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Former Member

Ok folks


The combined AFC/PNC  have embarked on a mission to cripple Guyana economically.


The government of Guyana exhausted all efforts to reach out to the opposition but they insist on voting down very important legislations that will move Guyana forward.


We must never forget the AFC's newfound hero, Donkey Cart and Dunce Carl Greenidge who bankrupt Guyana and as a result Guyanese fled in the tens of thousands.


Greenidge is on mission supported by the AFC to destroy Guyana once again.


Racist Trotman is now preventing Indo Guyanese politicians from speaking in Parliament while playing a blind eye on others.


We also saw a recent assault by the PNC in parliament by the PNC to block funding to the rice Industry. This is racism. After all, this industry is linked to Indo Guyanese.


The AFC/PNC on the other hand support BILLIONS of dollars for free electricity in Linden. This is all funded by among others, rice farmers tax dollars.


The Private sector has called on the AFC/PNC to stop their stalling and support economic progress. 


Time to tell the AFC/PNC to stop their Economic Terrorism and put Guyana first.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Next time the AFC asks you for a donation or support, hold on to your wallet for dear life and run until you can no longer see them.

yuji, I regret to inform you that though I have a small wallet, being a retired workingman, I shall gladly share a few dollars with the AFC.

For 20+ years I took money out of my pocket and gave it to the PPP.

No regrets then, as long as the Jagans were alive and the PPP was struggling against the odds in the opposition.

I've always financially supported the underdog, whether in political or charitable causes. The underdog today is the AFC.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Next time the AFC asks you for a donation or support, hold on to your wallet for dear life and run until you can no longer see them.

yuji, I regret to inform you that though I have a small wallet, being a retired workingman, I shall gladly share a few dollars with the AFC.

For 20+ years I took money out of my pocket and gave it to the PPP.

No regrets then, as long as the Jagans were alive and the PPP was struggling against the odds in the opposition.

I've always financially supported the underdog, whether in political or charitable causes. The underdog today is the AFC.

i am sorry to tell you but you help build some house in pradoville,or maybe ALI house

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Next time the AFC asks you for a donation or support, hold on to your wallet for dear life and run until you can no longer see them.

yuji, I regret to inform you that though I have a small wallet, being a retired workingman, I shall gladly share a few dollars with the AFC.

For 20+ years I took money out of my pocket and gave it to the PPP.

No regrets then, as long as the Jagans were alive and the PPP was struggling against the odds in the opposition.

I've always financially supported the underdog, whether in political or charitable causes. The underdog today is the AFC.

i am sorry to tell you but you help build some house in pradoville,or maybe ALI house

Unintended consequences, buddy.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Next time the AFC asks you for a donation or support, hold on to your wallet for dear life and run until you can no longer see them.

yuji, I regret to inform you that though I have a small wallet, being a retired workingman, I shall gladly share a few dollars with the AFC.

For 20+ years I took money out of my pocket and gave it to the PPP.

No regrets then, as long as the Jagans were alive and the PPP was struggling against the odds in the opposition.

I've always financially supported the underdog, whether in political or charitable causes. The underdog today is the AFC.

A FOOL is born everyday.   Who buys Snakeoil still???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Next time the AFC asks you for a donation or support, hold on to your wallet for dear life and run until you can no longer see them.

yuji, I regret to inform you that though I have a small wallet, being a retired workingman, I shall gladly share a few dollars with the AFC.

For 20+ years I took money out of my pocket and gave it to the PPP.

No regrets then, as long as the Jagans were alive and the PPP was struggling against the odds in the opposition.

I've always financially supported the underdog, whether in political or charitable causes. The underdog today is the AFC.

A FOOL is born everyday.   Who buys Snakeoil still???

you is one fool that was born a long time ago

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Next time the AFC asks you for a donation or support, hold on to your wallet for dear life and run until you can no longer see them.

yuji, I regret to inform you that though I have a small wallet, being a retired workingman, I shall gladly share a few dollars with the AFC.

For 20+ years I took money out of my pocket and gave it to the PPP.

No regrets then, as long as the Jagans were alive and the PPP was struggling against the odds in the opposition.

I've always financially supported the underdog, whether in political or charitable causes. The underdog today is the AFC.

A FOOL is born everyday.   Who buys Snakeoil still???

you is one fool that was born a long time ago

Warrior, How much GR took from you for Snakeoil in 2012????  Now dat is a real FOOL.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Next time the AFC asks you for a donation or support, hold on to your wallet for dear life and run until you can no longer see them.

yuji, I regret to inform you that though I have a small wallet, being a retired workingman, I shall gladly share a few dollars with the AFC.

