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IS there racism in the PPP and can you eliminate it? There is no hard and fast rules to follow.  Like Jagdeo, Irfaan Ali will have both Hindu and Muslim followers. I cannot say what percentage of black supporters of the PPP are there. As I always say that Racism is a state of mind.   If there is a black Leader of the PPP then there would more blacks leaning towards that party and the same for the PNC.

Last edited by Ramakant-P

Every race has racists in it. We are all racists, blacks, coolies, Chinese, Putagees, etc. Don't let anyone fool you. We like to see our own get ahead and would defend them to the last breath. Why is it that only if you(Indian) criticize blacks, you are labeled a racist?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

PNC has proven to be a very racist party. From running a racist campaign to using race to control the Police and GECOM.

Mongo's blatant attempt to commit fraud and not charged is incomprehensible.

How should Guyanese eliminate PNC racism ?

Sean, while you believe the PNC is a racist party, the action of you guys are making the PPP look worse. There is no difference between the two when it comes to racism. 

@Former Member posted:

Sean, while you believe the PNC is a racist party, the action of you guys are making the PPP look worse. There is no difference between the two when it comes to racism. 

We only hire people who LOOK like us! After work, bathe change your clothes and guard the polling stations. Only black people cast valid votes.

Last edited by Former Member

‘I will only give jobs to PNC people’ – Min. Lawrence

Minister of Public Health and Chairwoman of the People’s National Congress (PNC), Volda Lawrence, is facing public backlash for declaring her intention to give work to only party supporters and friends.
The statements attributed to Lawrence were published in a Demerara Waves article on her address during the party’s Region Four District Conference at Congress Place, last weekend.

PNC Chairwoman, Volda Lawrence addressing party members at the weeked.

“The only friends I got is PNC so the only people I gon give wuk to is PNC and right now I looking for a doctor who can talk Spanish or Portuguese and ah want one that is PNC,” Lawrence is quoted by the online publication.


This is how to end it.


An independent sovereign country for the East Indian people of Guyana, Douglas who love their Guyanese East Indian Heritage and people of all races who are allies of the East Indian people of Guyana. To protect our basic human and cultural rights to survive as human beings free from racism, fear and for our culture without shame to survive in a free, safe, non racist and democratic country on the South American continent long into the future.




React calmly

  • Convey disapproval or discomfort, without provoking a defensive reaction.
  • Question their use of the words or action so you can gauge their intent: "Why do you say/do that?"
  • Convey your feelings: Let them know how the comment or joke makes you feel.
  • Question their fear. These can be very useful moments to question someone's fear and ignorance.
  • Don't get triggered. Racists want to push your button to get you angry. Just laugh and keep walking.
  • Compliment them on something: 'Nice shirt', 'Nice beard' or just 'Love you, mate'.

@Former Member posted:

PNC has proven to be a very racist party. From running a racist campaign to using race to control the Police and GECOM.

Mongo's blatant attempt to commit fraud and not charged is incomprehensible.

How should Guyanese eliminate PNC racism ?

When you identify and accept racism in general, then you can speak on the subject. A racist shouldn't speak on racism. 

@Former Member posted:

We only hire people who LOOK like us! After work, bathe change your clothes and guard the polling stations. Only black people cast valid votes.

All Indian votes were spoiled.    It reminds me of year 2000 when tens of thousands  of black votes were spoiled in Florida thus causing Al Gore to lose the Presidency. 

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Former Member posted:

PNC has proven to be a very racist party. From running a racist campaign to using race to control the Police and GECOM.

Mongo's blatant attempt to commit fraud and not charged is incomprehensible.

How should Guyanese eliminate PNC racism ?

You are a congenital racist.

Start by examining your racism and hate first next time when you are floating around in your balahoo on Lake Simcoe.


@Rochelle posted:

Yes indeed. PPP/C is a party for all peoples:

Isn’t it convenient?  A racist something put out in public for PNC activists to post on Social Media.

The PPP won, the have everything in their favor. Why would the instigate such when they need to bring the nation together?  Only one party will now benefit from division and mistrust.

Last edited by Former Member
@Rochelle posted:

Yes indeed. PPP/C is a party for all peoples:

@Rochelle what makes you believe the image of a dark person is Afro. There are hundreds of dark skin Indian and some are  supporters of  APNU. Review your source Andy Stoll FB pages for the double standard. 

Even Moses Nagamoottoo was painted black and hang in Anna Regina. These PPP supporter is very brave to hang these effigies in a PNC strong hold area.

PPPC bribing US, Canada, British, OAS, and  EU ambassador. 

PPPC rigged the elections for 23 years in government.

PPPC rigged the election while in opposition. 

Rass PPPC is God. Trump should hire PPP for his election campaign. 

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor

Image may contain: text that says 'Ad GUYANA NEWS Lynched effigies of Granger, Nagamootoo mounted on Anna Regina power pole -coalition urges supporters to remain calm'

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

@Rochelle what makes you believe the image of a dark person is Afro. There are hundreds of dark skin Indian and some are  supporters of  APNU. Review your source Andy Stoll FB pages for the double standard. 

Even Moses Nagamoottoo was painted black and hang in Anna Regina. These PPP supporter is very brave to hang these effigies in a PNC strong hold area.

PPPC bribing US, Canada, British, OAS, and   ambassador. 

PPPC rigged the elections for 23 years in government.

PPPC rigged the election while in opposition. 

Rass PPPC is God. Trump should hire PPP for his election campaign. 

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor

Image may contain: text that says 'Ad GUYANA NEWS Lynched effigies of Granger, Nagamootoo mounted on Anna Regina power pole -coalition urges supporters to remain calm'

I see Dr. Jagdeo and Dr. Irfan Ali agree with you. 

Last edited by Mitwah

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