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The cash-strapped Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuco) may be unable to pay wages and salaries very soon if the Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) does not transfer or lend GUY$3 billion to the Housing Ministry to buy land from the state-owned sugar producer.

A source close to the GGMC’s Board told Demerara Waves Online News that the decision-making body of that semi-autonomous regulatory agency was awaiting legal opinions on whether to loan the ministry the money to purchase the land. A decisio by the board could be forthcoming before weekend.

Sources told Demerara Waves Online News that if the cash is not approved, GuySuco would be in even more dire financial straits to pay some wages and salaries in the near future.

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Originally Posted by Nehru:

PPP killing it with incompetence, Raj Singh, Bharat Jogdeo know nothing about the sugar Industry plus the Chinese gave dem LAAR fuh wan Sugar Factory!!!

They need to pay workers before elections.  I am curious to see what slight of hand trick they will employ to get the money....Where did our reserves go by the way?


Well look at whom they have as estate manager - a drunkard, who pisses in the open public road and was charged for "riotous behavior."


And to think that the govt transferred the Police Officer who charged him.


So what kind of PPP morality is this?  That's the old PNC playbook.


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