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s this the Minister who helped the police & DPP to place Trumped up charges on the NBS CEO & 2 Non Muslim Managers???? [In addition to what has already been stated in this previous post of Mar 7]
More shocking revelations to follow soon!!

Dr Ashni Singh is the Minister of Finance under whose jurisdiction are all Financial Institutions including the New Building Society Ltd [NBS). On June 1st 2007, the NBS Chairman Moen Mc Doom & VC Nanda Gopaul helped the DPP Shalimar Hack to place trumped up charges on the CEO & 2 Managers ( while protecting Dep CEO Nizam Mohamed & others involved in the NBS scam), despite the fact that they were ALL aware including the President of Guyana that the 3 Top Officers were innocent! On June 4th, the letter below (under comments) was delivered by hand to Dr Ashni Singh by 2 of Arjoon;s children, and before collecting it Dr Singh told them - quote:
7, the NBS Chairman Moen Mc Doom & VC Nanda Gopaul helped the DPP Shalimar Hack to place trumped up charges on the CEO & 2 Managers ( while protecting Dep CEO Nizam Mohamed & others involved in the NBS scam), despite the fact that they were ALL aware including the President of Guyana that the 3 Top Officers were innocent!
On June 4th, the letter below (under comments) was delivered by hand to Dr Ashni Singh by 2 of Arjoon;s children, and before collecting it Dr Singh told them - quote: " let me assure you that I know your father is absolutely innocent!"
The letter included a statement (2nd comment below), with information/facts that could have PROVEN that the 3 Top Officers were wrongfully charged (the video below of Sep 8,2007 NBS meeting ALSO confirms that NBS member Ramon Gaskin took proof of the 3 officers innocence but Mc Doom & Gopaul did NOT allow that to be provided to the members)
Weeks later, a team of Bank of Guyana (BOG) officers conducted an investigation and one of the BOG officers later confided that the BOG report confirmed the innocence of the CEO and 2 Managers, and, while the CIOG involvement was evident that was not included in the report (for fear of retaliation) but Dr Singh and the Governor of the BOG were apprised of this fact. Other sources from the BOG later revealed that they were told to “duck” the report 
To date Dr Singh has NOT replied to the letter, but since then Dr Singh with other Govt Officials would be seen yearly accompanying the President. to NBS Xmas Staff Parties!! 
The CEO himself subsequently spoke to Dr Singh's whose response was that he was surprised about the non receipt of pension and benefits but said to Arjoon: "at least you can hold your head high". 
Oh yes, this the Hon? Dr Ashni Singh's response, AND, despite the fact that Dr Singh was/is AWARE that the criminal matter was stretched out in court for a long 4 1/2 yrs without any evidence of any wrongdoings; that the 3 Officers were ILLEGALY dismissed, and, statutory payments/pension due has been ILLEGALLY witheld and continues after almost 7 years! 
[It was also later revealed that a copy of the letter was given to President Jagdeo who called the NBS Board to a meeting at Office of the President and told them to fire the CEO & 2 Managers although ILLEGAL! 
Of course ALL of the above and ALL the posts on this wall can be PROVEN in an Independent Investigation!

You've got to love Ashni Singh's response


The CEO himself subsequently spoke to Dr Singh's whose response was that he was surprised about the non receipt of pension and benefits but said to Arjoon: "at least you can hold your head high". 


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