portuguese who were in Ceylon before the British.  In Sri Lanka , Bakeshops are quite popular.  However, the way you select your pastry may not pass health requirements here.  When you are seated you order your drink and then the server will put a variety plate of pastry on your table.  You take what you want , the plate is refilled and taken to another table.  Sri Lanka, the resplendent island, is one of the most beautiful places I have visited.   


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