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Former Member

I was hoping to see Plumpy Manickchand on this line getting the jelly rolls off with the common folks.  I hope there is truth to what I hear that she is busy trying to resuscitate her once delectable bod with a private trainer and nutritionist....good for you Plumpy...hope to see you a plum in the spring.

And reach!

Singer Michelle ‘Big Red’ King (left) among a large group of mostly women who began the Digicel ‘Mash Fit’ programme, which was launched yesterday at the Demerara Cricket Club Ground, Lance Gibbs Street, Queenstown. The annual workout challenge, led by local fitness guru Curtis seeks to get those who sign up fit in time for Mashramani celebrations in February. (Photo by Arian Browne)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I think he does dream about Priya. D@ gat the hots for Priya.


* That's right! Danyael secretly has the hots for Priya.


* She gets his DOPAMINE flowing.


* Every man has a fantasy lover.


* Danyael's fantasy lover is



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:


* Good to know Danyael has a sense of humor.


* May Priya forever occupy his mind.



I think he does dream about Priya. D@ gat the hots for Priya.

Don't let your imagination takes the better part of your reason. I know that is a hard ask given the miniscule portion of your faculties that can be deemed reasonable.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Don't let your imagination takes the better part of your reason. I know that is a hard ask given the miniscule portion of your faculties that can be deemed reasonable.




* Cut the bullshyt!




* You are a man, right Danyael ?



* Your fantasy woman is Priya----DON'T LIE DANYAEL.hahaha




Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:


* Good to know Danyael has a sense of humor.


* May Priya forever occupy his mind.



I think he does dream about Priya. D@ gat the hots for Priya.

Don't let your imagination takes the better part of your reason. I know that is a hard ask given the miniscule portion of your faculties that can be deemed reasonable.

UH?? Somebody please get me the dictionary.


Priya has the tendency to stay chunky. Even if she exercises and lose weight, she may gain it back. In my case is what she does best in her profession that matters.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Priya has the tendency to stay chunky. Even if she exercises and lose weight, she may gain it back. In my case is what she does best in her profession that matters.

she used to be slim


That is why men should look at a woman's mother and father to determine what they will become later in life. It is genetic. However it is notable that this same d2 crying crocodile tears for women of domestic abuse, now he is here attacking a defenseless woman for her genetic short comings.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Priya has the tendency to stay chunky. Even if she exercises and lose weight, she may gain it back. In my case is what she does best in her profession that matters.

Is that not the point I make..the width of her backsides as an inverse proportion to her usefulness? She is an example of the PPP's failure to innovate.


They believe that leadership and expertise at a task does not need people apt for the task but aptly conditioned party ideologues. It is the reason the Stabroek news editorial is on the mark.One cannot identify one thing she has done to initiate change in her area. Tabling laws does not cut it. One cannot remember one trafficked child she rescued one PSA on domestic violence she produced or one program that is seminal to transforming our society that she put in place.


It is also the reason the PPP is a spent party and Ramotar has no discernible identity or identifiably leadership strategy or goals. He is a shadow of Jagdeo because that is the way they do things and it has begun to produce diminishing returns .


That rule by centralized committee is no longer a viable political management model in a democracy. It is predictably unable to innovate or anticipate the vicissitudes of  a states sociopolitical needs in  an information dense world. It becomes a permanent a bottle neck to change and progress.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That is why men should look at a woman's mother and father to determine what they will become later in life. It is genetic. However it is notable that this same d2 crying crocodile tears for women of domestic abuse, now he is here attacking a defenseless woman for her genetic short comings.

The woman, by her own account, is an intellectual prodigy? Note she said I was a nit wit! I am sure defenseless is not remotely in her vocabulary despite your need for it. I suggest by calling her that you do her an injustice.


Are you saying fat is a genetic short coming? Watch it least the feminists send boulders on your head. I do not even have to ask  what is it again your accuse me of doing.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:


* Good to know Danyael has a sense of humor.


* May Priya forever occupy his mind.



I think he does dream about Priya. D@ gat the hots for Priya.

Don't let your imagination takes the better part of your reason. I know that is a hard ask given the miniscule portion of your faculties that can be deemed reasonable.

UH?? Somebody please get me the dictionary.

It is not for a lack of a dictionary that you failed to comprehend the above. It is a failure at comprehension that appears to be a generalized phenomenon with you.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That is why men should look at a woman's mother and father to determine what they will become later in life. It is genetic. However it is notable that this same d2 crying crocodile tears for women of domestic abuse, now he is here attacking a defenseless woman for her genetic short comings.

