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Hundreds of Guyanese passengers forced to camp out at JFK as Dynamic hits maintenance snag

The latest set of problems for Dynamic started late on Friday night when the over 250 passengers who turned up for their non-stop Saturday morning flight to Guyana were told that the flight had been cancelled because the aircraft which had just flown from Georgetown, had developed a maintenance issue with one of the wing flaps.

Hundreds of Guyanese passengers forced to camp out at JFK as Dynamic hits maintenance snag

Over five hundred Guyanese passengers, who were prepared to dump a white christmas for sun and rain, have been forced to camp out at New York’s JFK International Airport as Dynamic Airways has cancelled at least two flights in to Guyana, but is offering little information to the stressed out passengers.

A woman who was believed to be heading to Guyana for her Sunday wedding, collapsed in tears and fainted after finding out that the flight to Guyana had been cancelled.  It is believed that efforts were made to get her on another flight to Guyana with another airline.

An elderly couple told News Source that they have been at the airport since Friday night and the airline has not been forthcoming with passengers. The husband and wife explained that they live outside of the New York area and would therefore found it difficult to head back home and return.

They were not provided with any accommodation and used new bedsheets from their luggage to keep themselves warm and covered inside Terminal One.

Scores of elderly passengers could be seen asleep in airport wheelchairs as they too are hoping on a word from the airline.

The latest set of problems for Dynamic started late on Friday night when the over 250 passengers who turned up for their non-stop Saturday morning flight to Guyana were told that the flight had been cancelled because the aircraft which had just flown from Georgetown, had developed a maintenance issue with one of the wing flaps.

A representative for the airline check in agent at the airport would only tell passengers that they should call a number provided for additional information about the flight.

“It could take an hour, two hours or a day to repair, we don’t know at this time, so call for the information”, he told them.

No one answered the number provided and the affected travelers were left listening to a recording that did not allow any messages to be left.


The situation became worse on Saturday as many of the Friday passengers who did not stay at the airport overnight returned, along with passengers who were booked to depart on a Saturday flight.

There were no representatives from the airline to provide them with any information and many openly voiced their concerns about the situation and the “lack of respect” that the airline was showing its passengers.

“It’s been two days I have been here and these people don’t even have the respect to have someone here to brief us. And no one is answering their phones. This is a real eye pass and its an eye pass that has been allowed to go on for too long”, one angry passenger said.

In Guyana, Capt. Gerry Gouveia of Roraima Airways, which handles ground and ticketing for the airline in Guyana, said based on what he was told, the airline was dealing with some maintenance issues and replacement parts had to be flown in to the New York area, to ensure the issue was resolved.

A snow storm that blanketed the New York area may have caused some delays in getting the parts to the JFK airport on time.

Up to late Saturday night, he had no other update.

The airline had been performing well with on time arrivals and departures over the past months. It has increased the number of flights coming in to Guyana to meet the holiday demands.  Other airlines plying the Georgetown route have found themselves mostly fully booked for the rest of the season.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The jackass Granger and afc/pnc supporters had all the answers when they were in opposition.  Now we have yet to see a national carrier as the country continues to be beholden to foreign carriers and fly by night airlines like dynamic.  Even Cribby who claims to know so much about the airline industry have gone quiet as his paycheck does not cover the level of intelligence needed to comment on the airline fiasco. 


My neighbor went to Guyana and came back with Dynamic recently. She is an elderly woman and the day she flown out of Jfk, there were 25 wheelchair bound passenger boarded the plane. She said it's  a directly flight from jfk to Geo and it's cheaper, but airline don't provide anything to eat or drink. The granny said with that much elderly passengers on board with various health issues, it's better to pay a few dollars more and get some water to drink. Anyway, thank God she went and came back safe. 

In my opinion, Dynamic is a goodie and it get nuff jumble problems. They need to get rid of that plane or change its name before it collapsed in the air.

