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During marathon 13-hour Sitting of National Assembly… : HYDRO-ELECTRIC BILL PASSED : - AFC voted with Gov’t, APNU against



Written by Nadine Sanchara   
Thursday, 08 August 2013 04:14

THE Hydro-Electric Power (Amendment) Bill was passed in the National Assembly early this morning with the Alliance For Change (AFC) voting with the Government during an eagerly-awaited Sitting that began at 2:00 pm yesterday afternoon and ended at 3:00 am this morning. 

The Bill, which unfortunately did not get support from the main Opposition APNU, is necessary to bring the local law into conformity with the environmental standards of possible Amaila Project financier - the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
In addition, a motion to increase the debt ceiling on external loans was approved, also with the support of the AFC. However, the debt ceiling was increased from $1B to $50B, as amended by the AFC, and not to the $130B which was proposed by the government. This new debt ceiling is to be reviewed in three months.
The government had initially, on a July 18 sitting, proposed that the debt ceiling be increased to $150B. That move was rejected by both parliamentary Opposition parties (AFC and APNU), along with the Hydro Electric (Amendment) Bill which was on the Order Paper for a second reading on July 18 as well.
The government has since held a series of consultations and meetings with various stakeholders and has managed to win the support of the AFC.
Neither the Hydro Electric Bill nor the debt ceiling motion was on yesterday’s Order Paper. However, a motion was brought to the House by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds to suspend the relevant Standing Orders and allow the defeated items to be brought back. The AFC agreed to support the motion, but on the condition that the two items would be the last two items on the Order Paper, which resulted in a rather lengthy sitting that lasted approximately 13 hours.
PM Hinds noted that the action to bring back the two items for consideration was unprecedented but stressed that the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project was worthy of that, since it would be economically transformative for all Guyanese.
He pointed out that the cost of generating electricity would be reduced from about 23 US cents to about 12 US cents per kilowatt hour, adding that in the next 20 years, when the plant is handed over, the cost could be reduced to as low as three US cents.
Hinds further related that the project would result in the reduction of imports, noting for instance that the US$200M import in petroleum for the generation of electricity will no longer be needed.
Meanwhile, Public Works Minister Robeson Benn, while also attempting to convince members to support the Hydro Electric Bill, said that should the House not support the Bill, its actions would be equal to “criminal negligence”.
Prior to the back-and-forth debate and subsequent passage of the Hydro Bill, a suite of Local Government Bills including an historic one that paves the way for the holding of local government elections which has not been held in Guyana since 1994, was unanimously supported and approved by parliamentarians from both sides of the House, albeit with some agreed-on amendments.
The Fiscal Transfers Bill 2012, the Municipal and District Councils (Amendment) Bill 2012, the Local Government (Amendment) Bill 2012 and the Local Government Commission Bill were all unanimously passed in the National Assembly.
The passage of the bills will now await the assent of President Donald Ramotar before local government elections could be held. 
The National Assembly heads into a two-month recess from August 10. (See detailed stories in tomorrow’s edition)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Very strange indeed, the Hughes finally convinced the AFC to vote for the bill to fill their pocket. What about the excessive cost of the project? Now Guyana will be burdened with the most expensive hydro electric project in the world. 


Sithe had said it will pull out of the US$858M controversy-wracked project unless all the parties agreed and support the project. I wonder, what will Sithe do now that APNU /PNC did not support it?

Originally Posted by JB:

History will judge APNU right on this one. Greenidge's presentation was factual and technically competent. 

AFC the most important things they were asking for.

After Jagdeo  & Ramotar postponing Local Govt Elections for 19 years....with no Accountability or Democracy....only Thiefing and Skulldugery......

Getting Local Govt Elections is Priceless....

Thank you AFC,

Thank You Moses,

Thank You Prak,

Thank You Cathy,

Thank You Mr Speaker......

we could not have pull this one off without all of you.


This is a Master stroke by AFC....

Ramotar is now Cornered....

He Must call Local Govt Elections Quickly .......

and the Hydro is still far from a Done Deal.....


Great Shot Moses....

this one is out of the Park.....

and a Free Hit off of a No-Ball...

Ball don't count ...and don't mean nothing.....

the IDB still have to approve the Hydro Deal.


And we got Nigel anchored at AFHI ....

and we know eee watching every step..

Who say these Crablouse cant be out Foxed??


Trouble in the camp today when

Kwame, Nehru, Ole Geeza,

and All Dem Senior Ramotar GNI Bhai

Wake up and wash de Bo-Boo out dem eyes today...


Look how Moses & Nigel...

mek rings around....

all dem lil Bhai & Funny Fellas...

Last edited by Former Member

AFC's "yes" vote on the hydro-power bill is not surprising, given recent exposé that party chairman Nigel Hughes is company secretary of Amaila Hydro Inc and his wife Cathy Hughes is public relations consultant for Sithe Global. As one letter writer in a local newspaper puts it, "The AFC got caught with its pants down."

