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Former Member

I am back. I was busy investing in some real estate in Bradford and it has all wrapped up. For those in and around  Vaughan, it is a great opportunity now to scoop up some properties there. Houses that were going around $ 1.2 million are now around $ 800,000 after the market slow down. Prices are still too high in Vaughan to invest now.

Mitwah and others, invest now and see a very handsome return in five years. There might be a temporary housing slowdown if Trump loses but any long term investment in real estate pays off. Hope Trump wins again in 2020 to keep the housing market strong !



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Bossman I am not familiar with burial plot investing but based on the price of properties in Toronto and Vaughan, a plot might be worth a good chunk change.

I told my family to just throw me in the Oven when I leave this material world. 

How much does a plot go for these days ?

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
Amral posted:

Bai I have been investing in real estate for a few years now. I have several burial plots available for anyone interested 

Ha much...and where?  I was thinking cremation for my parents, but would like a nice tombstone if price is right.

Would you throw their ash in the Ganges. 


Cremation is environmentally friendly. It is the best option for those who care about the environment. 

A majority of Indians cremate but some of them just throw the bodies in the Ganges. That is very irresponsible with no regard for Mother Earth. 

There should be a law to end burial or build multiple stories building for those who wish not to creamate and “store” their bodies there for whatever reason.


Last edited by Former Member
Amral posted:

On the serious side for my Dad last year.

Grave Plot $2211.00 tax incl
Funeral Mosque Services ($1208.54 tax inc)
Grave Open/Close $1186.22 tax included
Headstone $3617.71 tax included

add up and you get the idea

about $8200 and it goes up every year

Thanks for info Bossman. I remember a late Aunt who never wanted to be cremated and passed away a while ago and her family paid about $ 5500 for the service plus plot. I honestly do not know about the cost of the headstone. Prices have definitely gone up.

yuji22 posted:

Bossman I am not familiar with burial plot investing but based on the price of properties in Toronto and Vaughan, a plot might be worth a good chunk change.

I told my family to just throw me in the Oven when I leave this material world. 

How much does a plot go for these days ?

Bai, cremation is pricey also. My in-laws shelled out about 20k back in 2016 for their parents' cremation. But I do see your point regarding the environment.

kp posted:

Hope Trump wins again in 2020 to keep the housing market strong !

 Like you went fishing at one of Trump's rally, you come back and he is your God.   You don't know me, but I can teach you a thing or two in Real Estate. From Building, Investing ,Buying and Selling.

Bhai KP, thanks for the offer but I already have a financial planner, brokers and agents etc.

I do not attend Trump rallies but as a conservative, I support sensible conservative values. Socialism is dead and some democrats are living in the past. I predict a Democrat loss in 2020 if they continue to move so far to the left.

Trump is beatable but the Democrats are not sensible. Imagine men of the past like Bernie and The Grabber Biden are the best that they can offer. This spells disaster.

We have to agree to disagree. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Hope Trump wins again in 2020 to keep the housing market strong !

 Like you went fishing at one of Trump's rally, you come back and he is your God.   You don't know me, but I can teach you a thing or two in Real Estate. From Building, Investing ,Buying and Selling.

Bhai KP, thanks for the offer but I already have a financial planner, brokers and agents etc.

I do not attend Trump rallies but as a conservative, I support sensible conservative values. Socialism is dead and some democrats are living in the past. I predict a Democrat loss in 2020 if they continue to move so far to the left.

Trump is beatable but the Democrats are not sensible. Imagine men of the past like Bernie and The Grabber Biden are the best that they can offer. This spells disaster.

We have to agree to disagree. 

Tim Ryan looks like a good bet.

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Amral posted:

Bai I have been investing in real estate for a few years now. I have several burial plots available for anyone interested 

Ha much...and where?  I was thinking cremation for my parents, but would like a nice tombstone if price is right.

Would you throw their ash in the Ganges. 

Half of my family on the Indian side dont know much about the Ganges...not sure they want to go that route but they all believe that cremation is cheaper and more environmentally friendly...

