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Husband slits wife’s throat during argument over electrical cord

…attempts to kill teen daughter
…nabbed by Police in backdam

A 16-year-old girl and her two younger brothers are in a state of shock after witnessing the murder of their mother at the hands of their father.

Dead: 44-year-old Somattie Keosoram

Dead is 44-year-old Somattie Keosoram. She died on her way to the Mahaicony Cottage Hospital, East Coast Demerara (ECD) after her throat was slashed with a kitchen knife.
Reports are that the murder occurred at Cane Grove, ECD on Thursday night between 19:30h and 20:00h. According to Police reports, Keosoram’s 56-year-old husband arrived home from work on Thursday intoxicated and an argument ensued between the couple.
As a result of the row, the now-dead woman told her husband that she would not sleep in their bedroom. This newspaper was told that Keosoram took a mattress out from a bedroom and placed it in their living room.
However, this angered Jackson who approached the living room, where he asked his wife if he could sit on the chair beside her.
The couple’s teenage daughter told this publication that her mother agreed but then her parents started arguing again.
She related that her father left and went into the kitchen and returned with a knife.
“When I see him, I said he must have been bluffing her or he must have gone to give her a couple punches or something. I was right next to she…Actually it happened right in front of my eyes so when I see the blood start spray I left shocked. I could not say anything, I could not move, you know,” the teen related.
The traumatised girl lamented that she could not help her mother at that point.
“He had threatened to kill her and to kill me too, it happen a good while now, him threatening to kill, but last night (Thursday) we never expected it. I could not do anything but when the shock passed that is when I jumped on him and I cuffed him behind his neck back but he was coming after me”.
She told Guyana Times that by this time, her two younger brothers rushed out the home to seek help.
However, after realising that her father was about to injure her, she too ran out.
“All of us were home but after the thing happened they gone to call neighbours and me alone was with him. He said he can’t let one go down alone so he was about to come to me. So I ran.”
The teen related that neighbours responded and rushed to their assistance but her father ran out of their house, picked up his bicycle and rode off. Meanwhile, a bleeding Keosoram managed to walk out of their house and exit the yard but she collapsed on the dam.
She was rushed to a nearby hospital by relatives but was pronounced dead.
The couple’s teen daughter told this publication that her mother and father were in a relationship for almost 28 years and this union produced six children.
According to the teen, her mother was the subject of constant abuse at the hands of Jackson.
“Our older siblings do not live with us and my mother left with us from our Supply house to come to Cane Grove away from the abuse from my father. Only last year November he moved back here at this address. But prior to that, he use to visit, go and come here since we moved,” the teen said.
Meanwhile, Jackson, who had gone into hiding following the incident, was captured by investigators in the backdam at Cane Grove, on Friday morning.
The man was reportedly in the process of committing suicide when the Police arrived.
An investigation has since been launched.
Just over a week ago, another woman was stabbed to death with a kitchen knife by her reputed husband. He too attempted to take his own life afterwards.
Bibi Ali, a mother of three, was at the couple’s Crane, West Coast Demerara (WCD) home when the incident occurred. The man had accused the woman of being unfaithful.
After committing the act, Natram Lall reportedly ingested a poisonous substance. He was released from the hospital and has since been slapped with a murder charge and remanded to prison. (Kristen Macklingam)

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Bushlot man chops wife, hangs self

Nalicia Ragoonauth
Nalicia Ragoonauth

A Bushlot Village, Corentyne woman is presently battling for her life at the New Amsterdam  Public Hospital after she was chopped about her body last evening by her husband who later committed suicide.


Nalicia Ragoonauth, 24, was rushed to the Port Mourant Public Hospital after which she was transferred to the New Amsterdam Hospital.

Her husband, Ganesh Narine, 27, was found hanging in his house after attacking the woman. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the Port Mourant Hospital.

Stabroek News was told that the couple had an argument after returning from a birthday party during which the man threatened to kill the woman.

Sheik101 posted:

Dem people does lose their cool real quick in Guyana.

It used to happen back in the day. The only difference is that more is being reported.  There is really no social safety net for the populace.

Sheik101 posted:

Dem people does lose their cool real quick in Guyana.

I’m sure there is more to these. However, I agree.  That society has broken down in respect and morality.  Parents attacking teachers, we read frequently of close relatives involved in crimes against their own. 

That place needs god.  It’s ruled by pure devils.  So it has become hellish!


The poor people are frustrated with the present economic situation and are living ticking time bombs ready to explode. The PNC have not done anything to solve family abuse and suicide problem. Just recently school kids are fighting with knives and parents are fighting teachers, no respect.

kp posted:

The poor people are frustrated with the present economic situation and are living ticking time bombs ready to explode. The PNC have not done anything to solve family abuse and suicide problem. Just recently school kids are fighting with knives and parents are fighting teachers, no respect.

please...coolie people been beating and killing their wives forever in Guyana...stop daubing ayuh shit pon PNC

Ray posted:
kp posted:

The poor people are frustrated with the present economic situation and are living ticking time bombs ready to explode. The PNC have not done anything to solve family abuse and suicide problem. Just recently school kids are fighting with knives and parents are fighting teachers, no respect.

please...coolie people been beating and killing their wives forever in Guyana...stop daubing ayuh shit pon PNC

Shut yuh poke. Dem tings neeevva use to ‘appan in PPP times. Ayuh nah tek responsibility.

