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President to APNU camp…

I am the Gov’t; not Greenidge’

RECENT comments made by Shadow Finance Minister and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament (MP), Carl Greenidge may have raised eyebrows in some quarters, but left President Donald Ramotar unmoved.

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Mr. Samuel Hinds

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Mr. Samuel Hinds


Greenidge on Monday took the President to task for proroging Parliament, and went as far as to threaten that any agreement or contract signed with the Government during the prorogation period will not be honoured and will be “reopened” for scrutiny when Parliament reconvenes.

“For as long as the Government has that status,” Greenidge said, “any agreement that the Government signs with them will be reopened.”

However, the President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.

Carl Greenidge

Carl Greenidge


he Leader of the House and Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds, was equally succinct in his response to Greenidge’s threat. “We shall see,” he said.

The President on Monday, announced, in an address to the nation, that he had issued a proclamation to prorogue Parliament, which essentially means that the current session is suspended up to a maximum of six months – a move that is provided for in Section 70 (1) of Guyana’s Constitution.


The effect of ending a session by prorogation is to terminate business. Members are released from their parliamentary duties until Parliament is next summoned. All unfinished business is dropped from or “dies” on the Order Paper, the National Assembly’s agenda, and all committees lose their power to transact business, providing a fresh start for the next session. No committee can sit during a prorogation. Bills which have not received Royal Assent before prorogation are “entirely terminated” and, in order to be proceeded with in the new session, must be reintroduced as if they had never existed.


As a result, the Alliance For Change (AFC) no-confidence motion was not considered. The main Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) had, prior to yesterday, signalled its intent to support passage of the motion.


Had it not been for the proclamation to prorogue Parliament, if the no-confidence motion had been passed, Guyana would have been headed to early general elections within three months.
According to the Head of State, the move to prorogation was intended to pave the way for greater dialogue among political parties, while keeping the 10th Parliament alive.


However, Mr. Ramotar has made it clear that if these efforts prove futile, there will be a move to fresh general elections.
The last general elections were held in 2011.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

UNCLE RAMO THE BOSS OF GUYANA!!!Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!


Originally Posted by Nehru:


De man kikkin' moe rass.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!

He is still a dharpoke. He scared shit of MONC.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!

He is still a dharpoke. He scared shit of MONC.

Mits, when you are in a war, you always take advantage of your best options. If given a chance, you take a preemptive strike. The man is a strategist and a tactician.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!

AN apt answer from that doddering fool. He is the President not the government. Evey school child knows the government has three branches. That fellow is deluded by his office.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!

He is still a dharpoke. He scared shit of MONC.

Mits, when you are in a war, you always take advantage of your best options. If given a chance, you take a preemptive strike. The man is a strategist and a tactician.

He is a coward. He is behaving like a school yard bully and this decision to upstage Burnham will haunt him for the rest of his political career.


Once Parliament is Prorogue, then the Guyanese tax payers should stop paying wages to all Members of Parliament and even the President. The government ceases to function, they quit their job, they took leave of absence????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
UNCLE RAMO THE BOSS OF GUYANA!!!Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!


President Donald Ramotar, for clarity, simply stated his role.


President to APNU camp…President Donald Ramotar

I am the Gov’t; not Greenidge’

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Mr. Samuel Hinds

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Mr. Samuel Hinds


The Leader of the House and Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds, was equally succinct in his response to Greenidge’s threat. “We shall see,” he said.



Quote"the move to prorogation was intended to pave the way for greater dialogue among political parties, while keeping the 10th Parliament alive."unquote


Donald Duck knows that no parties(AFC/APNU) want to talk with him, so he is just being a skonthole and bullshitting, he should call election now instead of wanting dialoges where no one is interested, as he cannot be trusted


For many countries in the world, proroguing of parliament implies there is a crisis.


A dictatorial regime viewed by some investors is an opportunity to extract minerals at a cheap cost. Bribery then is rampant.

