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Hundreds of public servants today turned up wearing white arm bands and bearing placards to show their disapproval of the Alliance for Change's(AFC) parliamentary proposal which if approved could put many of them out of jobs. The protesters shouted various anti-AFC slogans and were supported by various government officials who were also on the picket line. 

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It boggles the mind to conceive why the AFC who claims to represent the working class would propose the retrenching of hundreds of public servants that are employed at these ministries, are they acting in the best interest of these people or themselves.


These proposed cuts will do more harm than good if the AFC is to be taken seriously, then we can kiss good bye to tourism development, the Competitiveness Strategy Program, Georgetown Sanitation Improvement Program, the Water Supply Program, not even the National Sports Commission which many of our youths and athletes are beneficiaries of this body were spared.


Mr. Ramjettan of the AFC should be meticulous in his approach towards the budget our economy would suffer the worst fate should we accept these proposals. Since reducing government spending would mean fewer money being pumped into the economy, while lowering VAT would also mean less revenue collected by government, therefore, an increase in wages would be almost impossible if we were to reduced government revenue and cut government spending at the same time.


If the AFC agenda is to target the government then AFC’s agenda is to hurt the people of Guyana. I believe that the AFC is being too unrealistic and is on course to deceive the people.


Custom of Practices have to be dealth with and this is the ways and means to reinvent the wheel.These positions would be revised and competent workers would be put in place.Lots of Babies are being thrown out with the bath water,these Guys(Mojority) dont do squat with these so called position(s).MP Khemraj Ramjattan do have a DREAM and VISION,so let us gave him a chance to make some decision.CHANGES CHANGES CHANGES.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Khemraj for president....he certainly has the right mindset like Uncle Cheddi.


Get rid of those high paying consulting jobs to the friends and cronies of the PPP.


Contracts pave the way to the slusch funds of the PPP/Corruption.



Well,  the above sounds ridiculous, it certainly gives a flavour of the la-la land in which you and Ramjattan exists...


For the first time I agree with the AFC/APNU. Cut the fat from these govt agencies and let the private sector be the ones providing jobs. Govt needs to be managed efficiently and not be an outlet for providing jobs for slakers. But as we see the political backlash is harsh. The PPP won hands down on this issue as we see them pandering to the slothful govt workers that cost taxpayers on a daily basis with their lax work ethics. 


We are missing the point that this has become disaster for the AFC. They certainly picked  the wrong fight.


Their intent might be correct but the political consequences will hurt them very badly. They now have to lick their wounds. RUMjattan has now become a political liability for the AFC.


This is a party that portrayed themselves as being pro working class and now workers are venting anger at them.


They are not going to recover from this. The PPP can easily use sugar workers to protest against the AFC not supporting funding for the sugar industry and another political disaster for the AFC.


Hello, who is in charge of the AFC ? Time for RUMjattan to resign as leader of the AFC before the fall into their own graves.


We are now seeing how the AFC shows lack of political maturity.


What fight is there to pick if not one that asks for heightened fiduciary responsibility of all parties concerned and where necessary condemn and demand redress to areas of financial nebulosity and or carelessness? The PPP has not comported themselves well. They act as though the government means the administration alone and the opposition whose constitutional prerogative is to interrogate them and demand answers in the name of the people.



The PPP resisted a joint preparation of the budget. They resist explanation to bundled line items they resist telling us how much money Brassngton has in his stash. They just sold the government shares in GT&T and nowhere is that funds showing up. What right is theirs to think the nation is their personal piggy bank to do whatever with as they will?


The government is not in the business of securing employment of anyone. Its business is providing services and on that account they are to hire and fire efficiently. One remember this is exactly what the WB and IMF told them in the 90's


This street protest is that of a bully trying to maintain their bullying ways. They should not be allowed to get away with it.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

For the first time I agree with the AFC/APNU. Cut the fat from these govt agencies and let the private sector be the ones providing jobs. Govt needs to be managed efficiently and not be an outlet for providing jobs for slakers. But as we see the political backlash is harsh. The PPP won hands down on this issue as we see them pandering to the slothful govt workers that cost taxpayers on a daily basis with their lax work ethics. 

