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Former Member

I am pleading with my country to protect me


In a conversation with Lincoln Lewis, Aubrey Norton, Dr. David Hinds and Sharma Solomon, I made the point that after Walter Rodney, I may be the second most molested victim of state oppression in post-independent Guyana. Of course, Mark Benschop went to prison for five years.

The targeting of me by state actors is relentless. I have requested that David Hinds arrange a meeting for me with the Opposition Leader. And I have asked Gerhard Ramsaroop to raise my situation with the AFC. I am hoping that other stakeholders like Red Thread, the Guyana Human Rights Association and the Private Sector Commission make a statement on what is happening to me and my family.

In 2010, I was attacked in the night and a bucket of miasmic substance thrown on me. No one can be so barefacedly foolish to think that state actors were not the prime conspirators. I could have been seriously harmed if that substance was tainted with violent viruses. I took an AIDS test the next month. In 2011 just before the national elections, my wife was hounded out of her job at GOINVEST, a state company.

She worked there for fourteen years. I wrote about this before and I accused then President, Mr, Jagdeo and Mr. Ramotar of involvement in what happened to her. I have the evidence. There was nothing secret about what they did to her. They didn’t hide their action. The Stabroek News has sought to interview me on exactly what transpired at GOINVEST. My response is that I will not do so until my wife gives me permission to go public. After all it is her story I will be talking about. I respect her views. She is a very private person that has no interest in politics.

My wife lost her pension because of the CLICO collapse. This was the deliberate targeting of my wife. A certain blog associated with the ruling party posted very scurrilous things about my daughter two years ago. This year, my contract at UG was terminated on January 18, two weeks before resumption of classes. My contract had five months more. I lost out on a salary that I used in paying my mortgage.

It is known all over Guyana because of the extensive coverage given by this newspaper that when the Ministry of Works cleared the long stretch of trench on the Railway Embankment, only the direct section outside my home was left with the bushes intact.

I live in a gated community next to CARICOM. All the residents there have voiced the opinion that the Government refuses to repair the horrible road because I will benefit. Peter Ramsaroop moved in a few houses from me and in a conversation told me that he understands that the road is left like that because of me.
Now, last Tuesday, I was informed by letter that I was cheating on my taxes because I have not declared what I get for my columns in the Kaieteur News. It must be remembered that I was ordered a year ago by the Guyana Revenue Authority to submit property taxes. The question that must be asked and needs to be asked is should I be afraid for my life. Is there another critic since Walter Rodney and the jailing of Mark Benschop that has been so singled out for political repression than me?

In the oppression of a human rights activist, the society must take into consideration the traumas it brings to one’s family. My daughter saw her father assaulted in 2004 and my car stolen and found just near to Kaieteur News. My daughter saw her father attacked with a stink substance in 2010. She saw mother chased out of her job. The next year she saw her father lose his job. Now we have this tax pursuit. My wife of course, like her daughter, has to endure all of this, and all because of me she became a victim. Where is this going to end?
How can this country stand by and allow this relentless persecution of me? Why is the state so obsessed with me? What am I doing that is more devastating to the state, the PPP and the Government than opposition politicians? Am I a superman that will single-handedly remove the PPP from power? And who says that I am engaged in activities to bring down the government. I am not. I am critic of the Government like so many others.       I am a human rights activist like so many others.

I write an analytical commentary that the Government frowns upon. But there are pro-government commentators all over Guyana and I don’t see the opposition targeting them and harassing them. There is the Peeping Tom in this newspaper. He/she writes in favour of the state. My concern is for my life. Could one day this relentless pursuit of me, end in my murder?

It is something that logically I must reflect on. As the Sunday editorial of the Stabroek News asked; why couldn’t my contract be allowed to just run out its five months duration and then the Government was free not to renew it. Are we seeing an obsession with me? I will wait to see what the political parties and other stakeholders do over my cry here. In the meantime, I thank Aubrey Norton, Sharma Solomon, Dr. David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis for their promise of support. I end by asking my country to protect me.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a horrible, vindictive and corrupt government. I have no doubt Freddie's fears are well founded.

Freddie is on record cussing out Indians and defending the PNC return to power.  He has made his enemies and have few friends.  He should not be victimized, but he should also understand the emotion he generates.  I pity him and his family.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a horrible, vindictive and corrupt government. I have no doubt Freddie's fears are well founded.

Freddie is on record cussing out Indians and defending the PNC return to power.  He has made his enemies and have few friends.  He should not be victimized, but he should also understand the emotion he generates.  I pity him and his family.

 So what? You say lots of evil things against black people should you be threatened for it? He also have a right to advocate for whatever party he chooses. That is what democracy means.


