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Hundreds flock Housing Department for Independence houselot discount offer

On Monday, Minister responsible for Housing, Valerie Patterson announced that the Department is offering a 50% discount on the balance owed for a house lot once the 50% downpayment would have been paid.

Hundreds flock Housing Department for Independence houselot discount offer

Staff members of the Housing Department may not have been expecting the large number of people who have been converging at the Brickdam office to take advantage of the 50 on 50 Independence land discount offer.

On Monday, Minister responsible for Housing, Valerie Patterson announced that the Department is offering a 50% discount on the balance owed for a house lot once the 50% down payment would have been paid.

That discount results in a 25% discount in the total cost of the land once the payments are completed before the end of May.

Since the announcement, hundreds of house lot applicants have been swarming the Housing Department.

On Wednesday morning, some persons gathered from as early as 5 o’ clock in the morning.

One woman told News Source that she traveled all the way from Golden Grove on the East Coast of Demerara to take advantage of the offer and seek a re-allocation. She explained that she was first allocated a plot of land on the East Bank of Demerara but she prefers land on the East Coast, which would be closer to relatives and her job.

“I don’t even mind if I have to pay something more. I like the idea that you can seek a re-allocation and take advantage of this offer because I still have the balance to pay”, she explained.

Another woman who said she is self-employed and living in the East Ruimveldt area left her rental home early on Wednesday before sunrise to seek her allocation.

She told News Source “I am happy. I went in and explain to them that is me alone but I want something of me own. My application was in there for years.  They gave me piece in Mon Repos for under $100,000. I am not sure exactly where it is but by the grace of God, I will take it and take advantage of it and build my own house and once I finish pay for it before the end of May, I getting the discount. So it will be real affordable for me”.

A young man who works in the public sector said his application was made over five years ago and he  never received an allocation.

He said he was pleased to be allocated a house lot today and make his first payment.

Minister Patterson had indicated that once an application was made for a house lot and persons have their supporting documents and are ready to begin payments that will be completed by the end of May, those persons could visit the office to have their allocation processed.

She made it clear that the special discount offer will not apply to persons who are now making applications for the first time.

During her Monday press conference, she also explained that while there are no house lots currently available in Georgetown, there are hundreds of lots available on the East Coast of Demerara, East Bank of Demerara as well as the West Bank. She said her Department is committed to assisting persons in their efforts to own their own homes.

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Minister Patterson and her Housing team


She said the Ministry of Communities intends to continue the development of housing schemes that will have the availability of water and electricity. Minister Patterson also announced that more low-cost homes will be built to assist persons in need and there is also a plan to develop and build a number of range houses.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

 Why you don't wake up Hoyte and ask him  how he gave away all them land to Puri. Not one cent was paid. The Afros used to laugh when the Indos had squat houses under the PNC, but look what the PPP did to those squatter settlements.

Nehru posted:

Is this in Guyana?? If so, what happened to the other half??????

It is for everyone who qualifies

On Monday, Minister responsible for Housing, Valerie Patterson announced that the Department is offering a50% discount on the balance owed for a house lot once the 50% down payment would have been paid.


randolph posted:

 Why you don't wake up Hoyte and ask him  how he gave away all them land to Puri. Not one cent was paid. The Afros used to laugh when the Indos had squat houses under the PNC, but look what the PPP did to those squatter settlements.

And what exactly has Hoyte got to do with the current housing crisis in Guyana? Wake up and smell the coffee. The PPP hass to take ownership of the failures that it inflicted on the country. It is no use pointing the fingers at the opposition when the PPP had 23 years to justify its case for a crack at being in government.


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