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Former Member

Returning from a Caricom mission of Prime Ministers held to broker an end to our elections’ impasse, T&T PM Keith Rowley candidly predicted that things “will not end well”. The APNU/AFC coalition insist they won the elections, even though local and international observers and the diplomatic community asserted the process had been subverted to favour them.
Even a casual perusal of our recent elections’ history would force one to concur with Rowley. Since the elections of 1992, the PNC’s rejection of adverse elections’ results has invariably been followed by violence inflicted on Indian-Guyanese, presumed supporters of the PPP.
In 1992, the US pressured Desmond Hoyte to accept long-denied changes to the elections system to facilitate free and fair elections. The Carter Centre midwifed the changes. Raging mobs of PNC supporters, however, stormed the Elections Centre after it became clear the PPP was winning. Peace was restored only after Carter, who was in the Center, threatened to call the White House. Hoyte backed down and called out the Disciplined Forces to restore order. The Indian-Guyanese Regent St business district, however, was invaded, and a store was torched.
An IFES report explained the PNC’s political strategy: “…as the disturbance at the Commission grew, some members of the PNC saw an opportunity to disrupt the election and shed doubt on the outcome. With the outcome in doubt, it would not make any difference if the final results indicated the PPP/Civic had won the election; the PNC could claim the results should not be declared official because it would have been impossible to certify the official returns.”
In Dec 1997, the PNC once again lost the elections, and claimed they were cheated. They launched violent street protests, and insisted Janet Jagan was illegally sworn in. When Justice Bernard ruled against them, massive riots broke out in the city, and hundreds of Indians were beaten in Georgetown. Caricom was invited in, an Accord was brokered, the PPP gave up 2 years of its term, and agreed to constitutional changes to give more power to the PNC in Parliament. All of this was in the face of a “forensic audit” conducted by Caricom, which showed the election results were valid.
The post-1997 violence merged into a heightened wave of criminal attacks and robberies committed mainly against Indian businesses. Sustained violence continued up to the 2001 elections, in which the PNC again claimed they were cheated. This violence escalated exponentially after 5 criminals escaped from the Camp St Prison on Republic Day, 2002. They ended up in Buxton, from where they launched a direct attack on the state and putative PPP supporters in surrounding communities, after declaring themselves “African Freedom Fighters”. Hoyte was to enter Buxton and declare there were no criminals there.
Robert Corbin became PNC leader after Hoyte’s death in late 2002; but after the Buxton gunmen kidnapped the US Regional Security Officer, the US became directly involved. Eusi Kwayana claims they concluded, “that the violence was directly related to the PNC’s defeat at the March 19, 2001 elections, which it felt it would win…(and) involved people in the PNC.” It is felt that the US then made two interventions: they brought pressure to bear on Robert Corbin to cut PNC ties with the bandits; and secondly, assisted Raphael Trotman and Khemraj Ramjattan to launch the AFC.
In the 2006 elections, the PNC, with Robert Corbin as leader, again lost to the PPP, but did not dispute the verdict. Their votes were severely decimated by the Trotman-led AFC, which attracted a solid number of their traditional middle-class voters. Corbin was accused of “selling out” to the PPP, but there was no post-elections violence.
In the 2011 elections, with Ramjattan at the head of the AFC and Corbin having stepped aside for David Granger, the AFC now drew most of its support from erstwhile PPP Indian-Guyanese supporters, and reduced the PPP to a plurality. The PPP captured the Presidency, but was a minority in the National Assembly. The PNC did not complain about being cheated, and there was no violence.
In 2015, the PNC-as-APNU went into a pre-election coalition with the AFC, and won the elections. There were no complaints, and no political violence.
In 2020, the PNC-as-APNU have again complained about the electoral process, and if they were to lose the elections, it is not difficult to conclude, as did Rowley, that “this will not end well”.
It is the IFES strategy – unless the US were to pressure Granger to back off.

