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They did Pooja for Donald Trump and made him into an idol to worship. They did the same for Kamala Harris, and now they're tieing Rakee on Ifraan Ali's hand and Artie him. These people don't know or understand their priorities. What the rass is wrong with people I am supposed to look up to? I am always against putting garland (mala) around politicians' necks. They should outlaw these crazy antics of the Indian culture. There are times and places for these things. In India, men rape from Rakee sisters down to the next-door neighbors. It certainly makes us look stupid. Granger uses to wear Hindu garbs when goes to the mandirs to get votes and then he shoves a long bamboo up the coolie asses. Clap for it, padna, clap. 

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May be an image of 3 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor

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Self-proclaimed devout Catholic looks to overturn sentence for rape of girl, 6

Kaieteur News – Michael Abrams, who had told the court in 2017 that he, is a devout Catholic moments before he was sentenced to life imprisonment for the rape of a six-year-old girl, has petitioned the Court of Appeal in a bid to overturn convictions and sentences.

Michael Abrams is serving a life sentence.

The matter is presently engaging the attention of acting Chancellor of the Judiciary, Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards, and Justices of Appeal, Dawn Gregory and Rishi Persaud, at the Court of Appeal in Kingston.
Through his lawyer, Glen Hanoman, Abrams is contending that, among other things, the verdict is “unreasonable” and that the sentence imposed was “manifestly excessive.”
The convict argues too, that the trial judge failed to put his defence to the jury “fairly and adequately or at all” which he says resulted in a miscarriage of justice.
On December 20, 2017, Abrams was unanimously convicted on the two counts of child rape by Justice Simone Morris-Ramlall in the High Court. Before handing down the sentence, the judge noted that the man was not remorseful of his actions; rather he was trying to deny it in the face of all the evidence.
As such, the judge imposed a life sentence with possibility of parole after 35 years, after he was found guilty on two counts of rape committed on a child under the age of 16.
Yet, Abrams expressed shock and maintained his innocence.
The man, who claimed to be a devoted Catholic Church member, told the court that there is no way he could have committed the act, nor would he have ever committed such an offence.
“I will maintain this now and forever,” Abrams told the court.
One charge before Abrams stated, that between January 1, 2013, and January 19, 2013, he engaged in sexual penetration with the girl who was six years old at the time.
The other charge stated that between January 2, and January 19, 2015, he engaged in sexual penetration with the girl who was eight years old.
Kaieteur News understands that on both occasions Abrams had anal sex with the child and inserted his fingers in her vagina.



Do Muslims Celebrate Raksha Bandhan?

The festival of Raksha Bandhan highlights the lovely and caring relationship shared between a brother and a sister. Various customs are performed, to make the festival remarkable. Indians can move anywhere but they never forget their roots and deep-rooted traditions. The rituals, customs, traditions are in their blood, and whenever there is an occasion they always start it with a Pooja ritual. This is how Indians celebrate the festival of Raksha Bandhan. But, the question rises do Muslims celebrate Raksha Bandhan?

Do Muslims Celebrate Raksha Bandhan

Turn pages of Indian history and you will find women asking for protection, through rakhi, from men who were neither their brothers nor Hindus themselves.

For example, Rani Karnavati sent Rakhi to Emperor Humayun asking for protection and he did accept the responsibility and went for her protection. Another example of Rani Laxmi Bai sending Rakhi to Nawab of the dominion of Banda Ali Bahadur, asking for protection from the British. Rakshabandhan’s origins date back to the Mughal period which compliments that it was a secular festival. It gives out a message of love and peace that echoes throughout our lives.

So, if you have someone who belongs to another community take a step forward and celebrate the auspicious festival together. To celebrate it in a different way you can opt for some unique rakhi celebrations ideas to make the festival memorable. For example, go to your favorite place, if you are meeting after a long time you can plan a get-together with old friends, bake a rakhi cake, watch movies together. There are endless options to make the festival memorable because apart from rakhi celebration two communities are coming together.

Do you know even Bollywood celebs celebrate the festival of Raksha Bandhan who does not belong to the Hindu community?

There is no festival that Bollywood doesn't celebrate with enthusiasm and energy. Be it Diwali, Eid, or Rakshabandhan. Three Khans of Bollywood and their families also cherished the beautiful bond between siblings. Shah Rukh Khan shared pictures of the Raksha Bandhan celebration. As Salman couldn't be there for sister Arpita she did a heartfelt gesture by posting a picture with a beautiful message. Aamir Khan celebrated Raksha Bandhan with his sisters Nikhat and Farhat Khan at his residence in Mumbai.




Turn pages of Indian history and you will find women asking for protection, through rakhi, from men who were neither their brothers nor Hindus themselves.

For example, Rani Karnavati sent Rakhi to Emperor Humayun asking for protection and he did accept the responsibility and went for her protection. Another example of Rani Laxmi Bai sending Rakhi to Nawab of the dominion of Banda Ali Bahadur, asking for protection from the British. Rakshabandhan’s origins date back to the Mughal period which compliments that it was a secular festival. It gives out a message of love and peace that echoes throughout our lives.

