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I doubt this government will be given another chance in 2020


October 27, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters, Source


Dear Editor,


Visiting one of my in-laws in Zeelugt during the past week, I was sadden to hear her moans after receiving her first water bill under this new administration although she’s a pensioner. She and many others are faced with the same dilemma but the cries do not stop there. During the day, water is turned off around 10am and turn on in the afternoon after 3pm.

At Cornelida Ida, water flowing through the main is switched off around 6pm and switched back on around 6:15am next day.

Most people have to resort to storing water in containers especially cane cutters who leave their house between 4-5am. At Uitvlugt, the water is switched off after 9pm and switched on back in the following morning.

Many of these people don’t have meter but they still have to pay the full amount that is requested by GWI, whilst many without meter gets the full 24hrs service paying the same. Before the elections, I penned a letter commending the pressure that I was getting surprisingly after the election.

I have to go back to using a bowl to full a bucket. With all the promises before the election I would have expected better, sadly like many others I am disappointed.

Editor, after five months this present Government has failed to deliver on their promises and instead of admitting their failure, they reward themselves a huge salary increase and the President justify this by saying that they give up better to come and serve this nation. I would not talk about the method some of them use to attain their position but, many of them were earning money in a month that the average man cannot earn in a year and they still give themselves more although they now enjoy duty free concessions, free water, electricity, phone bills, security, gasoline travelling allowances etc.

So quite frankly given all of that, are they satisfied what they are earning now? They were the ones going around the country begging voters to give them a chance and now it seems as if they chance the get is to satisfy their needs and not the nation and with all the promises, they don’t seems capable of fulfilling. The road accidents, robberies, killings, blackouts, corruption at the different agencies still continue, so what changes are we to get with additional bills to foot their luxurious lifestyles? Finally Editor, a recently a survey was published with the results about school dropouts and drugs usage amongst our youths and years before I wrote a letter citing the high increase and used Zeelugt as an example. To date it still continues and vulnerable youths are being introduced to drugs and sex and crime. The resulting is infection with HIV. No one, organization or Ministry visit that village to offer help, but everyone jumps and cheers when the organization came, spend a huge amount of money to conduct survey to tell us what we already knows without any help.

Our legal system need great improvement, instead of visiting places to tell us about the condition and blaming the previous administration, they should actually do something about it. We already know about the condition.

We don’t need a reminder. Health Centres and Hospital are still without drugs. Dr. Jennifer Webster got charged and to date her matter is still pending in court. Similarly many other people are locked away in prison awaiting trial, but unlike her they don’t have freedom. We are reading everyday about corruption by the previous administration and this present administration’s intentions of getting them charged. But given the way our legal administration operates, I am quite sure that another election will come and if they are to get charged, their matters will still be pending in the courts.

Are we going to actually see improvement or continue to dream about it? In case they haven’t notice; things were going better under the previous administration. When the late President Desmond Hoyte became president for Guyana, he went all out to make life better for Guyanese and he was praised so much for his effort that people even give him the name Desmond Persaud but on Election Day they forget the good things he did and voted his party out of governance. He didn’t had five years to do it, but with five months gone already under this administration and no improvement compared to Desmond Hotye’s record, I doubt if this administration will be given another chance especially with their record so far.

Sahadeo Bates

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by seignet:

dey shouldn't even finish their term.

Why should they not finish their term? You put up with an obscenely autocratic and corrupt PPP for 23 years, what have these people done that so offends you? We can quibble with their salary increase which accrues to 225k a year but did you quibble with the the PPP spending that much from NCN budget as an expense to moving the sparendam antenna and appropriating the land for themselves in the area. How about them giving Fip 15 million contract when he did not build a coop and on top of that, exclusive rights to build a hydro plant that he later sold for another 14 million to Sith which they now hold on the are and binds them to any deal with the project? You folks have a lot of nerve.

Originally Posted by seignet:

dey shouldn't even finish their term.

This corrupt AFC/PNC government will be brought down in less than three years by the will of the people. Politics is very strange, a no confidence motion is not impossible.


As Guyanese continue to experience a significant decrease in their standard of living, they wiil push for change since the current administration appears to be clueless and are behaving like dictators and day time choke and rob.


