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Former Member

About PPP, PNC or AFC as it stands right now. If anyone of those three parties can see the light of day and put Guyana and Guyanese first, I will be the happiest man to face the sun and praise them. Since that may not happen in my lifetime, I always believe the PPP is the best of the worst of the three.                                                                   

Though I hope that they win, their failures are due to their own makings. There are many flaws that are yet to be corrected. If those flaws are not corrected before the end of 2018 or early 2019, you can forget about this fantasy victory that's hanging over your head.

Whether AFC sinks before 2020, APNU is far ahead in preparation for winning at all cost. So, don't wish or pray for AFC failure to boost the PPP image. Fix your own house first.

If you continue to babysit the PPP, they will want to suck bubby for life. So, until you teach them to walk and talk don't expect them to take responsibility for their actions. 

BTW. Yuji belives Jagdeo and the PPP are his personal assets. For those of you who share his sentiment, please stop this bullshit before you embarrass yourself further.


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History proves that the PPP and PNC created the racial divide that grows into hate among the two major groups. The newcomer, AFC was seen as a unifier of the people that becomes a short time attraction, but finally, get caught with their hands in APNU's crotch. Racial politics is NOT for Guyana. A-Pro-Coolie, Pro-Black, or Pro-Putagee party is NOT good for Guyana. A-Pro-People's Party is one that is badly needed right now where everybody must feel they are on top. 

The Motto: One people, one nation, one destiny should be abolished like freeing the slaves. 

Prince posted:                                                      

Though I hope that they win, their failures are due to their own makings. There are many flaws that are yet to be corrected.

If you continue to babysit the PPP, they will want to suck bubby for life. So, until you teach them to walk and talk don't expect them to take responsibility for their actions. 

BTW. Yuji belives Jagdeo and the PPP are his personal assets. For those of you who share his sentiment, please stop this bullshit before you embarrass yourself further.


Yes, there are those who believe the PPP are their personal asset and BJ is their toy boy Barbie doll. Is Yugi the worse?  don’t think so.  He do disagree and at times criticize them.  

The PPP, more specifically BJ, sees nothing to be done differently than in the past.  I don’t believe all feel that way, but his position is most important right now.  

The PPP hope winning is an assured default outcome of a bad Coalition!   And they might be correct especially given the APNU anti Indian biases and their incompetence.

I do believe an APNU loss is a major good for Guyana.   It will usher in a paradigm change in Guyana where the APNU, as such any party, could lose free and fair.  It’s just good if they lose regardless what we think of the current PPP cabal. They have reverted to their old (PNC) tactics of bullying and racism. They hang their hat on rigging as an assured pathway to power retention.

PPP winning in the face of this PNC adversity is a good kick in their faces.  The AFC trusted and joined with them and they totally disregarded them.  It’s the AFC votes which made them Gov’t.  Let them feel the people’s power just like the PPP felt. It’s is not a few leaders who matter, it’s the people.  

If the PNC lose, it’s a message to the PPP also that the people can change their votes and they better watch out. 

Le’s hope the US don’t see the PNC as their strategic ally and that the PPP is also good for America, if not better.  Let’s hope trump does not allow rigging, cheaters and bullying to stand.  He can surely relate to this as he fights it here daily.  The liberal media is the US GDF!

BJ and the PPP were clever not to come out overly critical against the PSA with Exxon.  Winning is what matters. Let TK fight his one man battle. They will get a chance to sign more agreements.  

Finally, BJ should send a message to the Trump organization, if the PPP wins, can trump or one of his friends build Amelia?  Scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours!   Trump likes that. Kim Jung Un sees that, I’m sure BJ realizes that too.  Today is the day of transactional politics. Play it for what it’s worth!

Last edited by Former Member

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