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Ideal opportunity for USA to meddle once more in Guyana's affairs and install an Inclusive government. They have done it in Afghanistan and Iraq, it din turn out too good though, But that was bcz, dey included the bad ppl in the new government. We Guyanese outside of the PPP, PNC, AFC, Nagamootto and Ramjattan are intelligent ppl, hignly. We everywhere in in the world organizations. Surely, we have the smarts to have a progressve government. All current politociansa are not invited in the new government.

About two weeks ago Freddy put up his email address and I sent him an email telling him just as Rowley, "this ain goan end good." My comments to him, he has the ears of KN, he should start writing about the good points of an INCLUSIVE GOVERNMENT. I could collaborate with him. Still waiting-Guyana has lots of commentators but no concerted efforts towards a clear focus.

Last edited by Django

Mr Ravi Dave was right foh put out FEDERAL. Only federal inclusive. PNC want everything and yuh cyan only hold dem accountable wid federal. Mr Ravi Dave who Irfaan Ally cuss up in front Mr Ravi house is wan great man. Mr Irfaan accomplish in life was to cuss down Mr Ravi wife and tek brive and mek wan big pool house 2 year after he get minista wuk and get de Nigeria man foh help wid de UWI dacta. Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey...hey hey hey.

@Django posted:

Seignet ,

Guyana need a  set of commentators who are in the middle. Freddie writes to suit his paymaster.

Oh rass now Freddy writes for to suit paymaster - so in 2015 election he was on APNU/AFC to be some strong shit them collation feed you to to stoop this low to defend their rigging...

@sachin_05 posted:

Oh rass now Freddy writes for to suit paymaster - so in 2015 election he was on APNU/AFC to be some strong shit them collation feed you to to stoop this low to defend their rigging...

Hey hey hey...bai yu doan know. Django gat wan point. 

@sachin_05 posted:

Oh rass now Freddy writes for to suit paymaster - so in 2015 election he was on APNU/AFC to be some strong shit them collation feed you to to stoop this low to defend their rigging...

When yuh gatt no shame, yuh gatt no shame!


If anyone still doubts the connection between the PNC, disciplined forces and the Buxton terrorists, yuh probably brain dead. 

The PPP always ready to appease and always get screwed.  I don’t get their thinking, but let’s see!

Last edited by Former Member
@sachin_05 posted:

Oh rass now Freddy writes for to suit paymaster - so in 2015 election he was on APNU/AFC to be some strong shit them collation feed you to to stoop this low to defend their rigging...

Don't know where that pulled from. There are no doubts what i said about Freddie, anyway i know him long ago ,never impressed with many of his writings. You have to have a special mindset  to change positions.

Some of the Politicians playing a dangerous power grabbing game in Guyana, the losers will be the people.None will be in the front line when the civil war starts. Reflect on the recent disturbances just after the elections.

@Django posted:

Some of the Politicians playing a dangerous power grabbing game in Guyana, the losers will be the people.None will be in the front line when the civil war starts. Reflect on the recent disturbances just after the elections.

You got that right. Some politicians playing a dangerous game of power grab after losing a free and fair election.

The recent disturbances are PNC hooligans as usual.  They will be dealt with.  And so will the coup plotters and their supporters. 

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

You got that right. Some politicians playing a dangerous game of power grab after losing a free and fair election.

The recent disturbances are PNC hooligans as usual.

 They will be dealt with.  And so will the coup plotters and their supporters.

There you go with misinformation.

Yep they will be dealt with from your arm chair in the US.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

There you go with misinformation.

Yep they will be dealt with from your arm chair in the US.

They will be. And ayuh guh run to Charles Rangel. 

You sitting from your armchair and promoting dictatorship for others to live under!

@cain posted:

Aright, Right, Aright, so who tiefin votes today?

No tiefin tuday. Tuday is Sunday and dem peeple bin ah church early mannin. Gaad guh vex wid dem if dem tief on he day. Leh abbie wait and see who ah hide dem sins behind gaad on in de bible.

