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Safoora Salim 2

CAPITOL NEWS --- Fifty-two year-old Bibi Safaoora Salim, of Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo was this morning (March, 31) taken into police custody for questioning, following her infamous Facebook post, “Granger want a bullet in head…I am out of a job now because of them,” which sparked criticisms from all quarters of society.

The police are searching for two more persons, who are overseas- based Guyanese, for also posting racially-inciting comments on social media against President David Granger and Guyanese of African ancestry.

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told Capitol News that the woman remains in custody for questioning at the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) headquarters, Georgetown.

These persons could be charged under the, “racial hostility act, for attempting to incite excitement, hostility or ill-will on grounds of race.”

Meanwhile, Canadian-based Guyanese businessman, Victor Singh’s Facebook account also had disparaging comments against Guyanese of African descent. However; in a statement to the media, Singh is now claiming that account is, ‘fake’.

“I arrived at the conclusion of the attempts to implicate me because my photographs were taken from my authentic Facebook profile and imported into the contentious post on social media.  I can with complete confidence say that the particular fake profile bearing a similar name to mine is no way connected to me,” the statement read.



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My heart goes out to this woman.  She was joking around in a private blog on Facebook with some other ladies and a handful of guys. Their private group was infiltrated by someone with a fake profile.  One of the girls caught him quickly but he was able to copy the blog before they deleted him.

Bibi Haniffa
seignet posted:

Tek warrrrning Cain and Redux. Stop meking anti-indo comments eqivalent to "kill coolies."

seignet, i challenge you to find one, A SINGLE ONE such post made by me in 6+ years on GNI and i will request admin to delete my nic and PERMANENTLY ban me from this site

you are a disgusting fraud, satanic racist and hapless LIAR!!

meet my CHALLENGE klown! . . . but since i already know u CAN'T, lemmee suggest u stuff yuh abscessed patacake with maggots and hop along smartly u diseased antiman hore

Last edited by Former Member

To charge this woman is witch hunting...where was the threat of real harm to the President?

I do not think the charge was motivated because of her race, but perhaps to silence political opposition.

As Carib said it is looking more and more as though we got an exchange instead of change in Guyana. 


redux posted:
seignet posted:

Tek warrrrning Cain and Redux. Stop meking anti-indo comments eqivalent to "kill coolies."

seignet, i challenge you to find one, A SINGLE ONE such post made by me in 6+ years on GNI and i will request admin to delete my nic and PERMANENTLY ban me from this site

you are a disgusting fraud, satanic racist and hapless LIAR!!

meet my CHALLENGE klown! . . . but since i already know u CAN'T, lemmee suggest u stuff yuh abscessed patacake with maggots and hop along smartly u diseased antiman hore


Bibi Haniffa posted:

My heart goes out to this woman.  She was joking around in a private blog on Facebook with some other ladies and a handful of guys. Their private group was infiltrated by someone with a fake profile.  One of the girls caught him quickly but he was able to copy the blog before they deleted him.

"joking around" eh? . . . i suppose that's what passes for dinner time conversation in your hood [noted]

look bibi Haniffa, how exactly does a "private group" on Facebook [what's that??] get "infiltrated"?

you are here for the second time talking out your rear, running interference for jagdeo who is embarrassed because "Victor Singh" was up till recently posting up pictures, boasting about his connections to Guyana's First Rat

"Singh" has to LIE and continue saying what he says because Canadian laws are not vague and toothless like Guyana's

that said, Bibi Salim should NOT be prosecuted; it's good enough that she is investigated and EXPOSED

a confident and fair-minded Gov't does not need resort to jagdeo-era antiman moves

the PPP is cultivating division and jonesing for martyrs . . . why oblige them?

Last edited by Former Member

The PPP cartel has not been afraid to hire guns and assassins in order to murder black people. To call for the assassination of the president is just another demonstration of the PPP that it is willing to do whatever it can to destabilize the country. This woman should get a black stamp in her passport so that her foreign travels are monitored. She could well be a terrorist.

