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Psychological symptoms are much less visible and can in fact be completely hidden to others so survivors need to offer this information or be carefully and sensitively questioned in order to elicit them. They generally refer to inner thoughts, ideas and emotions.

  • Increased fear and anxiety.
  • Self-blame and guilt.
  • Helplessness, no longer feeling in control of her life.
  • Humiliation and shame.
  • Lowering of her self esteem
  • Feeling dirty or contaminated by the rape
  • Anger
  • Feeling alone and that no one understands.
  • Losing hope in the future.
  • Emotional numbness.
  • Confusion
  • Loss of memory.
  • Constantly thinking about the rape.
  • Having flashbacks to the rape, feeling like it is happening again.
  • Nightmares
  • Depression.
  • Becoming suicidal.
Originally Posted by Cobra:

This is a mockery and a disgrace to these children. Shame on you, Shaitan.

 Admin, I move this thread be deleted on the grounds that the originator is claiming he envisioned a future when WE are not human. This statement is false and malicious because the originator is a snake and not a human. This thread should be deleted.


We have to take the long view of history, Cobra, and in doing so we shall see that the world is getting less cruel than before.

There was a time when cannibalism was acceptable in certain places.    

 There was a time when priests in the Catholic Church used to burn people alive on stakes.

There was a time when scalping in pre-colonial New York was the norm.

 There was a time when Hindu wives had to "voluntarily" jump on their dead husbands' funeral pyre and get roasted or face disgrace and societal isolation for the rest of their lives.

Many other monstrous things used to happen in bygone times.

Generally, mankind has become more humane over time though there are still acts of atrocity in some countries.

We have to be optimistic and hopeful that our future will progress to a state of diminishing inhumanity.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am NOT the topic of discussion.

No, you're the ******* who put up this topic for discussion.
Now to the heading of this antiman thread.
The only thing you envision, is that Guyana must never have no black people or any other race for that matter. That will never happen. It is a land of six races so you're just going to have to deal with that.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

We have to take the long view of history, Cobra, and in doing so we shall see that the world is getting less cruel than before.

There was a time when cannibalism was acceptable in certain places.    

 There was a time when priests in the Catholic Church used to burn people alive on stakes.

There was a time when scalping in pre-colonial New York was the norm.

 There was a time when Hindu wives had to "voluntarily" jump on their dead husbands' funeral pyre and get roasted or face disgrace and societal isolation for the rest of their lives.

Many other monstrous things used to happen in bygone times.

Generally, mankind has become more humane over time though there are still acts of atrocity in some countries.

We have to be optimistic and hopeful that our future will progress to a state of diminishing inhumanity.

Gilbakka, with all due respect. Does the old saying 'throwing water on duck back' mean anything to you?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I think we all need to show a little more Christian charity to Cobra. There is nothing to be gained by bashing him.


Why not use a little care in dealing with him? Or ignore the stupidity.


I don't think he's a bad guy. He's just brainwashed by the PPP for decades.

Did it ever occurred to you that he put up these antiman threads just so he could get a bashing? Some guys just love the punishment. Think about it.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

We have to take the long view of history, Cobra, and in doing so we shall see that the world is getting less cruel than before.

There was a time when cannibalism was acceptable in certain places.    

 There was a time when priests in the Catholic Church used to burn people alive on stakes.

There was a time when scalping in pre-colonial New York was the norm.

 There was a time when Hindu wives had to "voluntarily" jump on their dead husbands' funeral pyre and get roasted or face disgrace and societal isolation for the rest of their lives.

Many other monstrous things used to happen in bygone times.

Generally, mankind has become more humane over time though there are still acts of atrocity in some countries.

We have to be optimistic and hopeful that our future will progress to a state of diminishing inhumanity.

Gilbakka, with all due respect. Does the old saying 'throwing water on duck back' mean anything to you?

I see what you mean, Sheik. I am optimistic that Cobra will become a better/mature person as he grows older. There is hope for him to climb the learning curve. One fine day, he will look back at his youth and say: What was I thinking?

Patience, bro. Patience.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I think we all need to show a little more Christian charity to Cobra. There is nothing to be gained by bashing him.


Why not use a little care in dealing with him? Or ignore the stupidity.


