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Bandwagon Effect: Manipulator comforts the victim into submission by claiming (whether true or false) that many people already have done something, and the victim should as well. These include phrases such as "Many people like you..." or "Everyone does this anyways." Steven Dubner shared an example of bandwagon his Freakonimics podcast titled: The Maddest Men of All.




Originally Posted by Nehru:

Finally, Everyone is seeinf the LIGHT at the end of the Tunnel.. five more years of progress and prosperity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The PPP failed on every metric to date despite the magnanimity of international lending institutions. Sugar is dead, rice on its way out, gold production unsustainable and we have only so much land to give away to coneys. Now they will start cannibalizing themselves. They have to go let their internal carnage happen in their own private lives. The state is tired of these thieves.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Finally, Everyone is seeinf the LIGHT at the end of the Tunnel.. five more years of progress and prosperity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The PPP failed on every metric to date despite the magnanimity of international lending institutions. Sugar is dead, rice on its way out, gold production unsustainable and we have only so much land to give away to coneys. Now they will start cannibalizing themselves. They have to go let their internal carnage happen in their own private lives. The state is tired of these thieves.

I would not even answer that.  But a caution, get the FACTS before you put words on the WWW.:)):

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Finally, Everyone is seeinf the LIGHT at the end of the Tunnel.. five more years of progress and prosperity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The PPP failed on every metric to date despite the magnanimity of international lending institutions. Sugar is dead, rice on its way out, gold production unsustainable and we have only so much land to give away to coneys. Now they will start cannibalizing themselves. They have to go let their internal carnage happen in their own private lives. The state is tired of these thieves.

I would not even answer that.  But a caution, get the FACTS before you put words on the WWW.:)):

You can walk into the facts and you won't acknowledge them because you are too dam bull headed and kinda stupid.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Finally, Everyone is seeinf the LIGHT at the end of the Tunnel.. five more years of progress and prosperity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The PPP cannot be replaced, the PNC cannot be allowed to return the society to the past.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Finally, Everyone is seeinf the LIGHT at the end of the Tunnel.. five more years of progress and prosperity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The PPP failed on every metric to date despite the magnanimity of international lending institutions. Sugar is dead, rice on its way out, gold production unsustainable and we have only so much land to give away to coneys. Now they will start cannibalizing themselves. They have to go let their internal carnage happen in their own private lives. The state is tired of these thieves.

The PPP have succeeded where the PNC never dreamed.  The PPP will come in at 54%.


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