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I came from a Muslim Background, we had Christmas tree, lights and the works in our home. I don't know where in the Koran say  females have to cover their face. I remember CIOG brought a few Arabs to the mosque and they were telling us we are praying the wrong way... a few elders very nicely show them the door and told Fazil Feroze - President of CIOG don't mess around with young girls , he is a womanizer . We Came to this country and found out so many crap about Muslim. Boy We stick to our roots and is very happy. Have my drinks and enjoy life. Respect and love everyone. And when you can help someone.. do so. But charity begins at home. Happy weekend everyone. Gonna enjoy some black pudding and a Heineken.  

RiffRaff posted:
randolph posted:

 Fact face it. Most Muslim and that is close to 99 % whether they are on Monkey Mountain, Behind God back or in a back alley in Copenhagen support any action by a Muslim against a non Muslim ( Infidel)


That banna doan read this forum obviously. The majority here,if not all do not support that.

Gilbakka posted:


Ahmadiyas are very, very peaceful people. Gil, I must remind you that they are treated as fourth class citizens in places like Pakistan. This is a not talked about about truth. Many in Pakistan are not even allowed to vote.

There is a massive and most beautiful Ahmadiyya Mosque in Vaughan. An outstanding community.

Guyanese muslims are outstanding and an example of how real muslims should live and interact with others. 

The problem lies with some Muslims from the middle east and their radical interpretation of Islam.  It (radicalism) appears to be spreading and must be rooted out and it might as well start at Mosques in some of the the troubled Middle East countries.

It would be unfair to label ALL muslims as trouble makers.

Look at GNI, Chief and others are outstanding Muslims. Some of the muslims of the Middle East need to change their mentality.

I know a few Turkish Muslims and I can assure you that they love Islam but they are not radicals and do not tolerate radicalism. I draw inspiration from them to practice my Hindu faith.

We must also realize that sometimes we should also leave these radical people alone, give them their own space and let them sort out their own problems after fatigue, they themselves will seek peace.


yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:


Ahmadiyas are very, very peaceful people. Gil, I must remind you that they are treated as fourth class citizens in places like Pakistan. This is a not talked about about truth. Many in Pakistan are not even allowed to vote.

There is a massive and most beautiful Ahmadiyya Mosque in Vaughan. An outstanding community.

Guyanese muslims are outstanding and an example of how real muslims should live and interact with others. 

The problem lies with some Muslims from the middle east and their radical interpretation of Islam.  It (radicalism) appears to be spreading and must be rooted out and it might as well start at Mosques in some of the the troubled Middle East countries.

It would be unfair to label ALL muslims as trouble makers.

Look at GNI, Chief and others are outstanding Muslims. Some of the muslims of the Middle East need to change their mentality.

I know a few Turkish Muslims and I can assure you that they love Islam but they are not radicals and do not tolerate radicalism. I draw inspiration from them to practice my Hindu faith.

We must also realize that sometimes we should also leave these radical people alone, give them their own space and let them sort out their own problems after fatigue, they themselves will seek peace.


The Sufis are also peaceful folks. In Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, the Sunnis and Shias abhor Ahmadis and Sufis.

Until the early 1970s, all Guyanese Muslims were progressive people, both Sunnis and Ahmadis. However, afterward Saudi missionaries and Lybian money influenced some Muslims in the Middle Eastern style. Luckily, only a minority.


Drugb posted:

yes, quite a few of them ignored my warnings years ago. In particular Chief and Jansher who suddenly turn more Arab then the Arabs.. 

Many of you are confused. Living a life that follows the teachings of the Quran like abstaining from what is prohibited does not and cannot make me an Arab! It can definitely make me a better muslim.

Some of you writing share nonsense. The terrorists who killed the innocent French people were not even living the life as religious muslims. They were eating pork like Riff Raff and one of them even had owned a bar and when his business fail he decided to take out his anger and join Isis. It is documented  that  in most cases some of  these idiots  that turn to violence  were really not religious and   losers in almost everything that they did.

So all you stop your hating on Islam.

Islam forbids, alcohol, gambling, pork eating. You Guyanese non muslims feel that because Guyanese Muslims were not abiding with the rules and now many are praying 5 times a day, that makes them Arabs, welL you are just as foolish as Mr. Donald Trump and the bigots on Fox.

