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Came back on a 4.30 am flight this morning and just arrived. Had a wonderful time in Guyana and more so last evening at the National Stadium.


  President Granger is setting some high standards  the man had his first cabinet meeting at 7am this morning.


So now I have to have my cabinet meeting with my staff.  I have to earn what I spent so now back to work.


More to follow when I have the time.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by TK:

Wouldn't a 7am cabinet meeting be counterproductive?

Nope. I used to have to start college in Suriname at 7AM. That meant that by 12PM when it gets boiling hot we had already done the important parts for the day. You know what they say: the early bird catches the worm.

Last edited by Mr.T
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by TK:

Wouldn't a 7am cabinet meeting be counterproductive?

Nope. I used to have to start college in Suriname at 7AM. That meant that by 12PM when it gets boiling hot we had already done the important parts for the day. You know what they say: the early bird catches the worm.

Early meetings don't necessarily show high productivity you know. This is not a military. The Western corporations are now finding out that people click at different rate and at different stage. Offices and work schedules are being redesigned to account for creative people of all stripes, many of whom will be on a place on Asperger spectrum. A 7am meeting don't prove a thing in the 21st century.  


In places like Guyana that is right under the hottest part of the sun rays you are better off starting early. By 9AM your attention span begins to drop off. Compare that to the colder USA at that time of the morning. People go to bed late and are up late, and have to travel long distance to work in most cases. It is a different score in the tropics.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

In places like Guyana that is right under the hottest part of the sun rays you are better off starting early. By 9AM your attention span begins to drop off. Compare that to the colder USA at that time of the morning. People go to bed late and are up late, and have to travel long distance to work in most cases. It is a different score in the tropics.


Dem bannas work in AC offices you know.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Came back on a 4.30 am flight this morning and just arrived. Had a wonderful time in Guyana and more so last evening at the National Stadium.




* The Rev and his family will be in Guyana in July. I fully expect the capital city to be spic and span by the time we arrive in Granger's country.




* Anyway, The Guyana Marriott is all ready to accommodate the esteemed Rev.


* Glad you had an enjoyable trip to Guyana Chiefsta.



Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Wouldn't a 7am cabinet meeting be counterproductive?

Are you now anti_AFC?

I am just sharing some insights of scientific studies being done by behavioral economists on the determinants of worker productivity. 

No!  That's not what you were doing.   It looks like the PNC kick your butt.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Wouldn't a 7am cabinet meeting be counterproductive?

Are you now anti_AFC?

I am just sharing some insights of scientific studies being done by behavioral economists on the determinants of worker productivity. 

No!  That's not what you were doing.   It looks like the PNC kick your butt.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

Wouldn't a 7am cabinet meeting be counterproductive?

Are you now anti_AFC?

I am just sharing some insights of scientific studies being done by behavioral economists on the determinants of worker productivity. 

No!  That's not what you were doing.   It looks like the PNC kick your butt.


Originally Posted by TI:

From my experience any 7am meeting is a breakfast meeting where attendees are more focused on the coffee and bagels.  In Guyana we used to like the AM coffee, patties, cheese roll, etc.  Dem PNC bais could eat!

get them in a good mood to agree to anything. Guyanese like free food



 Don't underestimate dem AFC bais and gyals...dem can eat too.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by TI:

From my experience any 7am meeting is a breakfast meeting where attendees are more focused on the coffee and bagels.  In Guyana we used to like the AM coffee, patties, cheese roll, etc.  Dem PNC bais could eat!

get them in a good mood to agree to anything. Guyanese like free food



 Don't underestimate dem AFC bais and gyals...dem can eat too.

Dem shouldda request a breakfast menu amendment to include hot paratha and bigan choka wid wiri-wiri peppa.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by TK:

Wouldn't a 7am cabinet meeting be counterproductive?

Nope. I used to have to start college in Suriname at 7AM. That meant that by 12PM when it gets boiling hot we had already done the important parts for the day. You know what they say: the early bird catches the worm.