Drugb posted:

The jackass Granger and afc/pnc supporters had all the answers when they were in opposition.  Now we have yet to see a national carrier as the country continues to be beholden to foreign carriers and fly by night airlines like dynamic.  Even Cribby who claims to know so much about the airline industry have gone quiet as his paycheck does not cover the level of intelligence needed to comment on the airline fiasco. 

My opinions on this issue have been stated many times.

Druggie, under which government did GAC collapse?  2001. I suggest that you have a chat with your hero Jagdeo on this.


I have no sympathy for Guyanese who insist in using these fly by night carriers.   Caribbean Airlines offers nonstop flights DAILY, so this excuse that they use Dynamic because its the only direct flight is pure nonsense. And its not that cheaper the competition either.

The Feds have Dynamic under review for maintenance issues so that any travel agent who sells tickets on that airline ought to be sued.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

The jackass Granger and afc/pnc supporters had all the answers when they were in opposition.  Now we have yet to see a national carrier as the country continues to be beholden to foreign carriers and fly by night airlines like dynamic.  Even Cribby who claims to know so much about the airline industry have gone quiet as his paycheck does not cover the level of intelligence needed to comment on the airline fiasco. 

My opinions on this issue have been stated many times.

Druggie, under which government did GAC collapse?  2001. I suggest that you have a chat with your hero Jagdeo on this.

You failed to advise the PNC properly as puportedly you are a self proclaimed expert on airlines. Now that these idiots are in office your voice has become silent. Remember it was the PPP who brough in Delta and Caribbean airline that drove them out with price gouging.

Cobra posted:

My neighbor went to Guyana and came back with Dynamic recently. She is an elderly woman and the day she flown out of Jfk, there were 25 wheelchair bound passenger boarded the plane. She said it's  a directly flight from jfk to Geo and it's cheaper, but airline don't provide anything to eat or drink. The granny said with that much elderly passengers on board with various health issues, it's better to pay a few dollars more and get some water to drink. Anyway, thank God she went and came back safe. 

In my opinion, Dynamic is a goodie and it get nuff jumble problems. They need to get rid of that plane or change its name before it collapsed in the air.

If Davo hear u , u might get bax. the man swear by this airline.

Drugb posted:

You failed to advise the PNC properly

Why does the PNC need my advice when the only Guyanese airlines which existed were destroyed by the PPP?

Maybe you should have offered the PPP advice. Telling them that "dem potagee evil and hate ahbe because dey used to beat me in school, and dem black man used to help dem do dat, so dat is why me hate both a dem".


Druggie let us get this straight. When Delta came into Guyana Carib Air was already there, so they were fully aware of that airline's pricing.  You must also be the first person to scream that Carib Air charges low fares.

What drove Delta out was that the PPP liked low life airlines charging $2 and going belly up when they ran out of cash. This forced BOTH Delta and Carib to have to match their fares, knowing how cheap and gullible Guyanese are.

And of course the PPP exporters shipping their merchandise through GEO didn't help. In fact Delta, Carib, Fly Jamaica, and Insel have all complained about that in the past, though interestingly don't seem as bothered about this now.  I guess the PPP "exporters" are too terrified that Granger will arrest them if they try that.


Gail T can tell you about those supporters as she was quite upset that they seemed to be Jagdeo's best friends.

All about your best buddy RK and your hero's refusal to arrest him and send him back to the USA.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

You failed to advise the PNC properly

Why does the PNC need my advice when the only Guyanese airlines which existed were destroyed by the PPP?

Maybe you should have offered the PPP advice. Telling them that "dem potagee evil and hate ahbe because dey used to beat me in school, and dem black man used to help dem do dat, so dat is why me hate both a dem".

Nonsense, the airline went into insolvency and had nothing to do with Jagdeo.  What exactly did Jagdeo do to destroy the airline, not pump billions of taxpayers dollars to prop it up?

caribny posted:

Druggie let us get this straight. When Delta came into Guyana Carib Air was already there, so they were fully aware of that airline's pricing.  You must also be the first person to scream that Carib Air charges low fares.