Mr.T posted:

The PPP cartel has not been afraid to hire guns and assassins in order to murder black people. To call for the assassination of the president is just another demonstration of the PPP that it is willing to do whatever it can to destabilize the country. This woman should get a black stamp in her passport so that her foreign travels are monitored. She could well be a terrorist.

Hehe...banna, I never know when you pulling our legs or if you really trying to show us how smart you are.

If you read the posts above from other people here, there is no evidence that she is a terrorist...and BTW not all Indians are necessarily supporters of the PPP.

Mr.T posted:

The PPP cartel has not been afraid to hire guns and assassins in order to murder black people. To call for the assassination of the president is just another demonstration of the PPP that it is willing to do whatever it can to destabilize the country. This woman should get a black stamp in her passport so that her foreign travels are monitored. She could well be a terrorist.

Hehe...banna, I never know when you pulling our legs or if you really trying to show us how smart you are.

If you read the posts above from other people here, there is no evidence that she is a terrorist...and BTW not all Indians are necessarily supporters of the PPP.

Her "crime" is simply being silly...and not knowing how social media can get her into trouble. 

Last edited by VishMahabir

A good lawyer can use this case to put Granger on trial by claiming the American clandestine message that he was a racist triggered her outbursts. Now he or she can raise the issue in court of why would an intelligence analysis who has never met Granger say he was a racist. Was it because there was a recording from a bug?


Woman held for threat to President Police looking for two overseas-based Guyanese


By Ravin Singh

A SENIOR police source has confirmed that Bibi Safaoora Salim,the woman who allegedly posted life-threatening comments about President David Granger, was taken into police custody for questioning at the Criminal Investigations Department (CID).Just recently, 52-year-old Salim made a Facebook post expressing that, “Granger want a bullet in head…I am out of a job now because of them.” Her comment which was indirectly supported by a few other persons also prompted racially inciting remarks.
This subsequently sparked criticisms from all quarters of society, given the fact that this has been a repeated feature in Guyana’s socio-political landscape, particularly during the pre and post-elections period.
Staying true to his nature of being a President for all of Guyana, the Head of State noted on Thursday during his weekly broadcast of ‘The Public Interest’ that he did not mind meeting Salim once she was unarmed.
Nevertheless, he was taken aback by the comments and expressed how astonished he was at the fact that a Guyanese would resort to that level of communication on social media.

“I certainly would treat it as a security matter and ask the police to find the person and deal with that person in accordance with the law,” President Granger recommended.
He further went on to suggest that the experience was novel in Guyana to actually threaten the Head of State and that it is not the Guyanese style of politics.
“I do believe that it is a police matter and it is nothing that should be ignored. And the police have to pay more attention to what takes place in cyber space. Nowadays most persons who may not know me as Head of State could be influenced by hostile propaganda and they could be falsely induced to do harmful things to other citizens. That would be very bad not only for me, but the country” President Granger said.
He opined that people felt that the way to settle political differences was by violence and he has never advocated or supported the use of violence under any circumstances.

And while Salim has been apprehended, the police source further revealed that police were making attempts to locate two more overseas-based Guyanese who were also reportedly involved in posting racial comments on Facebook, which targeted Afro-Guyanese.
But one of the two persons fingered in the allegation, Victor Singh, who resides in Canada, is now claiming that the Facebook profile bearing his name, and which made the comment was faked.
“I arrived at the conclusion of the attempts to implicate me because my photographs were taken from my authentic Facebook profile and imported into the contentious post on social media. I can with complete confidence say that the particular fake profile bearing a similar name to mine is no way connected to me,” Singh said in a statement.
What was interesting to note however, was that this “fake” profile of Singh was activated in December of 2015 and that profile and the original profile were both linked as “friends.”
In order for one to be a friend with another on Facebook, a request must be sent to that person, and the person whom the request is sent to, must approve that request before the two can become friends on the social media platform.
The “fake profile” also had friends which included son of former President Alexei Ramotar and current PPP Member of Parliament, Nigel Dharamlall.

