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Human Services Ministry, Digicel spread Christmas cheer to The Palms residents

Georgetown, GINA, December 20, 2011
Source - GINA

On display are the food baskets presented to the residents of the Palms by Digicel

During the Christmas season many corporate organisations demonstrate their spirit of giving and good will to vulnerable persons. Today, the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security joined by Digicel treated the residents of the Palms to lunch and baskets containing goodies which include cereals, multivitamins and biscuits.

Newly appointed Permanent Secretary, Lurlene Baird recognised that as a good corporate partner Digicel has been collaborating with the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security for a number of years hence today’s event is another heartening gesture by the telephone company.

She expressed appreciation to Digicel on behalf of the Ministry for their efforts and that the Ministry is looking forward to strengthening the relationship between the two organisations.

Some of the residents of the Palms gathered to enjoy the lunch prepared by Digicel

Digicel, Public Relations Officer – Shonette Moore noted this is not the first year Digicel has reached out to the residents of the Palms however, it has become a norm for the organisation to visit the Palms during the Christmas holiday.

She explained that in the spirit of joy, love and good cheer, the organisation has launched the Digicel Christmas Cheer programme which sees the entity visiting several care homes to give back to persons. The Palms is just one of the homes being visited.

The Ministry has committed to making the Palms as homely as possible and this is evident with up-grades being done at the facility.

First Lady, Deolatchmee Ramotar also visited the Palms where she presented gifts and interacted with the residents of the institution.

First Lady, Deolatchmee Ramotar and her daughter spreading good cheer at the Palms

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