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Hundreds of Moruca residents turn out to hear from President Ramotar

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, April 26, 2015, Source


With just two weeks remaining for Guyana’s national and regional elections, citizens are being urged to take this election seriously as it will determine Guyana's future course.


President and entourage being welcomed by residents of Moruca, Region One

President and entourage being welcomed by residents of Moruca, Region One


President Donald Ramotar on Saturday told hundreds of residents from Moruca and other surrounding communities in Region One that for progress to continue the current political situation must change.


Painting a clear picture of what obtained under the one seat majority of the political opposition, the President spoke at length of the many moves by the combined opposition to sabotage Guyana’s development.


“These elections are very important to the history of our country, it will determine if we will go backward or forward. We decided to hold elections because it had become very clear that the opposition is not interested in development.”


Chronicling a series of events dating back three years when the opposition secured a one-seat majority in the National Assembly, President Ramotar pointed out that they have slashed a total of $89 B from the national budget of 2012, 2013 and 2014.


“We have to come back to the people for a mandate because they have not been using their one seat majority to add to the development of the country.”


Speaking of the much touted Amaila Falls Hydro Project which has been in limbo for the past three years, President Ramotar said if the support was given to the project, thousands of jobs would have been provided.

In addition, this project would have paved the way for a vibrant agro-processing and manufacturing industry, while at the same time saving the national treasury billions of dollars annually.


The benefits of having a specialty hospital can never be overstated, as the Head of State went into details of the benefits, not only for Guyanese who will access specialised health care, but for the country’s revenue base, as well.


With a specialty hospital, President Ramotar said it was his government’s plan to move into health tourism while bringing much needed health care services at a reduced cost to citizens. This project and the Anti - Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLCFT) Bill have felt the wrath of the opposition.


Morucans escorting President Donald Ramotar and his entourage into Moruca, Region One


With the AMLCFT bill in place, the President said it would mean that Guyana’s financial laws are up to standard with the rest of the world, and Guyana would be free to trade with other countries without red flags.


Twice, President Ramotar said the opposition voted against the bill, which clearly signals their indication to put Guyana’s thriving economy in harm’s way.


The same, President Ramotar said could be said for the Cheddi Jagan International Airport expansion project and several other developmental projects.


Residents gathered at Moruca to hear from President Donald Ramotar and team


Further speaking to issues closer to residents of Moruca, the President called on them to examine closely what has taken place over the past three years, as it relates to cutting of the Amerindian Development Fund (ADF)  from the National Budget. All these are deliberate attempts on the part of the combined opposition to stymie the country's development. The ADF, the President pointed out, is clearly aimed at improving the lives of Guyana’s indigenous people who were all neglected prior to the advent of the PPPC government.


“We are now trying to develop the economy of villages, the money that we use to buy tractors and outboard engines, to help you to be more productive, to be able to produce more; that is what they wanted to cut from the budget.”


The President added that it was only after their own persistence they were able to carry out their plan to provide hinterland communities with solar panels.


“How can they talk about young people and the welfare of young people and want to cut all of these things, can you trust them with your future?” he asked.


Going forward, President Ramotar said his party is not interested in being in government if they are not able to bring development to all the people of Guyana.


“We don’t want to stay in government for the sake of being in government, for being in government is not an end in itself...we want to be in government to make your lives better.” 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Wow !


That is impressive !


What most armchair analysts fail to take into consideration is the strong Amerindian support for the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Wow !


That is impressive !


What most armchair analysts fail to take into consideration is the strong Amerindian support for the PPP.


Maybe you've missed my posts which state that the PPP's potential vote is a Majority Coalition of Indians+Amerindians+Some Black/Mixed Support which hover around 54% of the entire Electorate.


Any shortfall of the Indian PPP vote can be made up/softened by driving up the Amerindian vote.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Wow !


That is impressive !


What most armchair analysts fail to take into consideration is the strong Amerindian support for the PPP.


Maybe you've missed my posts which state that the PPP's potential vote is a Majority Coalition of Indians+Amerindians+Some Black/Mixed Support which hover around 54% of the entire Electorate.


Any shortfall of the Indian PPP vote can be made up/softened by driving up the Amerindian vote.




Thanks for clarifying.


I was mainly referring to GNI's Moses Jaganites.


Those lazy AFC Jaganites politicians are not making any headway into this very, very important voting bloc. They are too obsessed with Indos vs Afros support and how many Indos attend a PNC meeting.


Here lies the key to victory - Native Votes

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Wow !


That is impressive !


What most armchair analysts fail to take into consideration is the strong Amerindian support for the PPP.

most of them come to see what a thief man look like

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Wow !


That is impressive !


What most armchair analysts fail to take into consideration is the strong Amerindian support for the PPP.


Maybe you've missed my posts which state that the PPP's potential vote is a Majority Coalition of Indians+Amerindians+Some Black/Mixed Support which hover around 54% of the entire Electorate.


Any shortfall of the Indian PPP vote can be made up/softened by driving up the Amerindian vote.

there are 5404 there and 3374 voted for them last time so they have to prevent the opposition from poaching here. There apparently is 9000 there so the they have to hold. it is also a captive group with the PPP completely dominating their lives. It is also the place where the Amerind Minister supposedly has her residence.

Last edited by Former Member

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