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Disco owner gets four years for human trafficking

A 44-year-old disco owner was jailed on Tuesday for four years after he was found guilty of trafficking a minor at his business place.

Chaitram Persaud, the owner of Soca Paradise Disco in Colombia Village, Essequibo Coast, was charged with trafficking in persons under the Trafficking Act 2005 Section 3:11. Between November 10 and December 14, 2012, at his business, Persaud engaged in sexual exploitation of an Amerindian minor.

The trial, which began on May 7, was conducted at the Anna Regina Magistrate’s Court at the end of which Magistrate Sunil Scarce found him guilty of committing the act. The defendant was represented by Attorney Cecil Solomon.

Prosecutor Krishna Datt Ramana presented the case on the state’s behalf, and called four witnesses to testify against Persaud, who gave a sworn statement when he was called upon to lead his defence.

After being told of his sentence, a teary-eyed Persaud looked astonished.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is good news, the GOG is addressing human trafficking.

As usual they get one punk not on their favorite list and lock his behind up and say they are doing something. Note a private individual rescued more of these girls than even the government with its assets. From Skeldon to Gunn Strip, much the same continues.

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is good news, the GOG is addressing human trafficking.

The govt is making tremendous progress in all areas of crime. We should all stand and salute them.   

Surely you jest. We are experiencing more than a murder a day! Last year, the murdered included 34 women who were killed by their significant others. We have almost 4000 girls leaving school for pregnancies. At least a third of these are through rapes of underage and incest. Only a few months ago  Omattie Madray et al were begging the government to make the sexual offenses act meaningful because as it is presently it is neglected deliberately. Minister Benn's son was just accused of pistol whipping and raping his girlfriend. He will walk.  You are off by a big mark

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is good news, the GOG is addressing human trafficking.

As usual they get one punk not on their favorite list and lock his behind up and say they are doing something. Note a private individual rescued more of these girls than even the government with its assets. From Skeldon to Gunn Strip, much the same continues.

One one dutty build dam. This is a start and you should applaud this as it will send the message out to the wider population of perpetrators as to the severity of this crime. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is good news, the GOG is addressing human trafficking.

As usual they get one punk not on their favorite list and lock his behind up and say they are doing something. Note a private individual rescued more of these girls than even the government with its assets. From Skeldon to Gunn Strip, much the same continues.

One one dutty build dam. This is a start and you should applaud this as it will send the message out to the wider population of perpetrators as to the severity of this crime. 

 I am not applauding it since recently they were denying it existed.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is good news, the GOG is addressing human trafficking.

As usual they get one punk not on their favorite list and lock his behind up and say they are doing something. Note a private individual rescued more of these girls than even the government with its assets. From Skeldon to Gunn Strip, much the same continues.

One one dutty build dam. This is a start and you should applaud this as it will send the message out to the wider population of perpetrators as to the severity of this crime. 

i have news for you the place already flood one dutty will not work 

Originally Posted by baseman:

Why is anyone surprised, there are lots of lo-life scoundrels in Guyana.  Imagine, Warrior gleefully admitted raping a woman in Astor....and this was decades ago.  These scoundrel have always always been around, they should be shot.

well donot blame me you was not around so i can rape you i know you  will love it i think you will wine back 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Why is anyone surprised, there are lots of lo-life scoundrels in Guyana.  Imagine, Warrior gleefully admitted raping a woman in Astor....and this was decades ago.  These scoundrel have always always been around, they should be shot.

well donot blame me you was not around so i can rape you i know you  will love it i think you will wine back 

You were just too fugly for me to be around you!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Why is anyone surprised, there are lots of lo-life scoundrels in Guyana.  Imagine, Warrior gleefully admitted raping a woman in Astor....and this was decades ago.  These scoundrel have always always been around, they should be shot.

well donot blame me you was not around so i can rape you i know you  will love it i think you will wine back 

You were just too fugly for me to be around you!

speak like a true girl 


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