Originally Posted by seignet:

For many countries in the world, proroguing of parliament implies there is a crisis.


A dictatorial regime viewed by some investors is an opportunity to extract minerals at a cheap cost. Bribery then is rampant.

Who says it is not a CRISIS???  The confident and effective PPP will deal with the CRISIS to ensure the Guyanese People are not disadvantaged!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by seignet:

For many countries in the world, proroguing of parliament implies there is a crisis.





Current Canadian Prime Minister prorogued parliament and later won a majority.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by seignet:

For many countries in the world, proroguing of parliament implies there is a crisis.


 Forgive the senile Chap. He like to hear his voice.



Current Canadian Prime Minister prorogued parliament and later won a majority.


Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!

Aany action by the govt which will need approval by parlament will be null and void.


so YOU shall see.


Every day we hear more and more scandal and now it looks like the PPP are open in their squabbles as some prepare to flee the sinking ship.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by seignet:

For many countries in the world, proroguing of parliament implies there is a crisis.





Current Canadian Prime Minister prorogued parliament and later won a majority.

That is Canada and I bet he wasnt afraid to face the electorate.


What will you do if Granger wins the next elections?  It might well happen as the less dishonest prepare to flee the PPP. Priya fighting with Anil.  Another announcing that Anil is a thief.  A PPP councillor fleeing from an attack from Sooba.


This looks like a soap opera.


Did the PPP internal poll show AFC 25% and PPP 35%?  Seems so from the behavior of the PPP.


It serves them right as they never attempted to break into the PNC bloc.  Now that the PPP bloc is shrinking, and becoming fractured the PPP is in pure PANIC!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!

Aany action by the govt which will need approval by parlament will be null and void.


so YOU shall see.


Every day we hear more and more scandal and now it looks like the PPP are open in their squabbles as some prepare to flee the sinking ship.

Read and understand the Constitution.   THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT IS CURRENTLY BOSS

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!

Aany action by the govt which will need approval by parlament will be null and void.


so YOU shall see.


Every day we hear more and more scandal and now it looks like the PPP are open in their squabbles as some prepare to flee the sinking ship.

Read and understand the Constitution.   THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT IS CURRENTLY BOSS

WHile the people suffers

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!

Aany action by the govt which will need approval by parlament will be null and void.


so YOU shall see.


Every day we hear more and more scandal and now it looks like the PPP are open in their squabbles as some prepare to flee the sinking ship.

Read and understand the Constitution.   THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT IS CURRENTLY BOSS

WHile the people suffers

If there is one thing you can be assured of, that will be that our GREAT PRESIDENT will NEVER let the PROGRESSIVE sector of Guyana suffer.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

ok...guess the Prez only concern bout members of his party then

Are you saying that only PPP members are PROGRESSIVE in Guyana's Society.  I know hundreds whose lives have improved ten times as much.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
UNCLE RAMO THE BOSS OF GUYANA!!!Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!


President Donald Ramotar, for clarity, simply stated his role.

Which role you talkin about, one of dem on his chin, belly or his ass?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!

Aany action by the govt which will need approval by parlament will be null and void.


so YOU shall see.


Every day we hear more and more scandal and now it looks like the PPP are open in their squabbles as some prepare to flee the sinking ship.

Read and understand the Constitution.   THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT IS CURRENTLY BOSS

You know how many who were presidents and boses are now seeing the inside of a jaillcell?.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

All Bluster by the fat guy...we all know he is scared of AFC/APNU...that's why he did what he did!


This is all fear

The PPP is terrified of the opposition, and they are afraid of the people of Guyana.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!

Aany action by the govt which will need approval by parlament will be null and void.


so YOU shall see.


Every day we hear more and more scandal and now it looks like the PPP are open in their squabbles as some prepare to flee the sinking ship.

Read and understand the Constitution.   THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT IS CURRENTLY BOSS

You know how many who were presidents and boses are now seeing the inside of a jaillcell?.

Please list the names Cain. Please, Please, Please.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!