What drove Delta out was that the PPP liked low life airlines charging $2 and going belly up when they ran out of cash. This forced BOTH Delta and Carib to have to match their fares, knowing how cheap and gullible Guyanese are.

And of course the PPP exporters shipping their merchandise through GEO didn't help. In fact Delta, Carib, Fly Jamaica, and Insel have all complained about that in the past, though interestingly don't seem as bothered about this now.  I guess the PPP "exporters" are too terrified that Granger will arrest them if they try that.


Gail T can tell you about those supporters as she was quite upset that they seemed to be Jagdeo's best friends.

All about your best buddy RK and your hero's refusal to arrest him and send him back to the USA.

Apparently you are not the airline expert as you claimed, but rather a bumbling nitwit.  You fail to justify the forcing out of Delta by Carib Airline which was subsidized by the Trini and Jamaican govt to increase market share to the detriment of the Guyanese public.  The PPP had nothing to do with the demise of Delta, there was not much they could do to keep the airline in the face of fierce price gouging.  Besides the economy of scale was just not there for Guyana's small market. 

Drugb posted:

Nonsense, the airline went into insolvency and had nothing to do with Jagdeo.  

Jagdeo did exactly as he did with GuySICKO. Put in his incompetent cronies and that was that.  GAC came tumbling out of the skies.

Interesting how Jagdeo whose government owned GAC wasn't to blame, but yet you blame Granger when he has no ownership or control over Dynamic.

Drugb posted:

Apparently you are not the airline expert as you claimed, but rather a bumbling nitwit.  You fail to justify the forcing out of Delta by Carib Airline which was subsidized by the Trini and Jamaican govt to increase market share to the detriment of the Guyanese public.  The PPP had nothing to do with the demise of Delta, there was not much they could do to keep the airline in the face of fierce price gouging.  Besides the economy of scale was just not there for Guyana's small market. 

Interesting you are quite the idiot. Carib (BW) was operating in Guyana with its owner subsidizing its operations. In fact no different from shareholders who often sink cash into companies that they own.

DL was aware of BWs subsidies when they entered the GEO market. If the subsidies was the reason why did they compete against BW with no complaints?  In fact they should have refused to enter the GEO market. But why when BWs fares were always comparably HIGH!

Druggie do you hear Guyanese complaining that BW fares are too low?  Have you EVER heard Guyanese say this?

Delta had NO problem with that until EZjet entered the market.   Yes another PPP thief destroyed the airline market. That silly airline charged low fares, forcing both BW and DL to match. DL began to lose $ and left.  BOTH BW and DL lost their shirts that year on the JFK GEO route. DL dropped GEO.

DL competes with BW on the JFK MBJ routes. If T&Ts subsidies were so ruinous DL wouldn't be flying that route. And in fact neither would JetBlue.

You don't even know the basics about aviation so continue with your silly coding before your job is moved to Manila!  Or Barbados or Ghana or South Africa or Kenya for that matter!

Last edited by Former Member
Abu Jihad posted:

How is Suriname Airways doing?

I just dont get it that they can succeed and a Guyanese airline cant with a much bigger market.


in fact Surinam Airways is doing very badly and that government would love to sell it. Except that there are no buyers. Suriname's problem is that the only profitable route to that country is to Amsterdam so no one wants to buy it, yet Suriname needs its own airline even more than Guyana does. 

BW is Guyana's de facto national carrier with Fly Jam the alternate. Guyanese just need to accept that fact. Even Jamaica no longer has its own airline.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Nonsense, the airline went into insolvency and had nothing to do with Jagdeo.  

Jagdeo did exactly as he did with GuySICKO. Put in his incompetent cronies and that was that.  GAC came tumbling out of the skies.

Interesting how Jagdeo whose government owned GAC wasn't to blame, but yet you blame Granger when he has no ownership or control over Dynamic.

Nonsense, you preach lies, GAC failed under the PNC  and when PPP came to power, under pressure they formed a private/public partnership to start GAC again, however that also failed.  But this was due to huge fines for drugs smuggled by PNC operatives by the US and other countries. 


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