The use of the race factor
Dear Editor,
It was with much surprise that I found a piece in the national rag sheet, the “Chronicle of Lies” written by the Operations Manager of GUYOIL, Mr Reggie Bhagwandin. What is Reggie’s core contention?
According to Reggie, “Most of the prominent members of the PNC were former Ministers… during the Burnham regime.” So Reggie believed that once the PNC leaders are in the “driving seat, there is no guarantee that they will act democratically.”
Upon reflection on these two statements from Reggie, I call to mind a statement from the Leader of the AFC, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, who made it very clear that there is a “fail safe mechanism” in the Cummingsburg Accord, if such an eventuality does occur. But Reggie refuses to listen to the voice of reason from the custodian of principled politics. Instead he chose to spread subtle messages of racial fear.
But let us fact-check this message of racial fear from Reggie. There was no member of the APNU leadership in the game today who was a Minister of the PNC Government when Walter Rodney died. But let me bolt on Carl Greenidge to humor Reggie and his racist agenda.
The evidence will show that Carl was always more inclined to the technical side like his brother Winston Sirpaul Murray. They were the moderate voices in the PNC. They were certainly not political thugs and had no association with the House of Israel.
Reggie will do well to advise himself as to who placed the House of Israel on the highest pedestal in 2011 by making one of them into a PPP Member of Parliament. Then Reggie should advise himself as to who was the person who led the protestors to throw stones at the leading PPP Hindu leader because of his race at a PPP public meeting in 1992.
That person sat in the 10th Parliament as a PPP Member of Parliament. Then Reggie should remind himself of the former PNC youth thug who is today a PPP Minister and whose live-in lover for years was a convicted drug dealer.
So when Reggie wants to highlight the thugs and the crooks from the PNC years, we can highlight them, but they all live in Freedom House today. It was the PPP who placed these thugs and thieves on the highest pedestal of power quite opportunistically after 2001.
The choices are clear for many – five more years of PPP theft, thuggery and terror or let us trust Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan and try something different and work for a different outcome. This has nothing to do with race Reggie, this has everything to do with reason.
Name withheld