Aany action by the govt which will need approval by parlament will be null and void.


so YOU shall see.


Every day we hear more and more scandal and now it looks like the PPP are open in their squabbles as some prepare to flee the sinking ship.

Read and understand the Constitution.   THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT IS CURRENTLY BOSS

You know how many who were presidents and boses are now seeing the inside of a jaillcell?.

Please list the names Cain. Please, Please, Please.

Sure, I enjoy you go.


Manuel Antonio Noriega (Panama)

Arnoldo Aleman (Nicaragua)

Jean-Bertrand Aristide (Haiti).




All were into drug trafficking, theft, gross incompetence, pronounced dictatorship.   SOUNDS LIKE ANYONE WE MIGHT KNOW?




Here again Skeldon Banna


Three presidents in jail




By Georges Sami Saati,

The new chief of the Southern Command, Army General James “Tom” Hill called drugs: “Weapon of mass destruction” being unleashed on the United States-responsible for the deaths of 19,000 Americans last year. (Miami Herald-October 5, 2002).

In the photographs, from left to rights, Manuel Antonio Noriega (Panama), Arnoldo Aleman (Nicaragua) and Jean-Bertrand Aristide (Haiti). What does they all have in common? Drug trafficking ( except for Aleman), grand thievery, gross incompetence, pronounced dictatorship, to name only these ones.                    The President of Panama, General Manuel Antonio Noriega indicted on February 4, 1988 by a Federal grand jury, is now in a Miami Jail serving a 40-year sentence on drug trafficking.



Noriega, incarcerated for 40 years in the U.S. for trafficking in drugs. (Photo CNN)



Aleman, on trial for grand thievery.  He is accused of stealing more than $100 million - about the amount of money spent yearly to pay for the items of Nicaraguan Health Department budget. (Photo AFP/ Juan Pablo Aragon)


Aristide, next for burning political opponents alive, gangterism, terrorism, grand deception, lying under oath,  drug trafficking, pillage of the Haitian public treasury, treason, illegal use of power, illegal use of the office of the presidency, abuse of illegal power, gross negligence, gross incompetence, staged coup d'état and many more.

The President of Nicaragua, Businessman Arnoldo Aleman who stole and laundered more than 100 million dollars, equals to the entire annual budget of his country’s Health Department, while more than half of the nation live in abject poverty. The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere affairs Mr. Otto Reich is determined to help fight corruption in Latin America. Soon a judge will indict Mr. Aleman on fraud and money-laundering charges. It is just a question of time before the media shows Mr. Aleman, also known to his fellow Nicaraguans as the “The Fat Man” handcuffed on plane departing for Miami to join his Compadre General Noriega also known by his fellow citizen as “God’s Favorite”.


Originally Posted by cain:

Here again Skeldon Banna


Three presidents in jail




By Georges Sami Saati,

The new chief of the Southern Command, Army General James “Tom” Hill called drugs: “Weapon of mass destruction” being unleashed on the United States-responsible for the deaths of 19,000 Americans last year. (Miami Herald-October 5, 2002).

In the photographs, from left to rights, Manuel Antonio Noriega (Panama), Arnoldo Aleman (Nicaragua) and Jean-Bertrand Aristide (Haiti). What does they all have in common? Drug trafficking ( except for Aleman), grand thievery, gross incompetence, pronounced dictatorship, to name only these ones.                    The President of Panama, General Manuel Antonio Noriega indicted on February 4, 1988 by a Federal grand jury, is now in a Miami Jail serving a 40-year sentence on drug trafficking.



Noriega, incarcerated for 40 years in the U.S. for trafficking in drugs. (Photo CNN)



Aleman, on trial for grand thievery.  He is accused of stealing more than $100 million - about the amount of money spent yearly to pay for the items of Nicaraguan Health Department budget. (Photo AFP/ Juan Pablo Aragon)


Aristide, next for burning political opponents alive, gangterism, terrorism, grand deception, lying under oath,  drug trafficking, pillage of the Haitian public treasury, treason, illegal use of power, illegal use of the office of the presidency, abuse of illegal power, gross negligence, gross incompetence, staged coup d'état and many more.