I don't think he's a bad guy. He's just brainwashed by the PPP for decades.

Did it ever occurred to you that he put up these antiman threads just so he could get a bashing? Some guys just love the punishment. Think about it.


are you trying to say he's an attention w/hore?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

We have to take the long view of history, Cobra, and in doing so we shall see that the world is getting less cruel than before.

There was a time when cannibalism was acceptable in certain places.    

 There was a time when priests in the Catholic Church used to burn people alive on stakes.

There was a time when scalping in pre-colonial New York was the norm.

 There was a time when Hindu wives had to "voluntarily" jump on their dead husbands' funeral pyre and get roasted or face disgrace and societal isolation for the rest of their lives.

Many other monstrous things used to happen in bygone times.

Generally, mankind has become more humane over time though there are still acts of atrocity in some countries.

We have to be optimistic and hopeful that our future will progress to a state of diminishing inhumanity.

Gilbakka, with all due respect. Does the old saying 'throwing water on duck back' mean anything to you?

I see what you mean, Sheik. I am optimistic that Cobra will become a better/mature person as he grows older. There is hope for him to climb the learning curve. One fine day, he will look back at his youth and say: What was I thinking?

Patience, bro. Patience.

You don't know Paul at all. But I do. He's a skont!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I think we all need to show a little more Christian charity to Cobra. There is nothing to be gained by bashing him.


Why not use a little care in dealing with him? Or ignore the stupidity.


I don't think he's a bad guy. He's just brainwashed by the PPP for decades.

Did it ever occurred to you that he put up these antiman threads just so he could get a bashing? Some guys just love the punishment. Think about it.


are you trying to say he's an attention w/hore?

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

We have to take the long view of history, Cobra, and in doing so we shall see that the world is getting less cruel than before.

There was a time when cannibalism was acceptable in certain places.    

 There was a time when priests in the Catholic Church used to burn people alive on stakes.

There was a time when scalping in pre-colonial New York was the norm.

 There was a time when Hindu wives had to "voluntarily" jump on their dead husbands' funeral pyre and get roasted or face disgrace and societal isolation for the rest of their lives.

Many other monstrous things used to happen in bygone times.

Generally, mankind has become more humane over time though there are still acts of atrocity in some countries.

We have to be optimistic and hopeful that our future will progress to a state of diminishing inhumanity.

Gilbakka, with all due respect. Does the old saying 'throwing water on duck back' mean anything to you?

I see what you mean, Sheik. I am optimistic that Cobra will become a better/mature person as he grows older. There is hope for him to climb the learning curve. One fine day, he will look back at his youth and say: What was I thinking?

Patience, bro. Patience.

You don't know Paul at all. But I do. He's a skont!

Bai, all of us are skunks at some point or another, but thankfully we can outgrow our skunkhood.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I've spent more than fourteen years around your cousin, and I detected that he didn't like blacks. But I didn't realize to this extent.


I don't wanna be sanctimonious because almost no one in Guyana has clean hands when it comes to the issue of race. NO ONE! We've all been contaminated by the racial mud pit that is Guyana in some manner.


However, the PPP's post-election campaign against the new Government has been imbecilic and outright racist. There are PPP memes floating around FB and social media caricaturing Black people in simply vile ways. Can I understand some ethnic security concerns among Indians with a new Black majority Government composed principally of a party with a deserved anti-Indian reputation? Sure I can. But the cartoonish hatred of Black people is such an assault on the senses. What's worse is that it drowns out all of the legitimate ethnic security concerns of Indians which just comes across as some softer diluted form of implacable Indo racism against Black people.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

We have to take the long view of history, Cobra, and in doing so we shall see that the world is getting less cruel than before.

There was a time when cannibalism was acceptable in certain places.    

 There was a time when priests in the Catholic Church used to burn people alive on stakes.

There was a time when scalping in pre-colonial New York was the norm.

 There was a time when Hindu wives had to "voluntarily" jump on their dead husbands' funeral pyre and get roasted or face disgrace and societal isolation for the rest of their lives.

Many other monstrous things used to happen in bygone times.

Generally, mankind has become more humane over time though there are still acts of atrocity in some countries.

