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Lowenfield, govt-appointed commissioners absent from key GECOM meeting

This story is developing and will be updated.

Despite a second instruction to him by the GECOM Chair to present a report at 11 am today on the recount results, embattled Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield has not delivered.


Furthermore, government-appointed commissioners have not showed up meaning that there is no quorum for a GECOM meeting to be held. Their absence from a meeting for the certification of results will require another meeting to be called tomorrow at which the quorum would constitute the Chair, Claudette Singh and three commissioners.



The Chair and the three commissioners who attended have the support of the U.N and International community. They should declare as the UN Secretary General instructed.

Screw the racist and illegal PNC cabal !

A world coalition now backs the chair and PPP. Just declare and get it over with on Monday.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I think she is scared for her life. I believe she is concerned about her safety. Lucifer Granger or James Bond threatened her.

She just has to consult the U.S ambassador. The ambassador is an ex military personnel. GDF's 3000 soldier are no match for the U.S marines. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Yes, Ralph wrote a nice legal piece on this.

I predict that Lowenfield will once again produce an illegal result. This will end with an international military intervention to restore democracy if the PNC and Lowenfield keep playing games.

They are all dumb goats. Starting lunatic Lucifer and stretching to Basil and the rest of the bullies. Why do you think when we attended primary schools there were so many bullies? The bullies were just dumb as a rock, they always failed in class.


Bai, this is the true nature of the PNC.

The only language that they understand is force. A international military coalition force should wipe these PNC scums off the face of the earth. UN Secretary General has sounded a warning bell but Basil Jackass Williams and Lucifer Granger are so dumb that they don't comprehend.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Why are you so anti American ? Shameless, PNC supporters can now seek mental assistance from Tola. 

I'm not anti-American.  I am just pointing out to you that Americans are dying everyday because of the weak response by their government to the pandemic.  The armed forces could help in a more aggressive response.  They have the resources.  


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