Early meetings don't necessarily show high productivity you know. This is not a military. The Western corporations are now finding out that people click at different rate and at different stage. Offices and work schedules are being redesigned to account for creative people of all stripes, many of whom will be on a place on Asperger spectrum. A 7am meeting don't prove a thing in the 21st century.  

Unfortunately the current cabinet is not 21st century people, they are from the old school.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Came back on a 4.30 am flight this morning and just arrived. Had a wonderful time in Guyana and more so last evening at the National Stadium.




* The Rev and his family will be in Guyana in July. I fully expect the capital city to be spic and span by the time we arrive in Granger's country.




* Anyway, The Guyana Marriott is all ready to accommodate the esteemed Rev.


* Glad you had an enjoyable trip to Guyana Chiefsta.



Thank you Rev.

From what I have seen the average man in Georgetown was doing thier part to clean the city. I had to drive through East Lapenitance and saw citizens in the canals infront of thier homes cleaning up and this was on a Sunday morning. Vendors from outside Bourda Market was asking that vendors do not llitter.

Hope they all keep it up. Rev I only spent 72 hrs and did not had the oppertunity to go by Marriot.


Capacity crowd defies rains for Presidential Inauguration

May 27, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

By Desilon Daniels When Guyanese woke up on Independence Day, many were disheartened to see the overcast, gloomy sky that met them; the day was meant to be one for celebration and, more importantly, one for the inauguration of

Scenes from the inauguration at Guyana National Stadium, yesterday

Scenes from the inauguration at Guyana National Stadium, yesterday

Guyana’s new leader, President David Granger. However, Guyanese are not known to be easily deterred; nothing, they said, especially a bit of rain would keep them from witnessing such a historic occasion. For many, being able to participate in such an event could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So, with umbrellas in hand – and in some cases rain boots on feet – they packed into their vehicles and headed to the National Stadium to witness the inauguration ceremony. It was hard to believe that many Guyanese could be in such a good mood even after waiting for hours in traffic on the East Bank of Demerara. In fact, only bright, smiling faces could be seen among the thousands who converged at the National Stadium at Providence. Equally bright were the colours worn yesterday by patrons; though a spectrum of colours were seen, the most popular were clearly red, black, gold, green and white, the colours of the Golden Arrowhead. Many of those who weren’t openly going for colours from Guyana’s flag, sported outfits created from the APNU+AFC flag, while others went so far as to dye their hair in multiple colours. Though the focus was largely on the new president, David Granger, it was still a day for all Guyanese and people of all races were seen in the packed stadium, standing shoulder to shoulder as they sheltered under umbrellas together. Though the official inauguration ceremony had been slated to begin at 5:00pm, countless persons had turned out hours before to patiently await the arrival of the President. Fortunately, President Granger’s arrival was a timely one and the inauguration programme got underway promptly. Those who defied Mother Nature were not disappointed, even with the intermittent showers, and the cultural performers were clearly cognizant of the great responsibility they had in delivering a stellar show; whether they were singing or dancing, the performers gave it everything they had; they sashayed their hips, stamped their feet energetically, and grinned broadly to the cheering crowd. Particularly vibrant were the 550 dancers who were a part of a display by the Department of Culture, Youth and Sport of the Ministry of Education. In flamboyantly coloured outfits, they made their way on to the field to perform a vigorous piece which focused largely on unity in Guyana and the importance of working together. The hundreds of dancers ranged from nursery school right up to adulthood. Even with the rain drizzling, they smiled brightly and the crowd reciprocated with bellowing roars of approval. Though other items, including the military bands display, received tumultuous applause, no item was more appreciated than the address given by His Excellency, Brigadier David Granger. Before he spoke, President Granger was officially inaugurated by the First People of Guyana. He stoically stood on an erected podium as three dancers circled around him, a small smile playing on the corner of his lips. The smile grew when he was officially inaugurated. In his remarks, President Granger spoke at length on the importance of a unified Guyana and rebuilding a proud nation. Though for the most part a hush fell over the audience as the president spoke, joy was evident on the faces of countless persons. There was little movement as he spoke save for the swaying Golden Arrowheads perched around the stadium. The attention shifted only briefly from President Granger when the fireworks began; with eyes glued to the sky, Guyanese “oohed” and “ahhed” as the bright colours exploded into view. Even President Granger seem captivated as he hoisted his young granddaughter in his arms and smiled along with her as she marveled at the beauty of it all. Beside him stood his wife, Sandra, who whispered and smiled proudly with her other grandchildren. As the events came to an end, it was clear that the day had been a successful one. “It is time!” persons called out to one another as President Granger hopped into his vehicle and prepared to leave. And though no one could specifically say what it was time for, there seemed to be a general understanding that a new beginning was underway.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Massive  crowd last night at the stadium however there was only about 5% make up from the five other races.

