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Toronto-based groups show support to APNU+AFC

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Members of the GDG expressing their support in front of the Toronto-based consulate

THE Guyana Development Group (GDG), based in Toronto Canada, last Friday showed its solidarity for the David Granger-led administration in Guyana with a picketing exercise in the vicinity of the Guyana Consulate, Consumers Road, Scarborough.

Member Hermanie Glen-Haywood hands over a plaque to Consul General, Anyin Choo

According to spokesperson of the GDG, Quason Parris, the main focus of the exercise was to show support for the government in view of the upcoming general elections. Parris pointed out that the APNU+AFC government β€œhas been the best we have had in a very long time and deserved a second term.”

Some of the placards read: PPP are afraid of youth votes; GECOM – house-to-house registration is a must; Guyana moves forward in harmony; love and unity, peace and harmony and time to move forward in harmony. The GDG also took the opportunity to hand over a plaque to Guyana’s Consul General to Toronto, Anyin Choo, to be presented to President Granger, praising him for his leadership quality since taking over the reins of government.

In accepting the plaque, Consul General Choo thanked the group for the kind gesture while promising to ensure the president receives the gift.

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I took my Dad  last week to the Guyana consulate to get a life certificate, it took us about ONE hour, not that the place was busy, but there was only one employee and he chatting up with people whom I think are his friends, . When I got there I was third in line, one fella came after paying for passport, there he chit chat for awhile.

My father begged me not to make a fuss, I still put in my two bit. I asked if he is working on Guyana Time, he laughed and said Guyana and Canada have the same time, obviously he did not get my drift.

 Maybe I should have given him a Bribe.

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