In my humble opinion, the AFC's sudden change of course is an attempt to save face and blunt potential blistering attack by PPP/C parliamentarians.

While I commend the AFC on its stance regarding the local government bill, I am disappointed that the party succumbed on the hydro-power bill.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

AFC's "yes" vote on the hydro-power bill is not surprising, given recent exposé that party chairman Nigel Hughes is company secretary of Amaila Hydro Inc and his wife Cathy Hughes is public relations consultant for Sithe Global. As one letter writer in a local newspaper puts it, "The AFC got caught with its pants down."

In my humble opinion, the AFC's sudden change of course is an attempt to save face and blunt potential blistering attack by PPP/C parliamentarians.

While I commend the AFC on its stance regarding the local government bill, I am disappointed that the party succumbed on the hydro-power bill.

the principals of both the ppp and afc are ppl of questionable character. they r politicians supposedly looking after the states interests and at the said time, use their connections to foster deals for investors.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

AFC's "yes" vote on the hydro-power bill is not surprising, given recent exposé that party chairman Nigel Hughes is company secretary of Amaila Hydro Inc and his wife Cathy Hughes is public relations consultant for Sithe Global. As one letter writer in a local newspaper puts it, "The AFC got caught with its pants down."

In my humble opinion, the AFC's sudden change of course is an attempt to save face and blunt potential blistering attack by PPP/C parliamentarians.

While I commend the AFC on its stance regarding the local government bill, I am disappointed that the party succumbed on the hydro-power bill.

the principals of both the ppp and afc are ppl of questionable character. they r politicians supposedly looking after the states interests and at the said time, use their connections to foster deals for investors.

And I think the PNC consists of people of untarnished integrity.   And yuh stupid enough to sign a Contract to buy BKLYN Bridge


APNU must be pissed. Only yesterday I said Ramotar need to throw a bone to Ramjattan to get his support on the hydro bill. Ramjattan must be sucking the bone like a never done bulls eye.     

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

AFC's "yes" vote on the hydro-power bill is not surprising, given recent exposé that party chairman Nigel Hughes is company secretary of Amaila Hydro Inc and his wife Cathy Hughes is public relations consultant for Sithe Global. As one letter writer in a local newspaper puts it, "The AFC got caught with its pants down."

In my humble opinion, the AFC's sudden change of course is an attempt to save face and blunt potential blistering attack by PPP/C parliamentarians.

While I commend the AFC on its stance regarding the local government bill, I am disappointed that the party succumbed on the hydro-power bill.

the principals of both the ppp and afc are ppl of questionable character. they r politicians supposedly looking after the states interests and at the said time, use their connections to foster deals for investors.

And I think the PNC consists of people of untarnished integrity.   And yuh stupid enough to sign a Contract to buy BKLYN Bridge

My country NEVER had good leadership.


I congratulate the KFC for finally putting the Guyanese People's interest first. It is not too late for an IMPORTANT Project like this. I am very HAPPY that they saw the light at the end of the Tunnel and did what they said they would do. That is support the Govt on Projects and Policies which will BENEFIT the Nation.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I congratulate the KFC for finally putting the Guyanese People's interest first. It is not too late for an IMPORTANT Project like this. I am very HAPPY that they saw the light at the end of the Tunnel and did what they said they would do. That is support the Govt on Projects and Policies which will BENEFIT the Nation.

Like since Nigel got the heart attack, he saw the light. Maybe God was talking to him during his recovery, telling him that the PPP is doing the right thing for the people and "nah fuh play ee rass".  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I congratulate the KFC for finally putting the Guyanese People's interest first. It is not too late for an IMPORTANT Project like this. I am very HAPPY that they saw the light at the end of the Tunnel and did what they said they would do. That is support the Govt on Projects and Policies which will BENEFIT the Nation.

Like since Nigel got the heart attack, he saw the light. Maybe God was talking to him during his recovery, telling him that the PPP is doing the right thing for the people and "nah fuh play ee rass".  

you hoping the government can build this project so you and your family can stop thiefing electricty you fools turn beggers from bullies and you thinking you get a bone from the AFC but the ppp forget they dealing with a bunch of lawyers we will wait for the backlash on this site when you fools will start cursing the AFC again

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

PPP/C = AFC....

Me tell alyuh katahars, follow the man lead, there is enough milk to go around.  Alyuh gon be pouting with white mouth while Hughes and Co chumping down cups and cups of milk and cheeze.


Alyuh gon soon see Caribj on the milk van.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Me tell alyuh katahars, ..., there is enough milk to go around.  Alyuh gon be pouting with white mouth while Hughes and Co chumping down cups and cups of milk and cheeze.

As they leave the occasion, AFC guests clutched tightly and showing proudly their personalized engraved "milk jugs".   


