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June 7 ,2021

Dear Editor,

Thank you for the article in yesterday’s Sunday Stabroek on page 20 `Wildlife Commission urges against harming wild animals displaced by floods’. Reports from the Mahaica Creek yesterday indicated that ‘hunters’ are using airboats to  access  high ground refuges where there are stranded wildlife such as deer. There should be no joy in capitalising on the desperate survival actions of wildlife  in such flooded conditions and especially when such ‘killings’ (this is not hunting by stalking) are done in plain sight of farmers and their families who are salvaging remnants of their herds of cattle and sheep from their already flooded farms and pastures.

A call for mercy and compassion to be extended by the more fortunate and affluent in our society to the suffering families and impacted livestock and wildlife,  would not be misplaced.

Joseph G Singh
Major General (ret’d)

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See how "civilized" we are? Not much. Most nations today try to preserve their wildlife etc. Here we have a bunch of bush men charging at these animals screaming "kill dem skont", "curry it rass". Primitive morons! shithole inhabitants.

Bet some of their relatives post on backdam....lmfao.


That is some sick shyte in that link. Some might say "these are tough times, people are hungry, wuh fo do?" Their mindset is totally different to ours, what we see as tragic they see as a bonus.

Last edited by cain
@Prashad posted:

Guyana is a racist shithole failed state and it will always be a racist shithole failed  state

Your statement makes  you no different than those morons taking advantage on those animals in distress. Would you tolerate this in your Prashadistan? I think you would. Sad.


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