As can be expected given the composition of the vote.

Well, I thought Mr Granger said he will be the president for all, even the 49% who did not vote for him.  I thought he said he wanted a "Unity" govt and had"extended a hand" to the PPP.  However, we see a 90% Afro cabinet, a "layered over" AFC, and an encircled PM, etc.  Now I heard he saying not to worry, he only tickling backsides of the the old PNC guards to keep them "happy".


I thought the nation elected a "leader" to lead from the front, not cater to the lowest common denominator.  I expect a good leader would lead his flock and the rest of the nation onto the path of righteousness out of the valley of the shadow of death.  A good leader goes out front and make the unpopular choices and convince his flock it is the right and nobel thing.


A good leader does not just follow "proven [failed] tracks" but blazes new trails because, as they say, "doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result is the definition of insanity".  He is clearly not insane, then how does his words "unity" reconcile with his deeds "exclusivity".  Does this then gives credibility to the term used by Ex Pres Ramotar, "disingenuous"?

Originally Posted by Chief:

Came back on a 4.30 am flight this morning and just arrived. Had a wonderful time in Guyana and more so last evening at the National Stadium.


  President Granger is setting some high standards  the man had his first cabinet meeting at 7am this morning.


So now I have to have my cabinet meeting with my staff.  I have to earn what I spent so now back to work.


More to follow when I have the time.

WHO CARES?  You could have gone to KING OF QATAR for all I care.  Welcome back to the land of MILK and HONEY - North America and the Bahamas.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Clear indication that this is not a national unity government, 50% of the population must be brought in to assist with development of country. Granger has his work cut out for him...Is he going to reach out to them??? 

Vish is the PPP that wants to stay out.  READ and LISTEN.  Essential in these times.


Granger on three occasion said he want Ramotar at the table and all three time, Ramotar box the man hand away.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Clear indication that this is not a national unity government, 50% of the population must be brought in to assist with development of country. Granger has his work cut out for him...Is he going to reach out to them??? 

If those who represent the 49% don't want to work with him, then he has to focus on those who will.


Any case I object to any form of governance which eliminates the role of an opposition party.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Clear indication that this is not a national unity government, 50% of the population must be brought in to assist with development of country. Granger has his work cut out for him...Is he going to reach out to them??? 

If those who represent the 49% don't want to work with him, then he has to focus on those who will.


Any case I object to any form of governance which eliminates the role of an opposition party.

Listen to this RACIST DAAG.  Was the 50% working with the PPP???  BUT the PPP gave them Gold and Dhal and Rice. They however bore the plate after they FINISH eating.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Clear indication that this is not a national unity government, 50% of the population must be brought in to assist with development of country. Granger has his work cut out for him...Is he going to reach out to them??? 

If those who represent the 49% don't want to work with him, then he has to focus on those who will.


Any case I object to any form of governance which eliminates the role of an opposition party.

Listen to this RACIST DAAG.  Was the 50% working with the PPP???  BUT the PPP gave them Gold and Dhal and Rice. They however bore the plate after they FINISH eating.

Nehru, by right you were supposed to embrace caribny as a good gesture in this new unity government.  


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