For 20+ years I took money out of my pocket and gave it to the PPP.

No regrets then, as long as the Jagans were alive and the PPP was struggling against the odds in the opposition.

I've always financially supported the underdog, whether in political or charitable causes. The underdog today is the AFC.

A FOOL is born everyday.   Who buys Snakeoil still???

you is one fool that was born a long time ago

Warrior, How much GR took from you for Snakeoil in 2012????  Now dat is a real FOOL.

i always give to the AFC,AND THIS YEAR I PLAN to hold a fund raiser for them,them indian bais in the AFC MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A TRUE INDIAN,my ancestors can rest in peace

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Next time the AFC asks you for a donation or support, hold on to your wallet for dear life and run until you can no longer see them.

yuji, I regret to inform you that though I have a small wallet, being a retired workingman, I shall gladly share a few dollars with the AFC.

For 20+ years I took money out of my pocket and gave it to the PPP.

No regrets then, as long as the Jagans were alive and the PPP was struggling against the odds in the opposition.

I've always financially supported the underdog, whether in political or charitable causes. The underdog today is the AFC.

A FOOL is born everyday.   Who buys Snakeoil still???

you is one fool that was born a long time ago

Warrior, How much GR took from you for Snakeoil in 2012????  Now dat is a real FOOL.

i always give to the AFC,AND THIS YEAR I PLAN to hold a fund raiser for them,them indian bais in the AFC MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A TRUE INDIAN,my ancestors can rest in peace

You mean you are going to beg. Better than choke and rob.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Next time the AFC asks you for a donation or support, hold on to your wallet for dear life and run until you can no longer see them.

yuji, I regret to inform you that though I have a small wallet, being a retired workingman, I shall gladly share a few dollars with the AFC.

For 20+ years I took money out of my pocket and gave it to the PPP.

No regrets then, as long as the Jagans were alive and the PPP was struggling against the odds in the opposition.

I've always financially supported the underdog, whether in political or charitable causes. The underdog today is the AFC.

A FOOL is born everyday.   Who buys Snakeoil still???

you is one fool that was born a long time ago

Warrior, How much GR took from you for Snakeoil in 2012????  Now dat is a real FOOL.

i always give to the AFC,AND THIS YEAR I PLAN to hold a fund raiser for them,them indian bais in the AFC MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A TRUE INDIAN,my ancestors can rest in peace

You mean you are going to beg. Better than choke and rob.

i wish if your ppp brothers that is running the country use to think like you,begging is better that thieving,but no i do not have to beg i am well respect amount the guyanese in toronto.fighting was my strong point and some people still recognize courage,you will not understand you is a nerd,i walk amount men 


The AFC is busily committing suicide by working along with APNU in parliament against the interests of the nation. They will pay a heavy price at the polls. This third force cannot go far since they have not demonstrated an iota of independence as promised during the last election campaign. You cannot claim to be different from the two traditional parties and at the same time in bed with one of them parroting every song they sing. The people of Guyana have become totally disgusted with the opposition. The AFC has been a disappointment and will affect the prospects of future third parties from establishing themselves.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is busily committing suicide by working along with APNU in parliament against the interests of the nation. They will pay a heavy price at the polls. This third force cannot go far since they have not demonstrated an iota of independence as promised during the last election campaign. You cannot claim to be different from the two traditional parties and at the same time in bed with one of them parroting every song they sing. The people of Guyana have become totally disgusted with the opposition. The AFC has been a disappointment and will affect the prospects of future third parties from establishing themselves.

ram goat how much % of the people we talking about,you know why a government move from a majority to a minority 


Guyana’s president was elected by a MINORITY of the popular votes and thus have to engage and consult with the MAJORITY to earn that right to speaks for the majority of Guyanese.


Thus crafting the Budget without the voice of the majority in it, is a recipe for REJECTION by the majority.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I don't see the relevance of your question. Most of the people who voted for the AFC have absolutely no love for the PNC. They will send home that message to the AFC when they voted next time.

you do not need love to fight a common enemy,evil must be fight by every patriotic guyanese. 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I don't see the relevance of your question. Most of the people who voted for the AFC have absolutely no love for the PNC. They will send home that message to the AFC when they voted next time.

you do not need love to fight a common enemy,evil must be fight by every patriotic guyanese. 