We have to be optimistic and hopeful that our future will progress to a state of diminishing inhumanity.

Gilbakka, with all due respect. Does the old saying 'throwing water on duck back' mean anything to you?

I see what you mean, Sheik. I am optimistic that Cobra will become a better/mature person as he grows older. There is hope for him to climb the learning curve. One fine day, he will look back at his youth and say: What was I thinking?

Patience, bro. Patience.

You don't know Paul at all. But I do. He's a skont!

Bai, all of us are skunks at some point or another, but thankfully we can outgrow our skunkhood.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I think we all need to show a little more Christian charity to Cobra. There is nothing to be gained by bashing him.


Why not use a little care in dealing with him? Or ignore the stupidity.


I don't think he's a bad guy. He's just brainwashed by the PPP for decades.

Nah bai, yuh wrang. You never really grew up in Guyana, so you won't know it but these are the types of Indians that cause a LOT of division in Guyana on a day to day basis. And there's a lot of them. Daily doses of vitriol (not jokes) aimed at black man in every conversation, even when black man in ear shot.


Many of the Cobra types would be business owners who would NEVER hire a black person, one of the reasons why a lot of blacks wind up in the civil service. Segregation practiced by the cobra indians in almost every aspect of life over time leads to hostility between the races. Oh, and there are racist blacks too who compound the problem.


Picture thousands of Cobras running around guyana and you get a gist of the problem. Sheik, a friend of cobra, confirms that cobra is like this even in real life. This is the crux of our biggest national problem and cannot be easily dismissed.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I think we all need to show a little more Christian charity to Cobra. There is nothing to be gained by bashing him.


Why not use a little care in dealing with him? Or ignore the stupidity.


I don't think he's a bad guy. He's just brainwashed by the PPP for decades.

Nah bai, yuh wrang. You never really grew up in Guyana, so you won't know it but these are the types of Indians that cause a LOT of division in Guyana on a day to day basis. And there's a lot of them. Daily doses of vitriol (not jokes) aimed at black man in every conversation, even when black man in ear shot.


Many of the Cobra types would be business owners who would NEVER hire a black person, one of the reasons why a lot of blacks wind up in the civil service. Segregation practiced by the cobra indians in almost every aspect of life over time leads to hostility between the races. Oh, and there are racist blacks too who compound the problem.


Picture thousands of Cobras running around guyana and you get a gist of the problem. Sheik, a friend of cobra, confirms that cobra is like this even in real life. This is the crux of our biggest national problem and cannot be easily dismissed.


I concur with the points made. I left Guyana when I was 8 and I grew up with my mom's family in a mixed village (I think my great-grandfather was only the second Indian to buy land in said village). My mother attended a Black majority church in the next village over. I was actually closer in many respects to some of our Black neighbors than I was to members of my own household. I saw only one real instance of Indo racism towards Blacks. My family was quite active in the local masjid and some poorly educated twit one year was put in charge of the distribution of the Qurbani meat. This fool departed from the custom of giving local Blacks a share of the Qurbani meat (and to make matters worse, he gave them skin and blood). As soon as my uncle found out, he immediately remedied the situation in the most obscene manner he could muster.


So I don't really have a great experience of Indo racism manifesting itself against Black people in anything more than tasteless ethnic jokes. Tasteless ethnic jokes is a hallmark of Guyanese humor so I never give that much credence as evidence of racism from any corner.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
But I like Farouk 's take on cousin cobra situation even better. 'Well yuh know, there's no point in bashing him since he's been brainwashed by the PPP etc etc'. Yet ,he in de line wid wild cane in he  haan sharing licks pon poor Paul like everybady else. Classic!!.


Look chap I'm half fullahman which makes me half hypocrite

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Observer:

That lady has a strong resemblance to PJ. 


Nuff members of Cobra's family are sporting permanent perms

The chap musaa vex bad when there is a fambly gathering.


The irony of ironies is that them "douglas" in the Snake's Clan tend to be lighter in complexion and more Caucasiod in features. One of said "douglas" used to get stop at airports to get her autograph because Americans mistook her for Tiffany Amber-Thiessen from Saved by the Bell.


This gyal hey is Tiffany Amber Thiessen and Cobra's dougla cousin gets confused for her by Americans:



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