The current government will indeed complete their 5-year term.


However, with their brazen actions like the salary increases and other issues, perhaps they will continue to remain in power; similar to the 1964 to 1992 period under Burnham and Hoyte; with unbridled actions until countries step in similar to the elections in 1992 with the presence of Jimmy Carter and others.

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Venezuela will finance a coup to get rig of that ugly bastard before 2016 independence day. 

another idle, ignorant homan/man digging bt and smelling . . . using he alternate handle


what a spectacle

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Venezuela will finance a coup to get rig of that ugly bastard before 2016 independence day. 

Reds, do you want Venezuela to finance a coup?

BTW, civilians don't do coups. Military men carry out coups. Which GDF soldiers you think will overthrow "that ugly bastard"?

Further, which nice bastard will take his place?

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Venezuela will finance a coup to get rig of that ugly bastard before 2016 independence day. 

You are now giving the entire nation to the Venezuelans? No coup will stand in guyana. That is wishful thinking to put it mildly. To call it absurd thinking is more appropriate.


And why is Granger ugly? Compared to Ramotar he is a prince. And no comparison can be made to Jagdeo, He is just ugly to the bone and mind.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by seignet:

dey shouldn't even finish their term.

Why should they not finish their term? You put up with an obscenely autocratic and corrupt PPP for 23 years, what have these people done that so offends you? We can quibble with their salary increase which accrues to 225k a year but did you quibble with the the PPP spending that much from NCN budget as an expense to moving the sparendam antenna and appropriating the land for themselves in the area. How about them giving Fip 15 million contract when he did not build a coop and on top of that, exclusive rights to build a hydro plant that he later sold for another 14 million to Sith which they now hold on the are and binds them to any deal with the project? You folks have a lot of nerve.

The people punish too much. Try another set of people. This one shows every sign of failure.


I am absolutely sure, you know when an event is on the trend of success. So far, Granger/Nagamoottoo only concerns with getting perks for self and comrades.


I doan see dem doing anything for the ordinary man. 


I doubt that Granjer and the Duke will run in a next election. They have fulfill their life goals and will leave the scene unbeaten. One thing is for sure. The Afc will be in trouble in the next election without PNC if there is an election.

APNU+AFC will be there for a long time. Guyana will soon become a middle income economy with all those increases.  De Goatman turning to rice farming and plans to build his own rice mill.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by seignet:

dey shouldn't even finish their term.

Why should they not finish their term? You put up with an obscenely autocratic and corrupt PPP for 23 years, what have these people done that so offends you? We can quibble with their salary increase which accrues to 225k a year but did you quibble with the the PPP spending that much from NCN budget as an expense to moving the sparendam antenna and appropriating the land for themselves in the area. How about them giving Fip 15 million contract when he did not build a coop and on top of that, exclusive rights to build a hydro plant that he later sold for another 14 million to Sith which they now hold on the are and binds them to any deal with the project? You folks have a lot of nerve.

The people punish too much. Try another set of people. This one shows every sign of failure.


I am absolutely sure, you know when an event is on the trend of success. So far, Granger/Nagamoottoo only concerns with getting perks for self and comrades.


I doan see dem doing anything for the ordinary man. 


What signs of failure are you talking about? What you do not see is clouded by your prejudices.

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Venezuela will finance a coup to get rig of that ugly bastard before 2016 independence day. 

The Indo KKK  are already signed up, and looking for blacks to pay to actually execute the coup.  You know the Indo KKK think that being a soldier/policeman is only for black people.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Venezuela will finance a coup to get rig of that ugly bastard before 2016 independence day. 

Reds, do you want Venezuela to finance a coup?

BTW, civilians don't do coups. Military men carry out coups. Which GDF soldiers you think will overthrow "that ugly bastard"?

Further, which nice bastard will take his place?

The Indo KKK will take Maduro instead of "blackman", and yet they bawl about Burnham.


Scenes in Venezuela are quite similar to Guyana of 1983.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Venezuela will finance a coup to get rig of that ugly bastard before 2016 independence day. 



And why is Granger ugly? Compared to Ramotar he is a prince..

"he a blackman, so he ugly and chupid".


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