All angles, on all fronts and as Boysie Ramkarran reminded is on ALL FRONTS EVEN THE WOMAN's FRONT.  


They are limits to what a party or parties can do in parliament. The AFC/APNU combo wants unbridled power over decision-making in parliament in total violation of the constitution.  The Republicans cannot proposed a bill to starve Obama and the entire executive branch of gov't of funding. That would not only be an outrage but a violation of the U.S. constitution. This is precisely what the AFC/APNU combo are attempting to do.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I don't see the relevance of your question. Most of the people who voted for the AFC have absolutely no love for the PNC. They will send home that message to the AFC when they voted next time.

you do not need love to fight a common enemy,evil must be fight by every patriotic guyanese. 

Your fight is about bringing back the old PNC boys to power. That is not the wish of the Guyanese people. They will vote in the next elections and the AFC will have to get packing

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

They are limits to what a party or parties can do in parliament. The AFC/APNU combo wants unbridled power over decision-making in parliament in total violation of the constitution.  The Republicans cannot proposed a bill to starve Obama and the entire executive branch of gov't of funding. That would not only be an outrage but a violation of the U.S. constitution. This is precisely what the AFC/APNU combo are attempting to do.

well let the ppp call fresh election,if the government had meaningful discussion with the opposition there was nothing to worry about,this corrupt government want to act like they is the Majority      

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Next time the AFC asks you for a donation or support, hold on to your wallet for dear life and run until you can no longer see them.

yuji, I regret to inform you that though I have a small wallet, being a retired workingman, I shall gladly share a few dollars with the AFC.

For 20+ years I took money out of my pocket and gave it to the PPP.

No regrets then, as long as the Jagans were alive and the PPP was struggling against the odds in the opposition.

I've always financially supported the underdog, whether in political or charitable causes. The underdog today is the AFC.

A FOOL is born everyday.   Who buys Snakeoil still???

you is one fool that was born a long time ago

Warrior, How much GR took from you for Snakeoil in 2012????  Now dat is a real FOOL.

i always give to the AFC,AND THIS YEAR I PLAN to hold a fund raiser for them,them indian bais in the AFC MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A TRUE INDIAN,my ancestors can rest in peace

You mean you are going to beg. Better than choke and rob.

i wish if your ppp brothers that is running the country use to think like you,begging is better that thieving,but no i do not have to beg i am well respect amount the guyanese in toronto.fighting was my strong point and some people still recognize courage,you will not understand you is a nerd,i walk amount men 

Check dis out padna.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP has never been afraid of elections. That kind of phobia has been a PNC thing. Watch how the electorate will decimate the third force in Guyana.  Sad thing that we don't a genuine third force. The AFC has once again proven to the Guyanese people that it is a risky thing to change loyalty in the face of the dangerous PNC>

Bai Billy, Warria thinks you are swearing at him. No logic in his thinking. He has a brain only to follow. I would use a dog as an example, but a dog has some kind of reasoning in his/her brain. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is busily committing suicide by working along with APNU in parliament against the interests of the nation. They will pay a heavy price at the polls. This third force cannot go far since they have not demonstrated an iota of independence as promised during the last election campaign. You cannot claim to be different from the two traditional parties and at the same time in bed with one of them parroting every song they sing. The people of Guyana have become totally disgusted with the opposition. The AFC has been a disappointment and will affect the prospects of future third parties from establishing themselves.

I am always astounded how you folks write off black people. It is their country too and they are worthy as any in the land to govern the society. I cannot see them doing worse than those in office who treat the state as a milk cow.


Why would the people be disgusted with the opposition when it is the PPP robbing them blind?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP have always held the view that the PNC dictatorship was not entirely Black. It was an alliance of wealthy Indians and the black elite.  Ramphal and Luckhoo were Indians.  Rodney and Luncheon who both fought the Burnham dictatorhsip were blacks.

Lie to yourself...the PNC/A{PNU are mere acronyms for black people when  used here

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is busily committing suicide by working along with APNU in parliament against the interests of the nation. They will pay a heavy price at the polls. This third force cannot go far since they have not demonstrated an iota of independence as promised during the last election campaign. You cannot claim to be different from the two traditional parties and at the same time in bed with one of them parroting every song they sing. The people of Guyana have become totally disgusted with the opposition. The AFC has been a disappointment and will affect the prospects of future third parties from establishing themselves.


All them children in Guyana killing out themselves.  PPP pressure.


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