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Hundreds more given a second chance to learn a skill - BIT churns out 884 more trained youths and single parents

Georgetown, GINA, November 9, 2011
Source - GINA

Minister of Labour Manzoor Nadir presents certificate to a Board of Industrial Training (BIT) programme graduate at the National Cultural Centre

As development continues to flourish in Guyana, more attention is being placed on ensuring that the country’s labour force remains strong and efficient to meet the growing demands for skills.

This strategy of the People’s Progressive Party Civic administration has been proving successful as thousands of youths as well as single parents have been benefiting from life skills training under the Board of Industrial Training (BIT) and single parents training through the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security.

Today, the country’s labour force became 884 stronger as another batch of persons, 50 of whom are single parents from Regions 3 and 4 graduated after completing several months of training in various fields such as garment construction, catering, cosmetology, Information Communication Technology (ICT), office procedure, mechanic, auto air conditioning and auto electrical, fuel system diagnostic and heavy-duty machine mechanic and operator.

Graduates at the National Cultural Centre

Minister of Labour, Manzoor Nadir, BIT officials and Region Three and Four Chairmen Julius Faerber and Clement Corlette respectively and other officials at the graduation ceremony at the National Cultural Centre congratulated the batch.

Minister Nadir while delivering the feature address to the graduands encouraged them to continue working toward achieving their goals with the same energy they invested to complete the training.

“You have completed the programmes because you wanted a second chance at life…so the money we invested in paying for your training was money well spent in development of the young minds and future of this country,” Minister Nadir said.

The development of this country, he said came as result of the contributions made by every single Guyanese and “every single one of us who lift our hands to do some work contribute to the future development of this country”.

Project Manager of the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) Sesh Sukhdeo delivering the charge to the graduands at the National Cultural Centre

He said that skills acquired by the graduands will meet the needs of today’s demand and “will even be in greater demand in the future as the country continues to develop to the stage where we all want it”.

The programme, Minister Nadir said which started with a budget of $11M in 2005 has grown over the years to a budget of $145 M in 2011.

“You are going to add to the over 2,000 youths and 400 single parents who have already graduated from the training programmes being offered by the Ministry,” Minister Nadir said.

This year, he said over 2,400 persons would have graduated from the programmes being offered by BIT.

While the Ministry, he said cannot guarantee a job for every single person trained, he urged them to explore their entrepreneurship skills.

Minister Nadir also informed the graduands of other services being offered by the Ministry of Labour, including the Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency (CRMA) that has been providing jobs for thousands of Guyanese.

“So the single parents who completed garment construction can use the skills to sew their children’s clothing and even their neighbours’ clothing,” Minister Nadir said.

Government, he said has also been paying attention to the development of single parents by continuing to provide them with life skills so that they too can have a comfortable life for themselves and children.

He urged them to continue working together for the betterment of their respective communities and their country.

“You can do even better in life as you did with the training programme but you have to be focused in whatever you do….you remain steadfast to your goals and ensure that you are not distracted,” Minister Nadir urged the graduands.

Some of garments that were sewn by the Garment Construction class

Senior Project Manager of the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF), Sesh Sukhdeo who was tasked with delivering the charge told them that the investment by the Government to train thousands of youths and single parents, in return will have a positive impact on the future and present development of Guyana.

“I am positive that Guyana and you will prosper in the future for time and money invested by your Government,” Sukhdeo said.

He urged the graduands to use the skill acquired as the foundation to even greater things to come in their life and “to see use this training to make a livelihood and even future advance yourself in the field of study you have chosen”.

Sukhdeo informed the graduands of the OLPF programme that will see 90,000 families benefiting over a two-year period and urged them to be aware of the technological developments taking place in Guyana and to join in advancing their skills in Information Technology.

“What we have here in Guyana is something very special and dynamic…I think the future is here and what we have to do is to make sure that we nurture and motivate it,” Sukhdeo said.

Also present at the graduation ceremony was Chairman of Private Sector Commission Ramesh Dookhoo.

One of the fundamental principles of the administration is equitable access to education and BIT like several other programmes including the Community Action Component (CAC) of the Citizen Security Programme continues to target young people and single parents in vulnerable communities.

The PPP/C in its 2011 manifesto promised to continue to expand youth empowerment, and technical and vocational training schemes to ensure that every young person is equipped with a skill in an area of their interest and relevant to the needs of the Guyanese economy.

It also promises to strengthen the CRMA’s capabilities with the aim of ensuring more efficient intermediation in the labour market.

The Ministry also recently graduated over 500 youths and single parents in Regions 2, 5 and 6 under the same programme.

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The PPP/C in its 2011 manifesto promised to continue to expand youth empowerment, and technical and vocational training schemes to ensure that every young person is equipped with a skill in an area of their interest and relevant to the needs of the Guyanese economy.


One of the fundamental principles of the administration is equitable access to education and BIT like several other programmes including the Community Action Component (CAC) of the Citizen Security Programme continues to target young people and single parents in vulnerable communities.


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