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Former Member

Did he come back as a changed man, or is he worse off than he was before?

Yuji, you leave me hanging on this one question. Do you honesty believed that all Muslims are peace-loving citizens of the world as you have stated before you leave for your mental evaluation, or a big fat lie to butter up them butter face friends on GNI?

Man up and answer the question, yuji. 

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Prince posted:

Did he come back as a changed man, or is he worse off than he was before?

Yuji, you leave me hanging on this one question. Do you honesty believed that all Muslims are peace-loving citizens of the world as you have stated before you leave for your mental evaluation, or a big fat lie to butter up them butter face friends on GNI?

Man up and answer the question, yuji. 


I meant every word that I said. It is time that we deal with the emerging dictatorship and racism in Guyana. That should become our first priority.

The United States has always persevered and will remain the greatest nation on earth (next to Canada).

The current political climate in the U.S will tone down as time goes by. The founding fathers had foreseen the current political climate and penned a constitution which compensates for any deficiency. 


Yuji, you tried but you are not forthcoming; therefore, you lied and get caught with your pants down. You demonstrated the same weakness with Guyana politics. You can't stand too long on your own legs as though you were born with bow foot. Anyway, you are right where you want to be until the wind blows in a different direction.

Chief, thanks for cussing me out. I know you will train yuji well under your guidance. 

Prince posted:

Yuji, you tried but you are not forthcoming; therefore, you lied and get caught with your pants down. You demonstrated the same weakness with Guyana politics. You can't stand too long on your own legs as though you were born with bow foot. Anyway, you are right where you want to be until the wind blows in a different direction.

Chief, thanks for cussing me out. I know you will train yuji well under your guidance. 

Prince. I honestly do not why you are accusing me of lying. 

I terms of Guyanese politics, I have and will always been taking a firm stand on Guyanese politics. I will eat, sleep and breathe PPP until I die.

Where were you during the Election campaign in Guyana ? I was battling a majority of AFC/PNC supporters at GNI, some of them were paid posters. One of the AFC supporter at GNI is related to the conman Ramjattan.

I was one of the most vocal opponent of Granger, Moses and Ramjattan and still remain so. I warned the AFC sheep who were beating their chests and treating Moses, Ramjattan and Granger like saviours that these crooks cannot be trusted. I was right.

We all know that Moses, Ramjattan and Granger turned out worse than stray dogs and lied to Guyanese.

Those AFC supporters including Churchill and others have gone silent as Indos are bring thrown under the bus. Rice Farmers and Cane cutters have all been slaughtered in the name of PNC congress place to please their master Granger.

Mitwah, D2 and others have gone into hiding.

Gil is the only AFC supporter who expressed his disappointment at the excesses and lies of the AFC.

History is repeating itself. Thank God that Jagdeo and Anil are around.

As for Chief, we are political opposites. He is a PNC man as much as I am a PPP man. Nothing wrong with that. As for Trump, I am against his immigration policy which seems harsh and unacceptable. I have no regrets in condemning it.

I am not here to please anyone at GNI. I am my own man and express my views and opinions openly and without fear. Intelligent and brave people always do the right thing and make the correct decisions. I owe no one anything and have never been a member of any political party. I am a moderate conservative and proud to state that for the public record.

My religious views are kept private and as part of my Viashnava Sampradaya, I consult with senior members when I need to  seek clarification on any matter , it has been that way with our Sampradaya for thousands of years.

This is my last response to you in this particular thread.

Thank You.


Last edited by Former Member

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