The woman, by her own account, is an intellectual prodigy? Note she said I was a nit wit! I am sure defenseless is not remotely in her vocabulary despite your need for it. I suggest by calling her that you do her an injustice.


Are you saying fat is a genetic short coming? Watch it least the feminists send boulders on your head. I do not even have to ask  what is it again your accuse me of doing.

Making fun of someone's weight or personal appearance may soon be considered a new hate crime in some quarters. This what you and the pedophile gang have been getting away with on this forum. Bullying.


Calling someone fat: the new hate crime?

Should calling someone fat be considered a hate crime?

The answer may be yes, according to an idea proposed by a group of politicians and a charity in Britain.

The Telegraph reports that a group of Members of Parliament and the Central YMCA have recommended in a report that "appearance-based discrimination" should possibly be considered a crime, similar to harassing someone over their race or sexual orientation.

Under British law, misdemeanours in this area could lead to prosecution.

The report found that one in five people had been victimized because of their weight.

Like it or not, insults about weight are extremely common. Making those insults possible hate speech raises questions about the difficulty of enforcing such a law, given how frequent body size-related comments are made.

Yet even if you think this is an example of government intervention gone too far, it highlights an important point about why making fun of someone for being "fat" is stilll considered acceptable.

A New York Times report published in 2010 discussed how while it's unacceptable to make a derogatory comment about an individual's race, gender, or socioeconomic status, discussing and even insulting based on weight is still a common occurrence.

Should it be considered a hate crime to make fun of someone's weight? Why is it still acceptable to insult a person's weight?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

That is why men should look at a woman's mother and father to determine what they will become later in life. It is genetic. However it is notable that this same d2 crying crocodile tears for women of domestic abuse, now he is here attacking a defenseless woman for her genetic short comings.

The woman, by her own account, is an intellectual prodigy? Note she said I was a nit wit! I am sure defenseless is not remotely in her vocabulary despite your need for it. I suggest by calling her that you do her an injustice.


Are you saying fat is a genetic short coming? Watch it least the feminists send boulders on your head. I do not even have to ask  what is it again your accuse me of doing.

Making fun of someone's weight or personal appearance may soon be considered a new hate crime in some quarters. This what you and the pedophile gang have been getting away with on this forum. Bullying.


Calling someone fat: the new hate crime?

Should calling someone fat be considered a hate crime?

The answer may be yes, according to an idea proposed by a group of politicians and a charity in Britain.

The Telegraph reports that a group of Members of Parliament and the Central YMCA have recommended in a report that "appearance-based discrimination" should possibly be considered a crime, similar to harassing someone over their race or sexual orientation.

Under British law, misdemeanours in this area could lead to prosecution.

The report found that one in five people had been victimized because of their weight.

Like it or not, insults about weight are extremely common. Making those insults possible hate speech raises questions about the difficulty of enforcing such a law, given how frequent body size-related comments are made.

Yet even if you think this is an example of government intervention gone too far, it highlights an important point about why making fun of someone for being "fat" is stilll considered acceptable.

A New York Times report published in 2010 discussed how while it's unacceptable to make a derogatory comment about an individual's race, gender, or socioeconomic status, discussing and even insulting based on weight is still a common occurrence.

Should it be considered a hate crime to make fun of someone's weight? Why is it still acceptable to insult a person's weight?

You and the person who wrote that needs a rock thrown at them.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

You and the person who wrote that needs a rock thrown at them.

You need to grow a conscience and stop the attacks on this woman because of her weight problem. I am sure you have relatives who are overweight and are careful not to insult them about their weight. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You and the person who wrote that needs a rock thrown at them.

You need to grow a conscience and stop the attacks on this woman because of her weight problem. I am sure you have relatives who are overweight and are careful not to insult them about their weight. 

You telling me to do anything means I would do the other as it is by definition wrong.  I call the lady Plumpy as she is Plumpy in the streets. I say her backsides is in inverse proportion to her accomplishments in office and it is a fair measure of it. Is aid she is a good bench warmer and she has the tools for it. I say shr can haul she tail only she will have to make too trips to quote Dave Martin.


You should be the last to talk about accomplishments. Someone who stole a spot from a deserving black at Howard and then went on to desecrate the name of the school by becoming a dollar store clerk. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You should be the last to talk about accomplishments. Someone who stole a spot from a deserving black at Howard and then went on to desecrate the name of the school by becoming a dollar store clerk. 

you dumb fool, Howard does not set black meaning of African ancestry as a goal in recruitment. It sets diversity of the worlds people. It is unlike any place on the planed and one where you would have garnered some humility'.


I am a dollar store clerk or a clerk of any kind if you were smart to know the difference.


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