Chapter 23 of the Racial Hostility Act states that, “A person shall be guilty of an offence if he wilfully excites or attempts to excite hostility or ill-will against any section of the public or against any person on the grounds of their or his race, by means of words spoken by him in a public place or spoken by him and transmitted for general reception by wireless telegraphy or telegraph; or by causing words spoken by him or by some other person to be reproduced in a public place from a record; or by means of written (including printed) matter or pictorial matter published by him”.
If a person is found guilty of this offence, he or she shall be liable on summary conviction to be fined $65,000 and face imprisonment of up to two years.

Opposition Member of Parliament and son of former President Donald Ramotar is member of the Facebook Group where another member made threat to the President of Guyana and other persons also prompted racially inciting remarks.

In the USA Public figures committing such acts and belonging to certain groups have consequences.

seignet posted:

Tek warrrrning Cain and Redux. Stop meking anti-indo comments eqivalent to "kill coolies."

Granger does not care about anti Indo comments.

Crum was made a AFC/PNC hero for his anti Indo comments publicly on Facebook.

Look at the hate spewed by Carib on GNI, that amounts to freedom of speech by PNC.

Message: AFC/PNC Dictatorship has now matured. 


I would like to remind posters about the hate spewed right here on GNI towards President Jagdeo.

That amounted to free speech by AFC/PNC supporters.

The lady's comments were not acceptable, she should have exercised better judgement and publicly apologize for making a very stupid comment. Venting is one thing, but threatening a President is a serious offence.

This government is similar to Burnham's administration. Guyanese now have to carefully monitor this administration on how they treat those opposed to their administration.


VishMahabir posted:
redux posted:
seignet posted:

Tek warrrrning Cain and Redux. Stop meking anti-indo comments eqivalent to "kill coolies."

seignet, i challenge you to find one, A SINGLE ONE such post made by me in 6+ years on GNI and i will request admin to delete my nic and PERMANENTLY ban me from this site

you are a disgusting fraud, satanic racist and hapless LIAR!!

meet my CHALLENGE klown! . . . but since i already know u CAN'T, lemmee suggest u stuff yuh abscessed patacake with maggots and hop along smartly u diseased antiman hore


Its not "boys". Its Boy. You have a congenital inability to condemn the brown bai KKK when they tell blatant lies to offset their own bigotry.

Seignet threatened to put a curse on blacks that they should remain poor and naked for ever.  He will then invent lies about those who condemn his bigotry!


Ignore the ignoramuses


Social media has given newfound freedom. It is hailed as a new horizon in freedom of speech, since it gives everyone the opportunity to have their say.
Freedom of speech has, however, never been about everyone having their say. Freedom of expression has always been about safeguarding against censorship and silence.
Social media has allowed news to reach people in real time. You can follow the cricket as it happens, ball by ball, on social media. But it has also given people the licence to say what they want and how they want, without being held accountable.
Freedom of expression is mangled and abused on a daily basis on social media, but none more so than in blogs about Guyanese politics. The most vitriolic exchanges take place on blogs discussing Guyanese politics.
Very often the exchanges are about race and about allegations of who is racial and who is not, and which group does what and which does not. These exchanges add nothing to the debate on issues in Guyana. They are an abuse of freedom of speech.

More: http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....ore-the-ignoramuses/

Bibi Haniffa posted:

My heart goes out to this woman.  She was joking around in a private blog on Facebook with some other ladies and a handful of guys. Their private group was infiltrated by someone with a fake profile.  One of the girls caught him quickly but he was able to copy the blog before they deleted him.

It should be a wake up to people lwho slander people and write nonsense daily thinking you are cute and you will not be found out.  Well guess again.

Noting is private on social media. Even if it is private discussion you cannot make threats against people. Law enforcement monitors these sites for threats and based on the patriot act you have no privacy.

Last edited by Former Member

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