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Former Member

Constitutional Reform:

Assumably, the PPP retakes the government after June 13th, how likely can they rally the two-third majority to reform the constitution? Note: saying yes is too easy since they are Gods and can do anything. But this was on the table for too long and I believe the PPP should prioritize it on their agenda. This process takes determination, understanding, and the willingness to decrease the power of the Government and increase the power of the people to hold their government responsible.   

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@Former Member posted:

Constitutional Reform:

Assumably, the PPP retakes the government after June 13th, how likely can they rally the two-third majority to reform the constitution? Note: saying yes is too easy since they are Gods and can do anything. But this was on the table for too long and I believe the PPP should prioritize it on their agenda. This process takes determination, understanding, and the willingness to decrease the power of the Government and increase the power of the people to hold their government responsible.   

There is trouble in Paradise.    Chaos according to the Washington Post.

Watch out for the PNC  to join their brothers in protesting "BLACK LIES MATTER", an excuse to protest and loot.   



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