Last edited by Chief
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:


Ahmadiyas are very, very peaceful people. Gil, I must remind you that they are treated as fourth class citizens in places like Pakistan. This is a not talked about about truth. Many in Pakistan are not even allowed to vote.

There is a massive and most beautiful Ahmadiyya Mosque in Vaughan. An outstanding community.

Guyanese muslims are outstanding and an example of how real muslims should live and interact with others. 

The problem lies with some Muslims from the middle east and their radical interpretation of Islam.  It (radicalism) appears to be spreading and must be rooted out and it might as well start at Mosques in some of the the troubled Middle East countries.

It would be unfair to label ALL muslims as trouble makers.

Look at GNI, Chief and others are outstanding Muslims. Some of the muslims of the Middle East need to change their mentality.

I know a few Turkish Muslims and I can assure you that they love Islam but they are not radicals and do not tolerate radicalism. I draw inspiration from them to practice my Hindu faith.

We must also realize that sometimes we should also leave these radical people alone, give them their own space and let them sort out their own problems after fatigue, they themselves will seek peace.


This is what you get when you mix Saudi/Oatar evil Wahabism with lots of oil money.  There are some Guyanese who support these wahab ideals.  I believe I know that CIOG guy in Guyana who meddle with Arabs.  A lot of ME Arab money flowed into their coffers, not sure how much stuck in his hands, but he did very well for himself.

The US has to chose sides in the ME and stop double talking.  The evil of the evil are who we call our friends, yet they stand for nothing we espouse.

Chief posted:
Drugb posted:

yes, quite a few of them ignored my warnings years ago. In particular Chief and Jansher who suddenly turn more Arab then the Arabs.. 

Many of you are confused. Living a life that follows the teachings of the Quran like abstaining from what is prohibited does not and cannot make me an Arab! It can definitely make me a better muslim.

Some of you writing share nonsense. The terrorists who killed the innocent French people were not even living the life as religious muslims. They were eating pork like Riff Raff and one of them even had owned a bar and when his business fail he decided to take out his anger and join Isis. It is documented  that  in most cases some of  these idiots  that turn to violence  were really not religious and   losers in almost everything that they did.

So all you stop your hating on Islam.

Islam forbids, alcohol, gambling, pork eating. You Guyanese non muslims feel that because Guyanese Muslims were not abiding with the rules and now many are praying 5 times a day, that makes them Arabs, welL you are just as foolish as Mr. Donald Trump and the bigots on Fox.

Sorry, they are in support of the "Islamic" State which is backed by Saudi/Qatar and claim they live by the book.  If you don't believe they are Islamic, then you have to also conclude Saudi/Qatar version of Islam is wrong and pure evil, but you don't.  You instead chose to criticize actions of their disciples who act out, but never are critical of the head of this evil snake.  I believe there are decent Muslims, but few come forward against these acts.  I have some Guyanese Muslims friends, some I trust more than others.  I also have few Turkish and Iranian friends, but I stay away from ME Arabs.

Chief posted:
Drugb posted:

yes, quite a few of them ignored my warnings years ago. In particular Chief and Jansher who suddenly turn more Arab then the Arabs.. 

Many of you are confused. Living a life that follows the teachings of the Quran like abstaining from what is prohibited does not and cannot make me an Arab! It can definitely make me a better muslim.

Some of you writing share nonsense. The terrorists who killed the innocent French people were not even living the life as religious muslims. They were eating pork like Riff Raff and one of them even had owned a bar and when his business fail he decided to take out his anger and join Isis. It is documented  that  in most cases some of  these idiots  that turn to violence  were really not religious and   losers in almost everything that they did.

So all you stop your hating on Islam.

Islam forbids, alcohol, gambling, pork eating. You Guyanese non muslims feel that because Guyanese Muslims were not abiding with the rules and now many are praying 5 times a day, that makes them Arabs, welL you are just as foolish as Mr. Donald Trump and the bigots on Fox.

Chief, no one is bashing Islam. In fact who is to say that the Arab interpretation of Islam that you now follow is better than the one practiced in Guyana? You have adapted their practices and hence by extension their fanatical tendencies.  You can pray 17 time a day for all I care, however it is the fanatical views that concern us. This idea that you are better than the rest of us and openly call non believers infidels who are supposed to be killed on sight. Why you even bother to live in the US if you now join this brand of fanatics? 

