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Early yesterday we were in tremendous danger. Later yesterday through last night and especially today, that danger is moving closer to where our old GNI member Andre lives. I hope he is prepared and remain safe from the storm. My friend down the street from me also have relatives in the Tampa/St. Pete area. Hopefully they will be safe also. The ones most vulnerable right now are those still left in Key West. I love Key West and hope that it does not get damaged too much. There are elements on the main land that are constantly trying to change the culture of Key West and would love to see it destroyed enough to allow them to change it. I was hearing some of that sentiments on tv yesterday.

Nonetheless, we are totally shuttered up. 


I have shutters, sand bags, bought lots of food and water. I am looking for a generator in case there is power failure, I lock the chickens and goats and the neighbour has my dog. Presently it's bright sunshine, Oh! shit, I live in Jane and Finch, Toronto. better be safe than sorry. You guys in Florida, listen to the authorities, do what they say, keep safe.

Sunil posted:

Stay safe Andres and Kszama and Dafreak. I was planning to move to Orlando, I might stay put.



Bai, don't let a little storm scare you from Florida. There are much more plusses than minuses. Plus if you move to Orlando, I might be able to have a beer with you. I don't dare leave America lest Trump don't let me back in. 

Thanks for the well wishes. We should be fine for this one. Freak has left the state of Florida but his heart is still here. Andre may be in jeopardy though.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Got to go to Pearson to pick up some relatives. Ksaz, hope you guys stay safe. We are experiencing heavy winds here at times. Hmmm. just checked, flights are delayed.

Thanks Mits. Maybe that heavy wind you are experiencing is my farts passing through the internet. 

Send some rain for Tola and DG. The fire is still raging and there is no rain in the horizon for them. Hope the fire doesn't hit the refineries. Gas price will hit the roof.

Mitwah posted:

Send some rain for Tola and DG. The fire is still raging and there is no rain in the horizon for them. Hope the fire doesn't hit the refineries. Gas price will hit the roof.

Funny thing is if the rain does go to Western Canada, Tola may say that he personally fetched it from South Florida one bucket at a time. 

Last edited by Former Member

Saw this guy with a flat tire on tv last night. The reporter asked him why he was out and he said that he was headed for the beach to have some fun. He was with a woman who looks like his wife as well as some kids. The woman was wearing a white hootchie dress. All this after the curfew had already begun and the roads were wet and mostly deserted. Needless to say, he had to be the first person to make it on the idiot's list. 

ksazma posted:

Saw this guy with a flat tire on tv last night. The reporter asked him why he was out and he said that he was headed for the beach to have some fun. He was with a woman who looks like his wife as well as some kids. The woman was wearing a white hootchie dress. All this after the curfew had already begun and the roads were wet and mostly deserted. Needless to say, he had to be the first person to make it on the idiot's list. 

That Chap is a Trump supporter.

ksazma posted:
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:
cain posted:

I'm in Calgary until tomorrow, air quality here is bad

Cain, is it the air quality or did you pass some gas ?

Lots of fires banna, one also started a few days ago in Waterton near the US border.

Best wishes regarding the fires Cainman.

I visited my son his wife and the grandaughter but spent the week indoors. Ashes are on the patio furniture, not a good time to hang out in the backyard. Tola and DG probably has the same problem unless they are further away from the fires.


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