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Former Member

The following words appeared at the end of my column yesterday suggesting that the PPP should ask itself; “What if the party never won?” That came about either because of an editorial mistake or otherwise, but I did not pen those words.
I believe from all that I have seen and information that I was privy to – information shared with me from professionally driven persons who are both Guyanese and foreigners, and who have not the slightest relationship with the PPP or care to have one – that when the tabulations were completed, the results showed a PPP victory.
I hereby reject any other decision, and will only accept a different outcome if those very credible people, on the basis of proof, offer a different result. A few days ago, in the National Park, a well known restaurant owner chatted with me over the election results. He said that he accepts the flawed process, because he does not want Jagdeo back in power.
My reaction is that what went on last Wednesday evening in the GECOM command centre was not about Jagdeo, it was about the deep, priceless value of freedom. It was unrelated to Jagdeo. It was about living in a country where you enjoy the right to vote. The recognition of that right by society then ushers in a process of thinking and instincts that lead to the concretization of freedom.
Here is what I know, and I make a distinction here between what I know and what I believe. On Wednesday, the verification of the statements of poll (SOPs) for Region 4 was stopped. Just stopped and never resumed. GECOM on Thursday declared APNU+AFC the winner of the poll. I have not seen any credible organization, except the winners, that has contradicted that occurrence.
There is no other word to describe what went on there, except the description of descent into election insanity. How can any civilized society accept such an election process and the result that emerged from it? The caricature that accompanied Wednesday’s stoppage of the verification of the SOPs has absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Jagdeo. It was about democracy, which has as one of its fulcrums free and fair elections. Free and fair election is a priceless value. If it brought Jagdeo’s party to power, then in rejecting the election because you did not like the winner, what do you replace it with?
The restaurant owner in the park kept shouting that Guyana must take the sanctions coming, because Jagdeo must never return. The most dangerous mistake in that thinking is who do you replace Jagdeo with? More importantly, who has the right to take away the votes the citizens gave Jagdeo? Which arbiter decides that he/she does not want Jagdeo and therefore citizens’ votes are de-recognized?
If you accept the corrugation and corruption of free and fair elections, then why must the winner accept to be tossed aside? And even if the winner, through some weird psychological contortion does decide to become sheepish, why would anyone think his/her supporters will accept the rejection of their victory?
My politics is an open book. I have been a newspaper columnist for 31 years in which I have penned literally thousands and thousands of columns, and interspersed in those pages are the countless times I have stated how I voted. From 18 years onwards I never voted for the PPP or the PNC. On my parents’ grave that is the truth. I voted for APNU+AFC in 2015. Legally and morally that was not a vote for the PNC.
By the time I was 18, I became suspicious of what my country’s politics was about. After entering university and becoming educated, my mind was now cast in cement. The PPP and the PNC would continue to polarize Guyana, and I embraced the WPA. In 2006, I endorsed the AFC, because I saw them as the rebirth of the third way that the WPA brought in the 1970s.
For me, the AFC died after 2015 through power intoxication, and I became a critic of the government since then. I kept yearning for the return of the third way that the WPA and the AFC brought. It happened in 2020 with the birth of many small parties. I chose Lenox Shuman, because I think Amerindians need to expand their political presence in Guyana.
The point I am making is that politics is about Guyana’s freedom. It is not about specific personalities. Free and fair election is about freedom and democracy. It is not about keeping out a particular individual. I didn’t vote for the PPP, but I believe and know it won the election. Guyana must recognize that.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper)


Replies sorted oldest to newest

PPP does not need Freddy to rescue them, history has proven that. Freddy speaks his conscious mind ... some thing you don't have. We should never be a spectator of unfairness, suppression, bullyism, or stupidity.
Our ancestors paid a terrible price for us to be able to protect our democracy in any peaceful, legal and non violent way, shape or form.


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LOL ,using someone FB post as rebuttal ,special kind of debater. Talking about our ancestors ,unfortunately you don't know squat what they have done, it's too long to read and of no interest ,stop pretending .

Last edited by Django

We are spiralling into chaos and a bottomless pit. Granger has no right along with his negro cohorts to steal the elections. And at the same time, Jagdeo had no right to hand pick  Ali as the person to represent all Guyanese after  a PPP victory. It is total disrespect for a country that is so divided.

We expect Granger to vacate his position. The whole of Guyana knows what prompted Singh, Lowenfield and Mingo to act in that manner. Jagdeo and Ali knows this. The dislike of two corrupt men at helm of government responsible for the livelihood of Black ppl. I think enough is enough and Black ppl are not going to let a Bondage happen to them again. They have the police and army on their side and even an economic blockade for seizeing the country is worth it. Dey nah going have two crookish Indians dominate their lives. 

If indians are Guyanese then they must start thinking waht is good for Guyana and not the Peoples Progressive Party. It is not too late to turn the tide. Black ppl this time around is waiting for a decent response from the Indians. I hope dey intelligent to seeing in their minds where it could all end.

If Granger and the Discipline Forces takes the country, some Indians will fight but the whole country will quickly be emptied out of cooolie ppl, they run off to distant places. All of dem. And to the Caribbean among other Black folks, not to India, Canada or America or Britain bcz dey would not be wanted. But they can freely move in the Caribbean. So, I say, solve your problems with your fellow countrymen. I am confident they will talk.

A quick solution would be for Jagdeo to leave Guyana and Ali return the PPP to a democratic organization. The PPP and PNC abstain fron governace. Intelligent ppl forrm a government. 

If dat doan happen, it is match for barefacedness. We see if Indians moh bad than Negroes.



Shameless PRICKS always think they have an explanation not knowing all they doing is exposing and certifying their ignorance and illiteracy!!

Raise Al Yuh hands and be PROUD.


Good evening DJ, Tota, Comrade and Rochelle! Howdy!!


Until March 1st, Ali may have been Jagdeo's pick. If the results show that the PPP scored the most votes, then Ali would have become those voters' pick. It will be up to him to demonstrate if he was worthy of their vote or not. The way Guyana is composed, no party will he able to LEGALLY hunker down as all future elections can be a referendum on the incumbents.


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