Drugb posted:
Chief posted:
Drugb posted:

yes, quite a few of them ignored my warnings years ago. In particular Chief and Jansher who suddenly turn more Arab then the Arabs.. 

Many of you are confused. Living a life that follows the teachings of the Quran like abstaining from what is prohibited does not and cannot make me an Arab! It can definitely make me a better muslim.

Some of you writing share nonsense. The terrorists who killed the innocent French people were not even living the life as religious muslims. They were eating pork like Riff Raff and one of them even had owned a bar and when his business fail he decided to take out his anger and join Isis. It is documented  that  in most cases some of  these idiots  that turn to violence  were really not religious and   losers in almost everything that they did.

So all you stop your hating on Islam.

Islam forbids, alcohol, gambling, pork eating. You Guyanese non muslims feel that because Guyanese Muslims were not abiding with the rules and now many are praying 5 times a day, that makes them Arabs, welL you are just as foolish as Mr. Donald Trump and the bigots on Fox.

Chief, no one is bashing Islam. In fact who is to say that the Arab interpretation of Islam that you now follow is better than the one practiced in Guyana? You have adapted their practices and hence by extension their fanatical tendencies.  You can pray 17 time a day for all I care, however it is the fanatical views that concern us. This idea that you are better than the rest of us and openly call non believers infidels who are supposed to be killed on sight. Why you even bother to live in the US if you now join this brand of fanatics? 

Correct, the Caliphate is there for the believers.  And who cares what you eat and don't eat, what about that ISIS banna eating the organs of a freshly killed Syrian soldier!

Chief posted:

 There are 1.4 billion Muslims and they come from all over.

And this is why the rest of us infidels are concerned for our safety. Why can't you find a verse in the Koran to inspire these fanatics to put down their arms and abandon the idea of a caliphate at the expense of innocent lives, mostly Muslim lives to be exact? 

Drugb posted:
Chief posted:

 There are 1.4 billion Muslims and they come from all over.

And this is why the rest of us infidels are concerned for our safety. Why can't you find a verse in the Koran to inspire these fanatics to put down their arms and abandon the idea of a caliphate at the expense of innocent lives, mostly Muslim lives to be exact? 

There are several.

President George Bush quoted one of the many the day after 9/11.

Drugb posted:
Chief posted:
Drugb posted:

yes, quite a few of them ignored my warnings years ago. In particular Chief and Jansher who suddenly turn more Arab then the Arabs.. 

Many of you are confused. Living a life that follows the teachings of the Quran like abstaining from what is prohibited does not and cannot make me an Arab! It can definitely make me a better muslim.

Some of you writing share nonsense. The terrorists who killed the innocent French people were not even living the life as religious muslims. They were eating pork like Riff Raff and one of them even had owned a bar and when his business fail he decided to take out his anger and join Isis. It is documented  that  in most cases some of  these idiots  that turn to violence  were really not religious and   losers in almost everything that they did.

So all you stop your hating on Islam.

Islam forbids, alcohol, gambling, pork eating. You Guyanese non muslims feel that because Guyanese Muslims were not abiding with the rules and now many are praying 5 times a day, that makes them Arabs, welL you are just as foolish as Mr. Donald Trump and the bigots on Fox.

Chief, no one is bashing Islam. In fact who is to say that the Arab interpretation of Islam that you now follow is better than the one practiced in Guyana? You have adapted their practices and hence by extension their fanatical tendencies.  You can pray 17 time a day for all I care, however it is the fanatical views that concern us. This idea that you are better than the rest of us and openly call non believers infidels who are supposed to be killed on sight. Why you even bother to live in the US if you now join this brand of fanatics? 

Schooling someone like you who really just want to talk without listening is difficult.

When you use the word "you" doe s that mean me?

I told you last night and will repeat in no way I am following anyone or any nation, I follow the teachings of the Holy Quran . 

All revealed books including the Holy Bible and Torah has names for idol worshippers.

Saying you are not bashing Islam is just the ISIS idiots who say they are fighting for Islam.  