Look at the price Amral posted above for a piece of burial land. 

ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Hope Trump wins again in 2020 to keep the housing market strong !

 Like you went fishing at one of Trump's rally, you come back and he is your God.   You don't know me, but I can teach you a thing or two in Real Estate. From Building, Investing ,Buying and Selling.

Bhai KP, thanks for the offer but I already have a financial planner, brokers and agents etc.

I do not attend Trump rallies but as a conservative, I support sensible conservative values. Socialism is dead and some democrats are living in the past. I predict a Democrat loss in 2020 if they continue to move so far to the left.

Trump is beatable but the Democrats are not sensible. Imagine men of the past like Bernie and The Grabber Biden are the best that they can offer. This spells disaster.

We have to agree to disagree. 

Tim Ryan looks like a good bet.

Ryan is the only democrat who stands a chance but we have to see. Too early to tell.

yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Hope Trump wins again in 2020 to keep the housing market strong !

 Like you went fishing at one of Trump's rally, you come back and he is your God.   You don't know me, but I can teach you a thing or two in Real Estate. From Building, Investing ,Buying and Selling.

Bhai KP, thanks for the offer but I already have a financial planner, brokers and agents etc.

I do not attend Trump rallies but as a conservative, I support sensible conservative values. Socialism is dead and some democrats are living in the past. I predict a Democrat loss in 2020 if they continue to move so far to the left.

Trump is beatable but the Democrats are not sensible. Imagine men of the past like Bernie and The Grabber Biden are the best that they can offer. This spells disaster.

We have to agree to disagree. 

Tim Ryan looks like a good bet.

Ryan is the only democrat who stands a chance but we have to see. Too early to tell.

Tim Ryan doesn't have a chance. Bernie the millionaire, should drop out too. People like Juan Castro, Gillibrand and some of the no name, come lately, should leave and give the Dems a chance to solidify the party.

yuji22 posted:

I support we Hindu Gyal Tulsi. Dems are in trouble. Imagine the Grabber Biden is their best candidate. 

Tulsi actually served in the military frontlines. 

Tulsi? Gabby gyal is out of her league. When they set up groups for the debates, she will be grouped by her popularity in the polls. She will not even show any. She will fall in the residual group of "also participating."

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Amral posted:

Bai I have been investing in real estate for a few years now. I have several burial plots available for anyone interested 

Ha much...and where?  I was thinking cremation for my parents, but would like a nice tombstone if price is right.

Tombstone pizzas are cheap.

And they will get one the other tombstone faster. 😀

yuji22 posted:

I am back. I was busy investing in some real estate in Bradford and it has all wrapped up. For those in and around  Vaughan, it is a great opportunity now to scoop up some properties there. Houses that were going around $ 1.2 million are now around $ 800,000 after the market slow down. Prices are still too high in Vaughan to invest now.

Mitwah and others, invest now and see a very handsome return in five years. There might be a temporary housing slowdown if Trump loses but any long term investment in real estate pays off. Hope Trump wins again in 2020 to keep the housing market strong !



You came back from peeping into GNI every blasted day. Nothing changes with you. Jagdeo is still your hero and Blackman is still your enemy. 

yuji22 posted:

Yes Jagdeo is my hero. You have a problem with that ? I will bump into you one of these days in NYC. 

Prince, don’t hide behind your monitor, President Jagdeo is coming to NYC. 

And you think I am afraid of Jagdeo who is afraid of his own shadow? Read my lips. I do NOT support a party or race-based politics like you. I have been there and done that and it makes me look stupid and lost in the wilderness. 

Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:

Yes Jagdeo is my hero. You have a problem with that ? I will bump into you one of these days in NYC. 

Prince, don’t hide behind your monitor, President Jagdeo is coming to NYC. 

And you think I am afraid of Jagdeo who is afraid of his own shadow? Read my lips. I do NOT support a party or race-based politics like you. I have been there and done that and it makes me look stupid and lost in the wilderness. 


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