A gentle breeze of change is blowing across the land. The lucarative contracts are a blood line to the PPP slush funds.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

For the first time I agree with the AFC/APNU. Cut the fat from these govt agencies and let the private sector be the ones providing jobs. Govt needs to be managed efficiently and not be an outlet for providing jobs for slakers. But as we see the political backlash is harsh. The PPP won hands down on this issue as we see them pandering to the slothful govt workers that cost taxpayers on a daily basis with their lax work ethics. 

A gentle breeze of change is blowing across the land. The lucarative contracts are a blood line to the PPP slush funds.

A gentle breeze ? Get real. This is a backlash against the AFC. It will take a lot for them to recover from this political mess.


RUMjattan is acting as if he Mr. AFC and committing blunder after blunder. Moses put his foot in his mouth lately. Gerhard is the only AFC member with reason and common sense and he does not have a political seat in parliament.


This is the beginning of the end of the AFC if they do not clean up their political act and be more responsible.


It is usually the government under fire from protesters during a budget debate. It is extremely funny to see the opposition taking the heat due to a lack of political experience and it shows.


RUMjattan has become the biggest liability for the AFC. Moses is no better. Gerhard is the only saviour for the AFC and he has no seat in parliament. He is a lawyer not a political heavyweight and needs to consult with his party before picking the wrong fight.


The wheels are starting to fall off for the AFC. The PNC is acting very smart so far and that shows some political maturity. Politics is a very strange thing.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

For the first time I agree with the AFC/APNU. Cut the fat from these govt agencies and let the private sector be the ones providing jobs. Govt needs to be managed efficiently and not be an outlet for providing jobs for slakers. But as we see the political backlash is harsh. The PPP won hands down on this issue as we see them pandering to the slothful govt workers that cost taxpayers on a daily basis with their lax work ethics. 

A gentle breeze of change is blowing across the land. The lucarative contracts are a blood line to the PPP slush funds.

A gentle breeze ? Get real. This is a backlash against the AFC. It will take a lot for them to recover from this political mess.


RUMjattan is acting as if he Mr. AFC and committing blunder after blunder. Moses put his foot in his mouth lately. Gerhard is the only AFC member with reason and common sense and he does not have a political seat in parliament.


This is the beginning of the end of the AFC if they do not clean up their political act and be more responsible.


It is usually the government under fire from protesters during a budget debate. It is extremely funny to see the opposition taking the heat due to a lack of political experience and it shows.


RUMjattan has become the biggest liability for the AFC. Moses is no better. Gerhard is the only saviour for the AFC and he has no seat in parliament. He is a lawyer not a political heavyweight and needs to consult with his party before picking the wrong fight.


The wheels are starting to fall off for the AFC. The PNC is acting very smart so far and that shows some political maturity. Politics is a very strange thing.

The AFC would be wise not to heed your counsel. Instead of being learned in the ways of the wise by sitting at the feet of sages;  you culled you strategy from fawning knee-benders, snivelers and other assortment of ass wipes.


Ramjattan has to follow the ways of the just  and not try to squeeze between the pigs already there for a place at the trough. He needs to met these curs with sharp steel.


Ramattan and the AFC are  currently the only lantern lighting the dark spaces between PPP corruption and our national salvation.

Originally Posted by PRK:

Why is this overweight Minister forcing his staff to protest on the streets? Is this mo fire slow fire? 

The overweight and the pork barrels see  life line to the PPP slush funds being cut suh dem dig up ants nest. The paid bloggers and so called advisors are leaching off the  public purse.


Changes are coming. The PPP wheel is slowly spinning to a stop.


Mitwah, you are in denial. This is political disaster for the AFC. They need to get their act together.


Why are they not involving Gerhard more on decision making ? He is more sensible than the whole lot.


We need the AFC, but an AFC to act responsibly and this is not happening under the watch of RUMjattan and foul mouth Moses.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

We are missing the point that this has become disaster for the AFC. They certainly picked  the wrong fight.


Their intent might be correct but the political consequences will hurt them very badly. They now have to lick their wounds. RUMjattan has now become a political liability for the AFC.


This is a party that portrayed themselves as being pro working class and now workers are venting anger at them.


They are not going to recover from this. The PPP can easily use sugar workers to protest against the AFC not supporting funding for the sugar industry and another political disaster for the AFC.


Hello, who is in charge of the AFC ? Time for RUMjattan to resign as leader of the AFC before the fall into their own graves.


We are now seeing how the AFC shows lack of political maturity.

Yuji PNC cranked them up good then abstained when it became time to vote hahahahahahahahaha.


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