Chief posted:
Drugb posted:
Chief posted:
Drugb posted:

yes, quite a few of them ignored my warnings years ago. In particular Chief and Jansher who suddenly turn more Arab then the Arabs.. 

Many of you are confused. Living a life that follows the teachings of the Quran like abstaining from what is prohibited does not and cannot make me an Arab! It can definitely make me a better muslim.

Some of you writing share nonsense. The terrorists who killed the innocent French people were not even living the life as religious muslims. They were eating pork like Riff Raff and one of them even had owned a bar and when his business fail he decided to take out his anger and join Isis. It is documented  that  in most cases some of  these idiots  that turn to violence  were really not religious and   losers in almost everything that they did.

So all you stop your hating on Islam.

Islam forbids, alcohol, gambling, pork eating. You Guyanese non muslims feel that because Guyanese Muslims were not abiding with the rules and now many are praying 5 times a day, that makes them Arabs, welL you are just as foolish as Mr. Donald Trump and the bigots on Fox.

Chief, no one is bashing Islam. In fact who is to say that the Arab interpretation of Islam that you now follow is better than the one practiced in Guyana? You have adapted their practices and hence by extension their fanatical tendencies.  You can pray 17 time a day for all I care, however it is the fanatical views that concern us. This idea that you are better than the rest of us and openly call non believers infidels who are supposed to be killed on sight. Why you even bother to live in the US if you now join this brand of fanatics? 

Schooling someone like you who really just want to talk without listening is difficult.

When you use the word "you" doe s that mean me?

I told you last night and will repeat in no way I am following anyone or any nation, I follow the teachings of the Holy Quran . 

All revealed books including the Holy Bible and Torah has names for idol worshippers.

Saying you are not bashing Islam is just the ISIS idiots who say they are fighting for Islam.  


The baby killers in ISIS also following the teachings of the Quran!

baseman posted:

The baby killers in ISIS also following the teachings of the Quran!

Do you really stop and listen to what you say or is it hate for Islam  that fuel your thoughts?

The Christian brother that attacked the abortion clinic in Colorado , what book was he following? 

Abortion is prohibited by The Holy Bible does not mean that  the bible instruct it followers to kill.

In every religion and race there are good, bad and idiots.

As the attorney general said yesterday this rhetoric against Islam is not assisting the serious situtaion where people feel that they have a right to grab arms and murder innocvents.

Baseman you are contributing to the hat, and hate breeds hate.



I know and understand what you're saying, but we have to admit it really hurts when you see Muslims killing in the name of religion. We can complain that people don't attack Christianity when white Christians commit crimes, but most of them don't do it in the name of religion. 

Steps have to be taken to put an end to this! Backlash will be more severe and will affect every Muslim, religious or non religious

RiffRaff posted:


I know and understand what you're saying, but we have to admit it really hurts when you see Muslims killing in the name of religion. We can complain that people don't attack Christianity when white Christians commit crimes, but most of them don't do it in the name of religion. 

Steps have to be taken to put an end to this! Backlash will be more severe and will affect every Muslim, religious or non religious


RiffRaff posted:

I grow up in Guyana...mixed with Hindus and Christians..I like drink sometimes and ah tried pork

Some of these Middle East people are a different breed

I stickin to meh Guyana roots....

Guyanese Muslims are completely absorbed into Arab brand of Islam. I agree with you that in our time we all interacted transparently with religion never coming between friendship. One would not know a Muslim child on the playing field from a Christian or Hindu child.

In Guyana today, most of the muslim girls  are hijabized even burquaized or have some head covering at all times. Many Muslim men have also adopted ME garb. You also hear the blaring of the call to prayer from loudspeakers in many areas.

Our kind of Muslim we know in Guyana is long gone. Whabbist  idea of tawhid  admits to a single and absolute truth, the god of the Koran and the religion of Islam and those committed to the shahada, muslims. All others are infidels.

Try to tell Muslims in Skeldon the call to prayer through loudspeakers is offensive and they definitely will want to beat you up. I am an atheist and openly so and nothing angers a Muslim more than  an atheist.  I am Kryptonite to a Guyanese Muslim mental stability. Previously they would laugh and argue and we would end up still being friends.  They seldom care to discuss anything these days.  They absolutely know the truth.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I grow up in Guyana...mixed with Hindus and Christians..I like drink sometimes and ah tried pork

Some of these Middle East people are a different breed

I stickin to meh Guyana roots....

