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Sometimes, a topic takes a sudden tangent in an off-topic direction.


Simply go to the topic reply that’s off-topic, and click the “Fork Topic” icon fork-topic-18px that appears along the bottom of each reply.


When you click the icon, a popup will appear, allowing you to give the new topic a subject, and assign it to the appropriate forum.


As soon as you click “Fork Post Now,” that particular reply will become a new topic of its own.


In the original topic, the reply will remain, with a link, and a note that it was forked to its own topic.

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Originally Posted by Amral:

Sometimes, a topic takes a sudden tangent in an off-topic direction.


Simply go to the topic reply that’s off-topic, and click the “Fork Topic” icon fork-topic-18px that appears along the bottom of each reply.


When you click the icon, a popup will appear, allowing you to give the new topic a subject, and assign it to the appropriate forum.


As soon as you click “Fork Post Now,” that particular reply will become a new topic of its own.


In the original topic, the reply will remain, with a link, and a note that it was forked to its own topic.

Amral, this forum is a tap root system. All threads feed to the central theme like the roots of a carrot. Forking creates a fibrous root structure and every idiot will be given rights to derail threads ( because it can be forked) more than they do or create in profusion nonsense thread about their grandmother's  bunion or their pickney decidious teeth. This is a Guyanese discussion forum....a tap root system with guyana being the focus.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Amral, this forum is a tap root system. All threads feed to the central theme like the roots of a carrot. Forking creates a fibrous root structure and every idiot will be given rights to derail threads ( because it can be forked) more than they do or create in profusion nonsense thread about their grandmother's  bunion or their pickney decidious teeth. This is a Guyanese discussion forum....a tap root system with guyana being the focus.

I thought of this also, might not be a good idea.

Threads go off track when, instead of a poster adding something to the discussion, they instead throw in the same stupid words they may picked up recently and use it in every post of theirs, thereby causing others to jab back.

Everyone of us here does it sometime or the other but there are some who do it quite regularly and add absolutely zilch to the discussion.

I say we take 'em out back, remove our jackets, shirts, or just roll up our sleeves.....

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Amral:

Sometimes, a topic takes a sudden tangent in an off-topic direction.


Simply go to the topic reply that’s off-topic, and click the “Fork Topic” icon fork-topic-18px that appears along the bottom of each reply.


When you click the icon, a popup will appear, allowing you to give the new topic a subject, and assign it to the appropriate forum.


As soon as you click “Fork Post Now,” that particular reply will become a new topic of its own.


In the original topic, the reply will remain, with a link, and a note that it was forked to its own topic.

Amral, this forum is a tap root system. All threads feed to the central theme like the roots of a carrot. Forking creates a fibrous root structure and every idiot will be given rights to derail threads ( because it can be forked) more than they do or create in profusion nonsense thread about their grandmother's  bunion or their pickney decidious teeth. This is a Guyanese discussion forum....a tap root system with guyana being the focus.

Too much vegetable tarass.....very agrarian....

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Amral:

Sometimes, a topic takes a sudden tangent in an off-topic direction.


Simply go to the topic reply that’s off-topic, and click the “Fork Topic” icon fork-topic-18px that appears along the bottom of each reply.


When you click the icon, a popup will appear, allowing you to give the new topic a subject, and assign it to the appropriate forum.


As soon as you click “Fork Post Now,” that particular reply will become a new topic of its own.


In the original topic, the reply will remain, with a link, and a note that it was forked to its own topic.

Amral, this forum is a tap root system. All threads feed to the central theme like the roots of a carrot. Forking creates a fibrous root structure and every idiot will be given rights to derail threads ( because it can be forked) more than they do or create in profusion nonsense thread about their grandmother's  bunion or their pickney decidious teeth. This is a Guyanese discussion forum....a tap root system with guyana being the focus.

Too much vegetable tarass.....very agrarian....

as you  may know there is no such thing as a vegetable...scientifically speaking.What we call vegetables are either a fruit, a leaf or a root. But we just like to make shit you. And then you had to go into farming...had one too much brew than normal or the wife giving you a headache or having too many headaches these days?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:


who de rass you sayin tanx to?...hope not Kari or boof!!! one fat cuff pon u nose  tarass when u not lookin!!!

Like Nehru stole yuh handle

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:


who de rass you sayin tanx to?...hope not Kari or boof!!! one fat cuff pon u nose  tarass when u not lookin!!!

Like Nehru stole yuh handle

I am one of many dragons......we are eternal and legion....we are corporate and never was one.


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