I still wondering how much money pass hands.

man, all that fat talk by AFC and now they folded. I always say if you want a Guyanese to do something, slip them a lil freck.




Cocaine and d2 now looking for refunds from the afc for their campaign contribution. Afc sell them out. Milk like it share and the afc couldn't resist. Now Guyana will be burdened with huge debts, how did the creeps in the afc rationalize voting for a project that should cost 400M US but is over priced at 900M and Christopher Ram and Gastkin says the final price could be 2.4 billion US in 20 years..  What happened to the argument of the wide discrepancy in the cost per kilowatt when compared to the rest of the world. 


All those who don't like it .... you can skin-up......

Nehru is Right....this is a Blessing in disguise......

Guyana will get Hydro Power thanks to the AFC......

and at the right price....

what is wrong with that??????

Originally Posted by Jalil:

All those who don't like it .... you can skin-up......

Nehru is Right....this is a Blessing in disguise......

Guyana will get Hydro Power thanks to the AFC......

and at the right price....

what is wrong with that??????

The AFC Show us how to get it Done


“Hydro Bill support was a patriotic move” – AFC Leader

August 9, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

By Latoya Giles
Leader of the Alliance for Change Khemraj Ramjattan yesterday at the party’s weekly press briefing sought to explain why his party gave its support to Government for the passage of the Hydro-Electric Power (Amendment) Bill, for the Amaila Falls Project.
According to Ramjattan, the reason why they supported the motion that “brought back the Hydro Electric Bill” and the motion to raise the debt ceiling guarantee from $1B initially to $50B was because the party felt the need to give a lifeline to the project. He stressed that the AFC was always supportive of hydro electricity in Guyana.

AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan

Ramjattan said that he is fully aware that the deal has lots of questions surrounding it, along with legitimate concerns, and they are still waiting on the Inter-American Development Bank for the due diligence report to give it the green light. He said that after they receive the reports and recommendations therein from the IDB, they would be in a better position to know whether the AFC will go further.
The party leader said that at this stage the AFC believes that the “entire project would have been killed” if they didn’t do what they did in parliament on Wednesday night.
According to Ramjattan, they did it for the short term, namely, in supporting the upping of the debt ceiling guarantee from $1B to $50B instead of the reconfigured US$130B that the government was seeking.
The AFC’s support of the bill, he said, was further fueled by the fact that the $50 billion will be linked entirely with the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) – in case of a shortfall in payments for the project. The other proviso, he explained, was that within three months they can go back to see whether that is the proper sum or not, or if the IDB says that the green light for the project is given, there might be the need for the upping of the guarantee to ensure security for the project. “Most likely we will be in a position to say if we will up it and by how much.”
“I see the position of our party as being patriotic. We have seen detractors and persons who are experts… some validly so, be very critical towards the project and we respect their opinions. We took consideration of them all about the issue on whether we support or not support.”
Moreover, when questioned about the technical deal with respect to why they shifted their position, Ramjattan explained that although they had supported the project, the problem was getting information on the deal.
He said when the party executives met with the IDB officials it was indicated that they were going to get all the information from the sponsors of the project. He said that they could not have gotten the information and that’s why they were “piggy backing” on the IDB.
Ramjattan said that after the IDB officials indicated that they were going get the information and do the proper analyses, “it in a sense showed their position, to the extent that they did give support for the project. He said the fact that the IDB stated that it would do the due diligence, which was in three areas: whether GPL has the capacity to handle the administering and management of the large amount of electricity after Amaila is completed; whether there is economical viability of the project, that is, if Guyana’s economy can sustain it to become viable for the tariffs not to increase, and lastly, the environmental feasibility.
Ramjattan said that at this point the AFC is on somewhat of a “conditional support”.
“Once the IDB supports it with the expertise and experience it was going to get our green light and we did not want to kill it before it reaches the IDB by blocking the bill and not giving some guarantee to the investors.”

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Cocaine and d2 now looking for refunds from the afc for their campaign contribution. Afc sell them out. Milk like it share and the afc couldn't resist. Now Guyana will be burdened with huge debts, how did the creeps in the afc rationalize voting for a project that should cost 400M US but is over priced at 900M and Christopher Ram and Gastkin says the final price could be 2.4 billion US in 20 years..  What happened to the argument of the wide discrepancy in the cost per kilowatt when compared to the rest of the world. 


BGurd_See on August 8, 2013 6:45 AM

"Finally the AFC ketch sense and voted for progress. All along they were following the destructive PNC . . ."


heh heh heh . . . drugb straining mightily and confusing himself trying to find a 'sufficiently damaging' critique of the AFC in light of the (correct) APNU vote against the PPP's current AFHEP monstrosity . . . the low-IQ klown ends up crapping all over himself, as usual 


"straining" NOT good when u have goadey


har de har har har har har har!


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