Guyanese Muslims are completely absorbed into Arab brand of Islam. I agree with you that in our time we all interacted transparently with religion never coming between friendship. One would not know a Muslim child on the playing field from a Christian or Hindu child.

In Guyana today, most of the muslim girls  are hijabized even burquaized or have some head covering at all times. Many Muslim men have also adopted ME garb. You also hear the blaring of the call to prayer from loudspeakers in many areas.

Our kind of Muslim we know in Guyana is long gone. Whabbist  idea of tawhid  admits to a single and absolute truth, the god of the Koran and the religion of Islam and those committed to the shahada, muslims. All others are infidels.

Try to tell Muslims in Skeldon the call to prayer through loudspeakers is offensive and they definitely will want to beat you up. I am an atheist and openly so and nothing angers a Muslim more than  an atheist.  I am Kryptonite to a Muslim mental stability. Previously they would laugh and argue. They seldom do these days. 

Hello??? you are hallow!

Call of prayer was from the inception of Islam so as the garb that millions wear across the world. 

You may not like our wear and our way of life and that's fine and I rspect you for being atheist. The Holy Quran speaks about people like you when God stated" There is no imposition on religion"

Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I grow up in Guyana...mixed with Hindus and Christians..I like drink sometimes and ah tried pork

Some of these Middle East people are a different breed

I stickin to meh Guyana roots....

Guyanese Muslims are completely absorbed into Arab brand of Islam. I agree with you that in our time we all interacted transparently with religion never coming between friendship. One would not know a Muslim child on the playing field from a Christian or Hindu child.

In Guyana today, most of the muslim girls  are hijabized even burquaized or have some head covering at all times. Many Muslim men have also adopted ME garb. You also hear the blaring of the call to prayer from loudspeakers in many areas.

Our kind of Muslim we know in Guyana is long gone. Whabbist  idea of tawhid  admits to a single and absolute truth, the god of the Koran and the religion of Islam and those committed to the shahada, muslims. All others are infidels.

Try to tell Muslims in Skeldon the call to prayer through loudspeakers is offensive and they definitely will want to beat you up. I am an atheist and openly so and nothing angers a Muslim more than  an atheist.  I am Kryptonite to a Muslim mental stability. Previously they would laugh and argue. They seldom do these days. 

Hello??? you are hallow!

Call of prayer was from the inception of Islam so as the garb that millions wear across the world. 

You may not like our wear and our way of life and that's fine and I rspect you for being atheist. The Holy Quran speaks about people like you when God stated" There is no imposition on religion"

I am saying from a loudspeaker is sort of over kill don't you think? Bilal did not have electronics to reach across miles. Spare me the crap. It is annoying as a rumshop jukebox to me.

It is not that I do not like this or that...hindus had their dress and food and rituals  but only minor changes came with the opening up of the world.  Muslims changed completely. Hindus in Guyana or here are almost identical...pandits here are a little more crooked!!!


Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

pandits here are a little more crooked!!! HEHEHE       YUh right  But not only Pandits, Priests, Imams, Rabbis. The wealth here and opportunities make they forget what they are preaching.

Nehru in that very vein I will go further.


Now because America has it's freedom, some folks are taking advantage of that. So every religion have  there good , bad and con men.

As for extremists it is the same, that is why I am tried of hearing Islam name being dragged to the ground.


Stormborn posted:
Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I grow up in Guyana...mixed with Hindus and Christians..I like drink sometimes and ah tried pork

Some of these Middle East people are a different breed

I stickin to meh Guyana roots....

Guyanese Muslims are completely absorbed into Arab brand of Islam. I agree with you that in our time we all interacted transparently with religion never coming between friendship. One would not know a Muslim child on the playing field from a Christian or Hindu child.

In Guyana today, most of the muslim girls  are hijabized even burquaized or have some head covering at all times. Many Muslim men have also adopted ME garb. You also hear the blaring of the call to prayer from loudspeakers in many areas.

Our kind of Muslim we know in Guyana is long gone. Whabbist  idea of tawhid  admits to a single and absolute truth, the god of the Koran and the religion of Islam and those committed to the shahada, muslims. All others are infidels.

