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NACCIE vows to fight against GuySuCo “bullies”

April 11, 2014 4:20 pmCategory: latest newsA+ / A-


guysuco[] – Sugar workers represented by the Union – NAACIE – have vowed to “continue the struggle” for “rightful salary,” but they did not say if this will include further strike action and when.

The workers, from eight estates, including Head Office staff, say the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) must correct pay irregularities, namely that lower categories of workers in the payment structure are paid at higher rates than senior staff.

The Union is contending that GuySuCo is failing to honour the Norman McLean Arbitration Award and the workers of Guysuco in the categories represented by NAACIE are continuing to be denied of their rightful salary.

Workers have taken part in a three-day industrial action, and NAACIE congratulated “those workers who have made the sacrifice” to ensure they are treated fairly by the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo). The workers say they will continue action against the Corporation, but have not yet set a date.

“NAACIE has done enough to support Guysuco and will continue to do so, but will not allow managers of this Corporation to be bullies when important workers issues are to be dealt with,” the Union said in a statement.

NAACIE said it will be informing the International Labour Organisation of the United Nations and GMB Union of London for support against what it says is Corporation’s breach of agreement.

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