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Mae’s Secondary School in jeopardy as owner locked in legal battle with Nigel Hughes

Mae’s Secondary School in jeopardy as owner locked in legal battle with Nigel Hughes

Attorney - at - Law, Nigel Hughes

Attorney – at – Law, Nigel Hughes

[] – Approximately 300 students preparing for CSEC exams at the Mae’s Secondary School might be affected, as the land on which the building was constructed is subject of a bitter dispute between the owner of the school, Mayfield French and Attorney – at- Law Nigel Hughes, who is also the Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC).

Court documents obtained by iNews reveal that the French sued Hughes on January 17, 2014 in relation to the property located at Lot 29 Subryanville, Kitty, Georgetown, upon which part of the school has been built.

In the court papers, French is contending that since February 24, 2006, she purchased the said property from Nigel Hughes for the sum of $20M.

She paid $8M as a deposit and went in possession; transport was supposed to be passed within 8 months and a mortgage on the said property was supposed to be paid off before the passing of the said transport. However, Hughes never passed transport to her.

The portion which was bought from Hughes houses classrooms of Mae’s Secondary School, the canteen and the auditorium offices, washroom and other administrative and learning spaces.

It was noted that before the sale to French, Hughes had mortgaged the very property to Hand-in-Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company. French claimed that it was only in December 2013 that she first learnt that Hughes never paid off the loan.

Documents indicate that Hughes’ indebtedness to the company stands at over $26M. The property was levied upon in December, 2013, by the Marshal of the Supreme Court and purportedly sold at an auction.

According to French, Hughes never disclosed that he did not pay off the loan; that he was sued as a result, and that a foreclosure order was obtained against the property. French claimed as a result she now faces ruin.

The Court documents indicate that, “There are three hundred (300) secondary students in occupation of the building, all students of forms 1-5, fifty-nine of which are preparing for their CSEC examination in April and May. These students would face irreparable damage if evicted from their school.”

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

One tends to wonder, if those allegations weren't true, Nigel Hughes would have already made it public. Would be resign again from the AFC, only to be asked to return?.

You shut the ...up  since you have no grounds to crow. The The PPP are robbing us blind yet you are here as their water boy daily pointing fingers at other. He should resign if there is any inkling it is true. However, like the NJ governor, he gets a pass until such evidence affords itself.


When he was exposed with the hydro deal, the AFC refused to accept his resignation. It wouldn't come as no surprise if the allegations are indeed true and he offered his resignation AGAIN and the AFC refuses to accept it.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

When he was exposed with the hydro deal, the AFC refused to accept his resignation. It wouldn't come as no surprise if the allegations are indeed true and he offered his resignation AGAIN and the AFC refuses to accept it.

There was nothing wrong with him being involved with that deal unless he was influencing his party to vote for it. The PPP has no moral ground to stand on since their party members work for various and sundry foreign entities. The President was on OMAI board! Why not legislate a firewall to prevent the opportunity for a quid pro quo with their office? Again, this is at the PPP's door.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

When he was exposed with the hydro deal, the AFC refused to accept his resignation. It wouldn't come as no surprise if the allegations are indeed true and he offered his resignation AGAIN and the AFC refuses to accept it.

as the man say shut the f-uck up if you do not know the difference between these two incidents.if he is guilty of wrong doing in this property deal he should resign not only from the AFC BUT FROM POLITICS   


Its amazing to see how the AFC goons are swift to defend Mr.Hughes, their propagandists are at full throttle already attempting to do damage control, but the Guyanese populace aren't fools.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its amazing to see how the AFC goons are swift to defend Mr.Hughes, their propagandists are at full throttle already attempting to do damage control, but the Guyanese populace aren't fools.

you my friend should get out of the bottom house mentality 


Documents indicate that Hughes’ indebtedness to the company stands at over $26M. The property was levied upon in December, 2013, by the Marshal of the Supreme Court and purportedly sold at an auction.

According to French, Hughes never disclosed that he did not pay off the loan; that he was sued as a result, and that a foreclosure order was obtained against the property. French claimed as a result she now faces ruin.

The Court documents indicate that, “There are three hundred (300) secondary students in occupation of the building, all students of forms 1-5, fifty-nine of which are preparing for their CSEC examination in April and May. These students would face irreparable damage if evicted from their school.”


excerpts from inews

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Documents indicate that Hughes’ indebtedness to the company stands at over $26M. The property was levied upon in December, 2013, by the Marshal of the Supreme Court and purportedly sold at an auction.

According to French, Hughes never disclosed that he did not pay off the loan; that he was sued as a result, and that a foreclosure order was obtained against the property. French claimed as a result she now faces ruin.

The Court documents indicate that, “There are three hundred (300) secondary students in occupation of the building, all students of forms 1-5, fifty-nine of which are preparing for their CSEC examination in April and May. These students would face irreparable damage if evicted from their school.”


excerpts from inews

why she did not file a injunction stopping the sale of this property

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Documents indicate that Hughes’ indebtedness to the company stands at over $26M. The property was levied upon in December, 2013, by the Marshal of the Supreme Court and purportedly sold at an auction.

According to French, Hughes never disclosed that he did not pay off the loan; that he was sued as a result, and that a foreclosure order was obtained against the property. French claimed as a result she now faces ruin.

The Court documents indicate that, “There are three hundred (300) secondary students in occupation of the building, all students of forms 1-5, fifty-nine of which are preparing for their CSEC examination in April and May. These students would face irreparable damage if evicted from their school.”


excerpts from inews

Tell  us about how every one of those ministers got their house lots not to mention the money to build those houses at Pradoville II. How much money was spent on infrastructure here? You are singing the mantra of honesty when you are defending  a gang of thieves!


Inews is itself a propaganda agency formalized by misir and Kwame to attack us ( here at GN&I). Its funding is a  misuse of funds.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Stick to the thread Danyeal, don't try to derail the thread away from Nigel Hughes, if those allegations were false, Hughes would have already made it clear.

This thread like all is about crookedness. You cannot come here and pretend to be bearer of horrible news about the opposition when you are an anathema? You exist on the back of misuse of state funds. Inews is a rogue propaganda agency dedicated solely to the PPP political dark arts department. Why should the state pay your salary?

Originally Posted by TI:

Promised messiah!

to whom? the necessity is  not for sacred elders, sainted chiefs, messiahs or wise headmen or women. It is for diligent workers after the peoples business,


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