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Kudos to Chief for expressing his disappointment with Moses. Not once has Moses attempted to redeem himself despite a few golden opportunities to remain independent of the PNC.  

The no confidence motion passing is largely to be blamed on him and Ramjattan to a lesser extent.

The government should not have been in this situation had they listened to the grassroots and AFC back benchers. 

This man was filled with greed and revenge which clouded his judgement. A politician is there to serve the all of people, not help themselves. 

Granger made a critical error in trusting him. 


Nagamootoo can still redeem himself. When Granger and his boys refuse to honor the NCV, Nagamootoo and Ramjattan could resign from the government. That action will still not change the minds of the PNC. From day one of this government it was very clear the AFC morphed into factions of PNC and Opportunists. Hopefully, it would prompt others to continually resign until a clear conscience invades the minds of the PNC. That is if they have a conscience.

yuji22 posted:

Mitwah does not have balls to condemn Moses and Ramjattan. He fryken dem bad bad. Dem remaining AFC supporters like Mits are like Church mouse. Hey hey hey.

Chief is a man wid balls. He ain’t scared of no one.

Chief is an opportunist, he sees the light at the end of the tunnel where the PPP will win the next election. Him a businessman would want to be nice with whoever in government, right now he is making a prediction that the PPP will win. So don't be fooled, he floats with the tide.

Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Mitwah does not have balls to condemn Moses and Ramjattan. He fryken dem bad bad. Dem remaining AFC supporters like Mits are like Church mouse. Hey hey hey.

Chief is a man wid balls. He ain’t scared of no one.

I see you like to hide behind Bibi's skirt. 

For a Big Man, you prapa stupid, Bibi is not on this thread, why you have to bring her into this conversation? When you get licks and suspend ,you wonder why.


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