He definitely is a target of political victimization by the PPP. That horrible man in the GRA ought to be ashamed of himself. He should not allow himself to be used as a political assassin.

Last edited by Former Member

Now, last Tuesday, I was informed by letter that I was cheating on my taxes because I have not declared what I get for my columns in the Kaieteur News. It must be remembered that I was ordered a year ago by the Guyana Revenue Authority to submit property taxes. The question that must be asked and needs to be asked is should I be afraid for my life.



Are the tax statements up-to-date and submitted?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
.....He definitely is a target of political victimization by the PPP. That horrible man in the GRA ought to be ashamed of himself. He should not allow himself to be used as a political assassin.

If he has not complied with tax laws, then he must make good.  If he did not declare his full income, then he is on the wrong side.  I have family and friends who have no political involvement and were scrutinized by the GRA.  This is standard protocol, not political.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Now, last Tuesday, I was informed by letter that I was cheating on my taxes because I have not declared what I get for my columns in the Kaieteur News. It must be remembered that I was ordered a year ago by the Guyana Revenue Authority to submit property taxes. The question that must be asked and needs to be asked is should I be afraid for my life.



Are the tax statements up-to-date and submitted?

In the face of great evil your PPP has unleashed on this MAN and his family, you sit back and rub your hands with glee, snarky asides @ the ready, like a child . . .


You're a dirty little man . . . channeling PPP triumphalism to give meaning to your miserable life

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Now, last Tuesday, I was informed by letter that I was cheating on my taxes because I have not declared what I get for my columns in the Kaieteur News. It must be remembered that I was ordered a year ago by the Guyana Revenue Authority to submit property taxes. The question that must be asked and needs to be asked is should I be afraid for my life.



Are the tax statements up-to-date and submitted?

In the face of great evil your PPP has unleashed on this MAN and his family, you sit back and rub your hands with glee, snarky asides @ the ready, like a child . . .


You're a dirty little man . . . channeling PPP triumphalism to give meaning to your miserable life

The real questions:


1. Is the payment of property taxes out of the ordinary or not applicable?


2. Did he declare his income from the columns?


If those could be answered, then he should have no fear.  If not, then he should make good.  If subjectivity goes into the assessment which is unfair, then he has a point of a political agenda.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Freddi needs to leave for awhile. He can come and finish his Phd and he will soon there is a niche for him as a visiting scholar/ speaker on many us forum on post colonial cultural studies.

They will not give him tax clearance, so he has to resolve this matter before he leaves.  Any yes, he should lead the scene and contemplate his role in Guyana's politics.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Now, last Tuesday, I was informed by letter that I was cheating on my taxes because I have not declared what I get for my columns in the Kaieteur News. It must be remembered that I was ordered a year ago by the Guyana Revenue Authority to submit property taxes. The question that must be asked and needs to be asked is should I be afraid for my life.



Are the tax statements up-to-date and submitted?

In the face of great evil your PPP has unleashed on this MAN and his family, you sit back and rub your hands with glee, snarky asides @ the ready, like a child . . .


You're a dirty little man . . . channeling PPP triumphalism to give meaning to your miserable life

The real questions:


1. Is the payment of property taxes out of the ordinary or not applicable?


2. Did he declare his income from the columns?


If those could be answered, then he should have no fear.  If not, then he should make good.  If subjectivity goes into the assessment which is unfair, then he has a point of a political agenda.

It's NOT just about the taxes . . . so STOP playing the fool!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Now, last Tuesday, I was informed by letter that I was cheating on my taxes because I have not declared what I get for my columns in the Kaieteur News. It must be remembered that I was ordered a year ago by the Guyana Revenue Authority to submit property taxes. The question that must be asked and needs to be asked is should I be afraid for my life.



Are the tax statements up-to-date and submitted?

In the face of great evil your PPP has unleashed on this MAN and his family, you sit back and rub your hands with glee, snarky asides @ the ready, like a child . . .


You're a dirty little man . . . channeling PPP triumphalism to give meaning to your miserable life

The real questions:


1. Is the payment of property taxes out of the ordinary or not applicable?


2. Did he declare his income from the columns?


If those could be answered, then he should have no fear.  If not, then he should make good.  If subjectivity goes into the assessment which is unfair, then he has a point of a political agenda.

Correct .. and if it can be proven that he is being "attacked" for no valid reasons by the Authority, then he would have support from all areas.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Now, last Tuesday, I was informed by letter that I was cheating on my taxes because I have not declared what I get for my columns in the Kaieteur News. It must be remembered that I was ordered a year ago by the Guyana Revenue Authority to submit property taxes. The question that must be asked and needs to be asked is should I be afraid for my life.



