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The American minority has elected a DUNCE to be President. This FOOL signed Laws without knowing the consequences of the Laws. I did not cross the bloody Rio Grande to be ruled by a JACKASS. They have a BIG one already in Guyana and has a few for 28 long years.

America has been reduced to a Third World Backward Country in 8 days. Now the rednecks hopefully will miss Obama!!

Talk about ignorance and Stupidity. The only bright side for Trump is the world has GADAHA Granger who is 1000 times worst!!!!!!!

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Hopefully Middle America will feel the pain of their prejudice. If they thought they were suffering before, wait until they come to realize that they too will be told that some help or service is also not available to them. Somehow, they are of the misguided notion that the government will say that help and services not available to non-Whites will be available to whites. And to add insult to stupidity, they chose the person most identified as all for himself than anyone else who has ever vied for that job. That is mighty stupid. No surprise that the Prince and all his other GNI aliases support Trump.


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