Guyana went from sweet laka sumutoo to all gone fuh channa. 

Nehru posted:

No need to daub. The PNC has always been FILTH!! Not hat you would know. Pavlov has many sessions with you

I agree that PNC is filth...

but these situations been going on forever...drink rum and beat up yuh wife....they even have songs celebrating the drinking of rum

Ray posted:
kp posted:

The poor people are frustrated with the present economic situation and are living ticking time bombs ready to explode. The PNC have not done anything to solve family abuse and suicide problem. Just recently school kids are fighting with knives and parents are fighting teachers, no respect.

please...coolie people been beating and killing their wives forever in Guyana...stop daubing ayuh shit pon PNC

Blackman are empowered under the PNC now they are the Killers. .This case is a blackman murder the coolie woman.

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
kp posted:

The poor people are frustrated with the present economic situation and are living ticking time bombs ready to explode. The PNC have not done anything to solve family abuse and suicide problem. Just recently school kids are fighting with knives and parents are fighting teachers, no respect.

please...coolie people been beating and killing their wives forever in Guyana...stop daubing ayuh shit pon PNC

Shut yuh poke. Dem tings neeevva use to ‘appan in PPP times. Ayuh nah tek responsibility.

Guyana went from sweet laka sumutoo to all gone fuh channa. 

wow...yuh mean there was no such thing during PPP...I stand corrected

coolie men does only drink, beat up and kill they wife during PNC rule


I agree BUt it is happening much more NOW! The increase can be seen after the sugar Estates lost thousands of jobs, the decline of Agriculture because of PNC incompetence and the waste and mismanagement of the PNC. Plain and simple.

kp posted:
Ray posted:
kp posted:

The poor people are frustrated with the present economic situation and are living ticking time bombs ready to explode. The PNC have not done anything to solve family abuse and suicide problem. Just recently school kids are fighting with knives and parents are fighting teachers, no respect.

please...coolie people been beating and killing their wives forever in Guyana...stop daubing ayuh shit pon PNC

Blackman are empowered under the PNC now they are the Killers. .This case is a blackman murder the coolie woman.

yeah...that bushlot woman marry wan black fella too

ayuh coolie don't take responsibilities fuh ayuh nonsense...just blame other people

Nehru posted:

I agree BUt it is happening much more NOW! The increase can be seen after the sugar Estates lost thousands of jobs, the decline of Agriculture because of PNC incompetence and the waste and mismanagement of the PNC. Plain and simple.

ok bai...guess we didn't come from the same place...maybe you used to live in Barbados

ayuh does play real stupid in yuh desire to blame PNC...ayuh blind to the issues in your communities from forever

Rum is meh Lova

Ray posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:
kp posted:

The poor people are frustrated with the present economic situation and are living ticking time bombs ready to explode. The PNC have not done anything to solve family abuse and suicide problem. Just recently school kids are fighting with knives and parents are fighting teachers, no respect.

please...coolie people been beating and killing their wives forever in Guyana...stop daubing ayuh shit pon PNC

Shut yuh poke. Dem tings neeevva use to ‘appan in PPP times. Ayuh nah tek responsibility.

Guyana went from sweet laka sumutoo to all gone fuh channa. 

wow...yuh mean there was no such thing during PPP...I stand corrected

coolie men does only drink, beat up and kill they wife during PNC rule

Yes, because ayuh rass close dem estates and now dem bannaz out a wuk. Prior to that dem used to cut cane and only drink cane juice and mauby.

Ray posted:
kp posted:

The poor people are frustrated with the present economic situation and are living ticking time bombs ready to explode. The PNC have not done anything to solve family abuse and suicide problem. Just recently school kids are fighting with knives and parents are fighting teachers, no respect.

please...coolie people been beating and killing their wives forever in Guyana...stop daubing ayuh shit pon PNC

Was that a coolie man named Jackson that slashed his wife's throat?

ksazma posted:
Amral posted:

Dem men gat nice wife and killing them they should send me one or two

Bai, dem people don’t understand how to cherish what they obviously didn’t deserve.

And all dis fuh wan dollar store electrical cord.

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Amral posted:

Dem men gat nice wife and killing them they should send me one or two

Bai, dem people don’t understand how to cherish what they obviously didn’t deserve.

And all dis fuh wan dollar store electrical cord.

Anger is a very destructive thing. The cord was no more than the conduit to vent that anger. That is how it is with almost everything. I always say that while we may have control over whether to start the fire or not, there is almost no way to control what gets burnt.


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