Are the tax statements up-to-date and submitted?

In the face of great evil your PPP has unleashed on this MAN and his family, you sit back and rub your hands with glee, snarky asides @ the ready, like a child . . .


You're a dirty little man . . . channeling PPP triumphalism to give meaning to your miserable life

The real questions:


1. Is the payment of property taxes out of the ordinary or not applicable?


2. Did he declare his income from the columns?


If those could be answered, then he should have no fear.  If not, then he should make good.  If subjectivity goes into the assessment which is unfair, then he has a point of a political agenda.

It's NOT just about the taxes . . . so STOP playing the fool!

If the Govt "drums" up other issues after the tax issue has been resolved, then I would agree.  Thus far, it seems he is complaining about some tax audits.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Freddi needs to leave for awhile. He can come and finish his Phd and he will soon there is a niche for him as a visiting scholar/ speaker on many us forum on post colonial cultural studies.

They will not give him tax clearance, so he has to resolve this matter before he leaves.  Any yes, he should lead the scene and contemplate his role in Guyana's politics.

Please dont tell me that you think that an underpaid UG professors owes the govt significant amounts of income tax.


PPP business people dont even file, travel in and out and can do what they want and you have NOTHING to say about this.


Now how is the PPP an different from the Burnham era.


Sugrim you see why I have NO INTENTIOn of returning to Guyana?

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Freddie is an important voice in Guyana. A democracy needs dissent. But Freddie has to follow the rules. He used to tell people that he has a PHD when he did not. What does that say about him?  

Sugrim you claim to live in Guyana so you know full well that a UG professor will opwe very little, if at all.  thet biggest abusers are business people and one would think that these are the people who the GRA would target in audits.  Professionals like Kissoon have their taxes deducted on the PAYE so how much will he owe.


This is a vindictive witch hunt which follows physical attacks, a fruadulent attempt by Jagdeo to sue him (case now dropped) his wife hounded out of her job, and a whole community being punished because of him.'


How much more do you want to see before you stop pretending that this isnt an attempt by the PPP to stifle the voice of one of the few Indians who is publicly honest about the large scale victimization of AfroGuyanese by the Indian dominated govt.


The people who arent paying taxes are those big time PPP businessmen and you know this.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

If the Govt "drums" up other issues after the tax issue has been resolved, then I would agree.  Thus far, it seems he is complaining about some tax audits.

Oh please, we don't need any more confirmation that you are a tool . . . give it a rest

Sugrim is an adult with severe mental retardation so he has the mental age of a 10 year old.

Freddie is a fool. On several occasions, he wrote that he is a fearless fighter against oppression. He decided to attack Jagdeo personally because he thinks he is badder than Jagdeo. Well he shouldn't complain now. This is what happens to fearless freedom fighters. They suffer for the greater good. He is aligned with AFC having jumped over from WPA. He should ask AFC for protection and financial support. I don't see Granger, Corbin, or even Gerhardt crying out.
Originally Posted by TI:
Freddie is a fool. On several occasions, he wrote that he is a fearless fighter against oppression. He decided to attack Jagdeo personally because he thinks he is badder than Jagdeo. Well he shouldn't complain now. This is what happens to fearless freedom fighters. They suffer for the greater good. He is aligned with AFC having jumped over from WPA. He should ask AFC for protection and financial support. I don't see Granger, Corbin, or even Gerhardt crying out.

All this shows is that the PPP has no more tolerance for Indian dissenters than Burnham had for African dissenters.


If Burnham was a dictaor than its clear that Ramotar is as well.


Desperate cover up

Cowardly slobbering
Kissoon of the AFC and the Muckraker refuses to accept that to most Guyanese he’s just a buffoon – just a tad above CN Sharma. People read him – and look at Sharma – for comic relief. His venom-filled pieces in the Muckraker also satisfy the morbid fascination of the man-in-the-street to wallow in gossip and innuendos.
But Kissoon doesn’t only confuse notoriety for popularity; he’s also confused about what constitutes β€œstate oppression” as against β€œstate responsibility”.  The worst form of scum are those that don’t pay taxes and yet lecture others on their civic duties. For years, Kissoon wrote a daily column for the Muckraker – 30 per month. And he wants Kurshid to believe he wasn’t receiving at least $250,000 per month to be taxed? We heard $300,000!
He actually suggests that the government (Kurshid?) might seek to do away from him and asks for protection. As you pick yourself up from rolling on the floor laughing your ass off (ROTFLYAO) think whether you’ve ever heard such a pathetic plea for pity?

