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Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

Long live our PM.

Everyone wants to live a long life. Your PM karma will hit him soon.

You PPP guys cannot get over that your party got defeated because Of the AFC.


I do this to everyone. I do not discriminate. I am an equal opportunity hater.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

Long live our PM.

Everyone wants to live a long life. Your PM karma will hit him soon.

PNC Cabinet reshuffle coming up soon.  Maybe he will get shuffled out of the back door.  With his powder brush and all!

Naaaahh, he will be in a 12x12 room to ramble around and talk to himself.


I will say boldly that if anyone of you were in Moses shoe, You would forget about honor before money and do the same as he is doing right now. Nagamootoo sacrifices his whole life to politics. That's all he knows and that all he wants to be. A politician. The man must take care of his family and his profession. He too knows the value of a dollar just like Jagdeo and every other white collar thieves. So, why he can't look pretty and take what he can take now since he doesn't know what the future holds for him? 

Last edited by Former Member
Dondadda posted:

Money is the root of all evil. I can only speak for myself and tell you that I am not blinded by money. It seems that if you were in Moses shoes you would do the same as him andget to be called a Nee Nee Neemakharam. Am I missing anything?

You never heard that words are wind? Moses is in a comfortable position while others wasting precious time calling him names. He still has his family to love him. Look at the PPP corruptors who are supporting the PPP corruption and playing saints on GNI. That don't mean anything to you?

Dondadda posted:

Money is the root of all evil. I can only speak for myself and tell you that I am not blinded by money. It seems that if you were in Moses shoes you would do the same as him and get to be called a Nee Nee Neemakharam. Am I missing anything?

Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.   Did Cheddi do that, did Mandela do that, did Gandhi do that???  Baseman will never do that.  Don’t judge others by your own standards.   However, apart from Jagans and few other old schoolers, the rest turned out exactly as you see it, opportunist.  Ask Ramkarran what he thinks of that cabal.   PPP needs a new breed of untainted leaders.  

Prince posted:
Dondadda posted:

Money is the root of all evil. I can only speak for myself and tell you that I am not blinded by money. It seems that if you were in Moses shoes you would do the same as him andget to be called a Nee Nee Neemakharam. Am I missing anything?

You never heard that words are wind? Moses is in a comfortable position while others wasting precious time calling him names. He still has his family to love him. Look at the PPP corruptors who are supporting the PPP corruption and playing saints on GNI. That don't mean anything to you?

Listen Prince, unlike you I do not support or enable corruption. What happened to my word is my bond and my word is the truth?


Since I was a lil boy, my parents know that old habits are hard to break. That's why we do get licks today for tomorrow to keep us inline. The PPP old schoolers as Baseman mentioned, work and grow in the habit of stealing. Even if the PPP get back into power, what would stop them from engaging in the old, thieving habit? Coolie will be on top again, and Blackman will be at the bottom of the food chain. This is a revolving pattern of the PNC/PPP. 

Prince posted:

Since I was a lil boy, my parents know that old habits are hard to break. That's why we do get licks today for tomorrow to keep us inline. The PPP old schoolers as Baseman mentioned, work and grow in the habit of stealing. Even if the PPP get back into power, what would stop them from engaging in the old, thieving habit? Coolie will be on top again, and Blackman will be at the bottom of the food chain. This is a revolving pattern of the PNC/PPP. 

Prince , did you live in Guyana between. 1992 - 2015

Prince posted:

Since I was a lil boy, my parents know that old habits are hard to break. That's why we do get licks today for tomorrow to keep us inline. The PPP old schoolers as Baseman mentioned, work and grow in the habit of stealing. Even if the PPP get back into power, what would stop them from engaging in the old, thieving habit? Coolie will be on top again, and Blackman will be at the bottom of the food chain. This is a revolving pattern of the PNC/PPP. 

The PPP old schoolers as Baseman mentioned, work and grow in the habit of stealing.

In other words, you will live comfortable with a Black Thieving PNC Government than with the PPP. You sure you are not Caribny Twin.

Dondadda posted:
Prince posted:
Dondadda posted:

Money is the root of all evil. I can only speak for myself and tell you that I am not blinded by money. It seems that if you were in Moses shoes you would do the same as him andget to be called a Nee Nee Neemakharam. Am I missing anything?

You never heard that words are wind? Moses is in a comfortable position while others wasting precious time calling him names. He still has his family to love him. Look at the PPP corruptors who are supporting the PPP corruption and playing saints on GNI. That don't mean anything to you?

Listen Prince, unlike you I do not support or enable corruption. What happened to my word is my bond and my word is the truth?

bullshit as long as u support the ppp you is supporting corruption 

warrior posted:
Dondadda posted:
Prince posted:
Dondadda posted:

Money is the root of all evil. I can only speak for myself and tell you that I am not blinded by money. It seems that if you were in Moses shoes you would do the same as him andget to be called a Nee Nee Neemakharam. Am I missing anything?

You never heard that words are wind? Moses is in a comfortable position while others wasting precious time calling him names. He still has his family to love him. Look at the PPP corruptors who are supporting the PPP corruption and playing saints on GNI. That don't mean anything to you?

Listen Prince, unlike you I do not support or enable corruption. What happened to my word is my bond and my word is the truth?

bullshit as long as u support the ppp you is supporting corruption 

And the PNC shall set you FREE.

kp posted:
warrior posted:
Dondadda posted:
Prince posted:
Dondadda posted:

Money is the root of all evil. I can only speak for myself and tell you that I am not blinded by money. It seems that if you were in Moses shoes you would do the same as him andget to be called a Nee Nee Neemakharam. Am I missing anything?

You never heard that words are wind? Moses is in a comfortable position while others wasting precious time calling him names. He still has his family to love him. Look at the PPP corruptors who are supporting the PPP corruption and playing saints on GNI. That don't mean anything to you?

Listen Prince, unlike you I do not support or enable corruption. What happened to my word is my bond and my word is the truth?

bullshit as long as u support the ppp you is supporting corruption 

And the PNC shall set you FREE.

bai me na in no party me wan guyanese any party that try to destroy my country is my enemy ppp,pnc or afc 

warrior posted:
kp posted:
warrior posted:
Dondadda posted:
Prince posted:
Dondadda posted:

Money is the root of all evil. I can only speak for myself and tell you that I am not blinded by money. It seems that if you were in Moses shoes you would do the same as him andget to be called a Nee Nee Neemakharam. Am I missing anything?

You never heard that words are wind? Moses is in a comfortable position while others wasting precious time calling him names. He still has his family to love him. Look at the PPP corruptors who are supporting the PPP corruption and playing saints on GNI. That don't mean anything to you?

Listen Prince, unlike you I do not support or enable corruption. What happened to my word is my bond and my word is the truth?

bullshit as long as u support the ppp you is supporting corruption 

And the PNC shall set you FREE.

bai me na in no party me wan guyanese any party that try to destroy my country is my enemy ppp,pnc or afc 

Old people used to say,"You can't smell shit on your nose, but you hear fart till a back dam". Who is in Government RIGHT now???


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