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Hughes’ ‘I’m not calling for peace’ call draws fire

A leading political observer on Saturday called on Guyanese to take note of what was described as a threat for widespread violence issued by Alliance For Change (AFC) Chairman Nigel Hughes on Friday.

Hughes told a few dozens persons at a meeting that his party is prepared to support any action, regardless of its consequences to ensure there is social justice.

“I’m not calling for peace ….I’m calling for us to be calm, considerate and calculating. It was Peter Tosh that said everyone cries out for peace but no one cries out for equal rights and justice. All I want is equal rights and justice. I don’t care how we get it but we must get it,” Hughes said.

The observer in an invited comment said such utterances must not be taken lightly by right-minded Guyanese.

The political observer called such statements are akin to a “threat to public safety and is a direct call for widespread violence”.

“This shows the true color of Nigel Hughes, his intentions to create panic and chaos in this country and this is exactly what we keep saying, these people are bent on violence and he (Hughes) the new found AFC chairman, seem to be the leader of the pact, so I am urging my brothers and sisters to not to take lightly this comment, I hope should anything go wrong, Mr Hughes will remember his words and take the blame” the observer said.

Meanwhile, the government had since laid the blame of the Agricola violence last Thursday squarely at the feet of Hughes, who last Monday gave President Donald Ramotar and ultimatum to fire minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee or face the consequences. But AFC fired back and blamed Dr Roger Luncheon’s defense of Minister Rohee as the reason.

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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Plain and simple Nigel is a TERRORIST and MUST be referred to the US State Deptt.

aaaahm . . . it must have occurred to you that it is ONLY prominent PPP members & associates who are being BANNED from traveling to the USA.


and i need not remind U of those resident here who are serving looong sentences in jail.


want me to give you some names . . . mr comedian?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Plain and simple Nigel is a TERRORIST and MUST be referred to the US State Deptt.

aaaahm . . . it must have occurred to you that it is ONLY prominent PPP members & associates who are being BANNED from traveling to the USA.


and i need not remind U of those resident here who are serving looong sentences in jail.


want me to give you some names . . . mr comedian?

AS you notrd the FBI is taking notes. Be careful TERRORIST.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Plain and simple Nigel is a TERRORIST and MUST be referred to the US State Deptt.

aaaahm . . . it must have occurred to you that it is ONLY prominent PPP members & associates who are being BANNED from traveling to the USA.


and i need not remind U of those resident here who are serving looong sentences in jail.


want me to give you some names . . . mr comedian?

AS you notrd the FBI is taking notes. Be careful TERRORIST.

de FACTS bai, stubborn things . . . Raja, GajeeRohee, Gerry Gouveia, Ed, Kwame . . .


I see why U don't want to deal . . . heh heh heh

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Where is the DAAG Ramjattan? Is he NOT the Leader of the Party or just a Token PUPPET???


Ramjattan, Moses and young Gerhard will be taken for a ride by Nigel. He will use them and kick them to the curb after he has finished using them as political tools to fulfill his selfish political ambition.


Nigel is a future Burnham in the making. A terrorist indeed who is bent on destroying Guyana for his selfish political gain and returning Guyana to the dictatorship days of the PNC.


Indo Guyanese must be very alert before they eat grass again under another dictator. The AFC is hell bent on helping this terrorist.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Where is the DAAG Ramjattan? Is he NOT the Leader of the Party or just a Token PUPPET???


Ramjattan, Moses and young Gerhard will be taken for a ride by Nigel. He will use them and kick them to the curb after he has finished using them as political tools to fulfill his selfish political ambition.


Nigel is a future Burnham in the making. A terrorist indeed who is bent on destroying Guyana for his selfish political gain and returning Guyana to the dictatorship days of the PNC.


Indo Guyanese must be very alert before they eat grass again under another dictator. The AFC is hell bent on helping this terrorist.

yaaawn . . . so infantile . . . so programmed . . . so predictable

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Where is the DAAG Ramjattan? Is he NOT the Leader of the Party or just a Token PUPPET???


Ramjattan, Moses and young Gerhard will be taken for a ride by Nigel. He will use them and kick them to the curb after he has finished using them as political tools to fulfill his selfish political ambition.


Nigel is a future Burnham in the making. A terrorist indeed who is bent on destroying Guyana for his selfish political gain and returning Guyana to the dictatorship days of the PNC.


Indo Guyanese must be very alert before they eat grass again under another dictator. The AFC is hell bent on helping this terrorist.


I have always said the AFC was an arm of the PNC. When they were going to officially collate with the PNC, certain top ranking Indo supporters raised objection, and the secret talks with the PNC at Pegasus fell apart.

However, it is only a matter of time. I just wonder what the peace loving ones in the AFC will do.

Originally Posted by TI:

I have always said the AFC was an arm of the PNC. When they were going to officially collate with the PNC, certain top ranking Indo supporters raised objection, and the secret talks with the PNC at Pegasus fell apart.

However, it is only a matter of time. I just wonder what the peace loving ones in the AFC will do.

TI, You see who is the front man for the KFC? Not the Dunce Leader Ramjhaaatan but the Terrorist Nigel. These people think we are Stupid. I have never come across a bunch moreSHAMELESS .

Originally Posted by TI:

Where is Moses?

Gathering the lost Indo AFC supporters and leading them away from Pharoh nigel?

I ndont even discuss that DAAG anymore. Like I said before, Burnham was RIGHT to whip his ASS and put him in Jail. He is a DISGRACE to the Ancient County!!!


It was only a matter of time before the AFC self destruct. Nigel is the new boss and will expedite the marriage with the AFC and PNC. AFC is the new violent arm for the PNC.


Disturbing times ahead in Guyana. The president must take a stand and arrest these terrorist elements.


The AFC starts disturbances and then duck for cover. 

Originally Posted by cain:

You wimpy people love to talk shit constantly eh?

Take a close look at the terrorists in the videos. I guess you are quick on your feet in defending terrorism in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Plain and simple Nigel is a TERRORIST and MUST be referred to the US State Deptt.

 Dude, they know Jagdeo received 29 containers of products from a now admitted felon. They know half of those regent street business men, bar and hotel owners and eco tourist operators, air services and lumber men are drug runners and many are close associates to the PPP. I am sure they have more that affects them than Hughes who is struggling as he sees fit against these very people who he believes is holding his people hostage.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Plain and simple Nigel is a TERRORIST and MUST be referred to the US State Deptt.

Why would the US State dept be concerned with Nigel Hughes if he has done nothing to harm the interest of the US? Are you that stupid? I take that back because you actually are that stupid. Just like to babble. Tell the people at OP that they need someone brighter than a half watt bulb to represent them on these blogsites.


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