Originally Posted by TI:
Freddie is a fool. On several occasions, he wrote that he is a fearless fighter against oppression. He decided to attack Jagdeo personally because he thinks he is badder than Jagdeo. Well he shouldn't complain now. This is what happens to fearless freedom fighters. They suffer for the greater good. He is aligned with AFC having jumped over from WPA. He should ask AFC for protection and financial support. I don't see Granger, Corbin, or even Gerhardt crying out.

 What does fearless fighting has to do with him being subject to orrganized political pressure from a corrupt party? Jagdeo was a crook, and Freddi did his civic duty to highlight it.


Every freedom fighter complained about oppression. That is what they do. Of course some will begin to understand and chip in on his behalf.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Freddi needs to leave for awhile. He can come and finish his Phd and he will soon discover there is a niche for him as a visiting scholar/ speaker on many US forum on issues of post colonial cultural studies.

Freddie is not PhD material. He likes to insult people personally. That is his niche...attacking people. He even attacked bookman and Errol. He should continue writing under the AFC banner. He was the chap who praised Burnham and is ashamed to be Indian.
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Freddi needs to leave for awhile. He can come and finish his Phd and he will soon there is a niche for him as a visiting scholar/ speaker on many us forum on post colonial cultural studies.

They will not give him tax clearance, so he has to resolve this matter before he leaves.  Any yes, he should lead the scene and contemplate his role in Guyana's politics.

Please dont tell me that you think that an underpaid UG professors owes the govt significant amounts of income tax.

You may be correct, he may owe nothing but regardless, all incomes must be declared.  He wrote articles publicly and then did not declare the income.  Man, that one low-hanging fruit for the GRA.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Freddi needs to leave for awhile. He can come and finish his Phd and he will soon discover there is a niche for him as a visiting scholar/ speaker on many US forum on issues of post colonial cultural studies.

Freddie is not PhD material. He likes to insult people personally. That is his niche...attacking people. He even attacked bookman and Errol. He should continue writing under the AFC banner. He was the chap who praised Burnham and is ashamed to be Indian.

You or I are in no position to ascertain the mans aptitude for whatever subject matter. 


If he attacked anyone they can attack him right back and many did. The point of the matter the government should not use state assets or agencies to stiffle speech. This man was not favorite of mine but what was meted out to him made him a focus of what evil this government can do.


Misir was the one who said that Indian Pandits often take advantage of young women in his "womb cleaning" article and was accused of being a self hater etc by many Indians. Others like Maniram were PNC hacks and they are now firmly implanted in the PPP leech stream. Your last sentence said nothing without the context. He said he hated the pervasive racism in the community and is ashamed of it

Originally Posted by albert:

Desperate cover up

Cowardly slobbering
Kissoon of the AFC and the Muckraker refuses to accept that to most Guyanese he’s just a buffoon – just a tad above CN Sharma. People read him – and look at Sharma – for comic relief. His venom-filled pieces in the Muckraker also satisfy the morbid fascination of the man-in-the-street to wallow in gossip and innuendos.
But Kissoon doesn’t only confuse notoriety for popularity; he’s also confused about what constitutes β€œstate oppression” as against β€œstate responsibility”.  The worst form of scum are those that don’t pay taxes and yet lecture others on their civic duties. For years, Kissoon wrote a daily column for the Muckraker – 30 per month. And he wants Kurshid to believe he wasn’t receiving at least $250,000 per month to be taxed? We heard $300,000!
He actually suggests that the government (Kurshid?) might seek to do away from him and asks for protection. As you pick yourself up from rolling on the floor laughing your ass off (ROTFLYAO) think whether you’ve ever heard such a pathetic plea for pity?

Funny thing. Kaieteur News wanted to drop him years ago but coiuldnt because their sales woulod drop.


Way more Guyanese read KN then that piece of racist toilet paper, The Chronicle.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Please dont tell me that you think that an underpaid UG professors owes the govt significant amounts of income tax.

You may be correct, he may owe nothing but regardless, all incomes must be declared.  He wrote articles publicly and then did not declare the income.  Man, that one low-hanging fruit for the GRA.

You know waht is sad.  For those of us who can remember the Burnham regime these are EXACTLY the same tactics that they used.


1. Tax audits when none of their friends ever paid taxes, nor did they repay their bank loans from Coop Bank


2.  Personal assassination in the govt controlled rag...the Chronicle, used for toliet paper then and now.


3.  Physical attacks by paid goons.   House of Israel under Burnham wth some of the SAME characters resurfacing under the PPP.


I fail to understand why people like you think that the PPP has any more moral authority than does the PNC.  They both are racist, incompetent and corrupt organizations which want power at all costs and use the ethnic insecurity of their grass roots supporters to do so.


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