@Former Member posted:

They will be. And ayuh guh run to Charles Rangel. 

You sitting from your armchair and promoting dictatorship for others to live under!

Seems like America's bark is worse than it's bite. Where are your American's to observe the recount? 


Thus election will be like a never done sweetie. It will go on and on for the next five years. 

From what I can determine (my own thoughts) 

 1. The coalition knew by the morning of the March 3 that they lost the elections.

2. They resolved to stay in power regardless of the results so sought ways to achieve that objective 

3: The so-called split in the ranks of the PNC is questionable. What is beyond dispute is that both factions if they exist are united in wanting to stay in power and will do whatever they have to do to achieve this.

4. The first attempt was to have Mingo declare false count, have granger sworn in and then force the ppp to go to court - another five years. This failed because the PPP went to court before the declaration by GECOM commissioners and the Court upheld the PPP complaint.

5. it was decided to hold the recount of all regions to honour the commitment that Singh was forced to make to the CJ. However, in preparing for it, they decided to have the observations as part of the process. This will allow them to make many unsupported and spurious claims and statements. This will give GECOM enough ammunition to declare that the election was not credible so no declaration of a winner. In the absences of this, they will go to court to seek a declaration that there was enough evidence to have new elections. This will give Granger the reins again and  force the country into unchartered territority, forcing the ppp to go to court again. Anther five years. 

Look closely at it. The strategy is being played out in front of all our eyes and some here are part of propagating thing  that will lead to a successful stratetegy.

@Rochelle posted:

This will likely end in declaring a new election date and revamping the entire voters list.

The results of these elections will not bring about peace or unity. Scrap it and restart.

Let the games begin.


Image may contain: 1 person, standing

Director of the Office of Caribbean Affairs at the State Department, KATHERINE DUEHOLM TO THE PNC RIGGERS!

Note that on March 2, they were pleased with the process. This position was taken after firsthand information from their own officials on the ground. As such, when the results tabulation went haywire, Dueholm said they knew because of “clear observations” and not from any entity or reports of the process. The US has independently identified a situation where Guyana had diverged from its established method

.She added, “With respect to the tabulation where things started to unravel, we based on the very clear observations of >>our own Ambassador in the country who saw with her own eyes<<<, the departure from Guyana’s own established processes. So this is not a US attempt to impose our electoral process. It is not listening to reports of tabulations coming from another quarter. It is our diplomats on the ground…seeing these sorts of things and knowing the requirements for polling and tabulation.”

@Rochelle posted:

This will likely end in declaring a new election date and revamping the entire voters list.

The results of these elections will not bring about peace or unity. Scrap it and restart.

The compromise is the PNC respect the outcome and vacate office. Let their be a new election in three years after an orderly revamping of the list. Furthermore, implement technology to ensure identity of voters are well documented so one can easily verify afterwards.  However, you cannot carry on as though March 2 never occurred.

@Rochelle posted:

This will likely end in declaring a new election date and revamping the entire voters list.

The results of these elections will not bring about peace or unity. Scrap it and restart.

The reality is that the government will never accept defeat at the polls. What we have here is analogous to someone saying that if I lose the game but if you can prove I lost, they let us replay. They  are going to throw GECOM under the bus to  achieve their aim. 


@@Dave. The reason for the  inclusion of observations report and for it to be broadcast is to try to sell the “need” for a new election and to mitigate the effect on the foreign observers and governments. That is why the government reps at the counting stations have been raising  all of those unfounded objections, why we have operation Eagle Eye. This was the reason that they did not throw out Mingo’s declaration and Lowenfield ‘s conclusions, why they refused to say that the winner in the recount  will automatically be declared to be the winner of the elections.


The PNC should not be given anything on their terms. They seem to use force to get their way. They have already used their bully tactics to cut short a couple of PPP terms and lengthen theirs. Time to put a stop to this eye pass. When will this shit stop???


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