The President of Nicaragua, Businessman Arnoldo Aleman who stole and laundered more than 100 million dollars, equals to the entire annual budget of his country’s Health Department, while more than half of the nation live in abject poverty. The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere affairs Mr. Otto Reich is determined to help fight corruption in Latin America. Soon a judge will indict Mr. Aleman on fraud and money-laundering charges. It is just a question of time before the media shows Mr. Aleman, also known to his fellow Nicaraguans as the “The Fat Man” handcuffed on plane departing for Miami to join his Compadre General Noriega also known by his fellow citizen as “God’s Favorite”.


Did you find any from Guyana? We talkin' about Guyana arite.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:

Here again Skeldon Banna


Three presidents in jail




By Georges Sami Saati,

The new chief of the Southern Command, Army General James “Tom” Hill called drugs: “Weapon of mass destruction” being unleashed on the United States-responsible for the deaths of 19,000 Americans last year. (Miami Herald-October 5, 2002).

In the photographs, from left to rights, Manuel Antonio Noriega (Panama), Arnoldo Aleman (Nicaragua) and Jean-Bertrand Aristide (Haiti). What does they all have in common? Drug trafficking ( except for Aleman), grand thievery, gross incompetence, pronounced dictatorship, to name only these ones.                    The President of Panama, General Manuel Antonio Noriega indicted on February 4, 1988 by a Federal grand jury, is now in a Miami Jail serving a 40-year sentence on drug trafficking.



Noriega, incarcerated for 40 years in the U.S. for trafficking in drugs. (Photo CNN)



Aleman, on trial for grand thievery.  He is accused of stealing more than $100 million - about the amount of money spent yearly to pay for the items of Nicaraguan Health Department budget. (Photo AFP/ Juan Pablo Aragon)


Aristide, next for burning political opponents alive, gangterism, terrorism, grand deception, lying under oath,  drug trafficking, pillage of the Haitian public treasury, treason, illegal use of power, illegal use of the office of the presidency, abuse of illegal power, gross negligence, gross incompetence, staged coup d'état and many more.

The President of Nicaragua, Businessman Arnoldo Aleman who stole and laundered more than 100 million dollars, equals to the entire annual budget of his country’s Health Department, while more than half of the nation live in abject poverty. The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere affairs Mr. Otto Reich is determined to help fight corruption in Latin America. Soon a judge will indict Mr. Aleman on fraud and money-laundering charges. It is just a question of time before the media shows Mr. Aleman, also known to his fellow Nicaraguans as the “The Fat Man” handcuffed on plane departing for Miami to join his Compadre General Noriega also known by his fellow citizen as “God’s Favorite”.


Did you find any from Guyana? We talkin' about Guyana arite.

You really gettin carried away with that PPP shit eh, never say you're wrong. If I had asked DG the same question you askedme ( about answering to my post) he woulda come back with some shyte about lookin it up myself, but no, I was nice and I pointed these out to yo rass makin excuse.Ok here was my original post.


You know how many who were presidents and boses are now seeing the inside of a jaillcell?.


Now, where did I mention Guyana?

Did you notice what they were all in jail for? I hilited that part for you and the other PPP punks who would read an doan say shit, they know the PPP are like cornered rats.

Originally Posted by cain:

Oh yeah Skeldon dude, to answer your question about how many Guyanese presidents are in jail ...the answer...none as yet...soon time.

Hey, settle down bro. Just messin wid you.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
UNCLE RAMO THE BOSS OF GUYANA!!!Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President was firm in his response. “I am the Government; Mr. Greenidge is not!” he said.


Show them who is boss!


President Donald Ramotar, for clarity, simply stated his role.

Which role you talkin about, one of dem on his chin, belly or his ass?



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