@Viper posted:

They did Pooja for Donald Trump and made him into an idol to worship. They did the same for Kamala Harris, and now they're tieing Rakee on Ifraan Ali's hand and Artie him. These people don't know or understand their priorities. What the rass is wrong with people I am supposed to look up to? I am always against putting garland (mala) around politicians' necks. They should outlaw these crazy antics of the Indian culture. There are times and places for these things. In India, men rape from Rakee sisters down to the next-door neighbors. It certainly makes us look stupid. Granger uses to wear Hindu garbs when goes to the mandirs to get votes and then he shoves a long bamboo up the coolie asses. Clap for it, padna, clap. 

May be an image of 2 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor

May be an image of 3 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor

What I do not understand, why muslims allow this. It is against their beliefs. Hypocritical damn fullah men. Ali married to a Hindu Larki who for sure has a muslim name. Why the name change if Hindu customs are acceptable.

@seignet posted:

What I do not understand, why muslims allow this. It is against their beliefs. Hypocritical damn fullah men. Ali married to a Hindu Larki who for sure has a muslim name. Why the name change if Hindu customs are acceptable.

Muslims appreciate the message of love and peace. Have a muslim friend that has many rakhi sisters.

Listen how a muslim singing one of the best rakhi songs.

@seignet posted:

Muslims with ties to the Punjabs embrace everything Punjabi especially the music. Unlike the muslims from Bengal, they will beat the Hinduism out of a Hindu-they want nothing to do with it.

There is no such religion as Hinduism

In the last 11 years ever since I came back from my 20 years abroad, I realised that the British had coined a word called Hinduism. Like communism and Fascism. But unlike the latter two there was no such thing as Hinduism.

From ancient Times, even before the advent of the proselytising religions the books and thoughts of Hindus existed but were not recognised . When our Vedas were read and interpreted by European intellects they found it so profound, so true and intellectually challenging that they said there must have been a race just like ours who took Sanskrit the most perfect language from the North of Europe to India.

Thus came about the Aryan Invasion theory and the birth of the Indo- European languages. Growing up in India there was nothing to dispel this theory. In Fact our history was Delhi centric and I learnt more about the Islamic invaders than the Cholas, the Vijaynagar Empire, and the great Kingdoms of our ancient lands that spread all through South and East Asia. I only realised this when I travelled to Indonesia and saw so much of my culture and traditions there as well as in Angkor Wat, in Cambodia and then China where there is the oldest Buddhist monastery where they still teach martial arts and say proudly that we got this from India.

But we were brought up to believe in the later aspects of a strange religion called Hinduism- something that never existed apart from the minds of our invaders. After all they said they were people of a book but we could not or did not tell them we were the people of a library. We did not just have the ancient wisdom of the Vedas but so much more.

Somehow we could not explain to them that our philosophy was 5000 years old and it was about the Universal Truth – Sanatam Dharma that all mankind should aspire for.

This philosophy was so unique, so very different from Islam and Christianity that it dared to say we were all one. We each had the God Particle in us and there was no heaven or hell just Universal energy, a higher consciousness that we could all connect to if we wanted.

Some of the greatest scientists and thinkers in the West, including Thoreau, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Schrodinger, the co-creator of quantum theory, was inspired by the Vedic texts and he along with Heisenberg built theories which were consistent with Vedantic concepts. These are just a few.

English writer, novelist, and philosopher, Aldous Huxley was a prominent member of the Huxley family. He was the one who took Vedanta and Upanishads to Huxley family, as well as implemented the principle of ‘ahimsa’ in the family. He was also a Vedantist in the circle of Hindu Swami Prabhavananda and is known for his philosophical book ‘The Perennial Philosophy’, which talks about the mystics of Hinduism.

Here are some of the instances:

  • “The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the clearest and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of the humanity.” [“Sacred Jewels of Yoga: Wisdom from India’s Beloved Scriptures, Teachers, Masters, and Monk”]
  • “The Bhagavad-Gita is perhaps the most systematic scriptural statement of the Perennial Philosophy. To the world at war, a world that, because it lacks the intellectual and spiritual prerequisites to peace, can only hope to patch up some kind of precarious armed truce, it stands to point, clearly and unmistakably, to the only road of escape from the self-imposed necessity of self-destruction.”

These are the great thinkers from the West that we were not taught about regarding their thoughts on the greatest philosophy given to them by India.

Ralph Waldo Emerson was greatly influenced by Indian scriptures and even challenged the Christian scriptures.

Now that we have the internet we can easily look up the Western thinkers who were inspired by what we can finally call Sanatam Dharma- the Universal Truth. As Indians, we can finally be proud of our heritage and what we gave to humanity.

Ashali Varma's Blog

@Former Member posted:

all dem musuls were devout hindus who de muslim invaders converted by brandishing their swords

that depends if they are dark in complexion.

Since the British took over India everybody is Indian. Before that, it was regional and kingdoms.

The sikhs were invaders from Eastern Europe. The first muslim invaders were from the Steppes as today's Turkmen. Dem not Indians AND THEY DO NOT ACCEPT INDIA.


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