Try to tell Muslims in Skeldon the call to prayer through loudspeakers is offensive and they definitely will want to beat you up. I am an atheist and openly so and nothing angers a Muslim more than  an atheist.  I am Kryptonite to a Muslim mental stability. Previously they would laugh and argue. They seldom do these days. 

Hello??? you are hallow!

Call of prayer was from the inception of Islam so as the garb that millions wear across the world. 

You may not like our wear and our way of life and that's fine and I rspect you for being atheist. The Holy Quran speaks about people like you when God stated" There is no imposition on religion"

I am saying from a loudspeaker is sort of over kill don't you think? Bilal did not have electronics to reach across miles. Spare me the crap. It is annoying as a rumshop jukebox to me.



I agree  with you.

It is the over kill that has Muslims looking stupid and being embarrassed today.

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

pandits here are a little more crooked!!! HEHEHE       YUh right  But not only Pandits, Priests, Imams, Rabbis. The wealth here and opportunities make they forget what they are preaching.

Nehru in that very vein I will go further.


Now because America has it's freedom, some folks are taking advantage of that. So every religion have  there good , bad and con men.

As for extremists it is the same, that is why I am tried of hearing Islam name being dragged to the ground.


It seems you are blaming yourself for the actions of the bad ones. Maybe you need to project your thoughts and feelings and not worry about defending anyone or anything.

Stormborn posted:
Chief posted:
Stormborn posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I grow up in Guyana...mixed with Hindus and Christians..I like drink sometimes and ah tried pork

Some of these Middle East people are a different breed

I stickin to meh Guyana roots....

Guyanese Muslims are completely absorbed into Arab brand of Islam. I agree with you that in our time we all interacted transparently with religion never coming between friendship. One would not know a Muslim child on the playing field from a Christian or Hindu child.

In Guyana today, most of the muslim girls  are hijabized even burquaized or have some head covering at all times. Many Muslim men have also adopted ME garb. You also hear the blaring of the call to prayer from loudspeakers in many areas.

Our kind of Muslim we know in Guyana is long gone. Whabbist  idea of tawhid  admits to a single and absolute truth, the god of the Koran and the religion of Islam and those committed to the shahada, muslims. All others are infidels.

Try to tell Muslims in Skeldon the call to prayer through loudspeakers is offensive and they definitely will want to beat you up. I am an atheist and openly so and nothing angers a Muslim more than  an atheist.  I am Kryptonite to a Muslim mental stability. Previously they would laugh and argue. They seldom do these days. 

Hello??? you are hallow!

Call of prayer was from the inception of Islam so as the garb that millions wear across the world. 

You may not like our wear and our way of life and that's fine and I rspect you for being atheist. The Holy Quran speaks about people like you when God stated" There is no imposition on religion"

I am saying from a loudspeaker is sort of over kill don't you think? Bilal did not have electronics to reach across miles. Spare me the crap. It is annoying as a rumshop jukebox to me.

It is not that I do not like this or that...hindus had their dress and food and rituals  but only minor changes came with the opening up of the world.  Muslims changed completely. Hindus in Guyana or here are almost identical...pandits here are a little more crooked!!!


Stormy, The Masjid at Liberty and 126 in construction now has 4 large Towers, I hope Speakers will not be attached to all 4.  I get what you are saying and hope the Religious Leaders are listening to the whole Community.

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

pandits here are a little more crooked!!! HEHEHE       YUh right  But not only Pandits, Priests, Imams, Rabbis. The wealth here and opportunities make they forget what they are preaching.

Nehru in that very vein I will go further.


Now because America has it's freedom, some folks are taking advantage of that. So every religion have  there good , bad and con men.

As for extremists it is the same, that is why I am tried of hearing Islam name being dragged to the ground.


Talk to your jihadist who are dragging it to the ground!  You are blogging on the wrong site, you need to go blog with jihadist and convince them!

Nehru posted:

It seems you are blaming yourself for the actions of the bad ones. Maybe you need to project your thoughts and feelings and not worry about defending anyone or anything.

In no way am I blaming myself for I know who I am.

Every single day I wake up I try to do good and it start with myself, then my family and then eventually it comes out to the community we live in.

My mantra "Do Good and good will follow you".


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