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Former Member

I AM 100% behind any move to make Mayor Hamilton Green and his entire City Council cohorts leave office. Enough is enough! Mayor Green is too soiled a character to engender trust, and foster well-being.
Let me remind all Guyanese that in 1992, when ‘fair and free elections’ were held in Guyana for the first time (thanks to the Jimmy Carter Centre), this said Green was not a happy man. He had to demit office, as the expected PPP victory was realised. During his tenure as Prime Minister, he was purportedly quite subversive, and it was no surprise that he was rejected and ousted by Desmond Hoyte. Even the PNC could not tolerate him! He did try to make a court case in 1993, to the effect that there was a violation of his constitutional rights by his expulsion from the Party. He then launched his own Party, the ‘For a Good and Green Guyana Party (GGG)’, but this never really amounted to anything. This kind of background alone makes for a very dissatisfied, troubled and very vengeful man. In fact, from a psychological standpoint, many cannot see how he is fit to serve as Mayor of Georgetown. He needs psychiatric and psychological help.

Then there have been some recent terrible and troubling developments, and these again suggest that, from a moral perspective, Mayor Green must go. People at large are deeply bothered about issues surrounding Mayor Green’s alleged efforts to write off millions of dollars in taxes owed by his wife on a property on Mandela Avenue. The current Town Clerk, Ms. Carol Sooba, is feeling the brunt of Green’s vendetta and wrath, as she is the one who is seeking to bring decency and proper order to the entire City Council.
Now, along with Deputy Mayor, Patricia Chase-Green, the Mayor is not shy about making things ugly, even physically so. The threatening remarks a few days ago from the Deputy Mayor, and the many walk-outs from statutory meetings all point to immaturity, ill-fittedness to lead, and a suspicious guise.
It is hoped that the relevant authorities will pay keen attention to the behaviour of both Mayor Green and his deputy, as it seems that both are most willing to get dangerously violent.
TODD A MORGAN.. Guyana Kranickle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

we doan need a "movement" bai . . . just say de magic words:




go ahead, it won't hurt . . . theeeere now


please communicate same to your fellow antiman in Freedom House so we can move dis ball forward, arrite?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

we doan need a "movement" bai . . . just say de magic words:




go ahead, it won't hurt


theeeere now . . .

Bai Redux, dis is about mayoral eleckshun in GT. Me an all would like fuh see lokal eleckshun. Wen me hear fram Ramoo, me guh tell you. Wait by you computah.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

we doan need a "movement" bai . . . just say de magic words:




go ahead, it won't hurt . . . theeeere now


please communicate same to your fellow antiman in Freedom House so we can move dis ball forward, arrite?

Bai Redux, dis is about mayoral eleckshun in GT. Me an all would like fuh see lokal eleckshun. Wen me hear fram Ramoo, me guh tell you. Wait by you computah.

uh uh . . . ah wuh lame [differentiating?] 'point' yuh straining to make hay?


Originally Posted by kp:

No relation, stick to the topic.

You are very funny. Sticking to the topic would mean removing green not Ms Riddley. Tell the PPP to hold an inquest if it galls you. Meanwhile the topic is the removal of green but how? Skeldon ape misses the fact that GT is also a local authority and removal would come under the rubric of elections. But we know that the PPP is girding itself to test the waters if the can by decree remove him and implant their own IMC as they have been doing all over the nation in lieu of the required elections.


BTW, removal of local authorities and implanting PPP IMCs is also under the the compendium of activities that constitute rigging the general election! You fools think a focusing on the ballot boxes on election day alone defines the term.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by kp:

No relation, stick to the topic.

You are very funny. Sticking to the topic would mean removing green not Ms Riddley. Tell the PPP to hold an inquest if it galls you. Meanwhile the topic is the removal of green but how? Skeldon ape misses the fact that GT is also a local authority and removal would come under the rubric of elections. But we know that the PPP is girding itself to test the waters if the can by decree remove him and implant their own IMC as they have been doing all over the nation in lieu of the required elections.


BTW, removal of local authorities and implanting PPP IMCs is also under the the compendium of activities that constitute rigging the general election! You fools think a focusing on the ballot boxes on election day alone defines the term.

Storm Sewerrat: Did they run out of prozac at your drug store? Stick to the topic: "The ouster of Guyana's most notorious terrorist".

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by kp:

No relation, stick to the topic.

You are very funny. Sticking to the topic would mean removing green not Ms Riddley. Tell the PPP to hold an inquest if it galls you. Meanwhile the topic is the removal of green but how? Skeldon ape misses the fact that GT is also a local authority and removal would come under the rubric of elections. But we know that the PPP is girding itself to test the waters if the can by decree remove him and implant their own IMC as they have been doing all over the nation in lieu of the required elections.


BTW, removal of local authorities and implanting PPP IMCs is also under the the compendium of activities that constitute rigging the general election! You fools think a focusing on the ballot boxes on election day alone defines the term.

Storm Sewerrat: Did they run out of prozac at your drug store? Stick to the topic: "The ouster of Guyana's most notorious terrorist".

Do you think that is witty repartee? You would like the PPP attempt to constrain the dialog to hide your motives ie removing the man on account of your imagined threat when the real threat are the  demons residing in the PPP. He is not the target. Capturing the state is their ultimate intent.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:

Who kill Shirley Field Riddley????   Ask Green!!!

Who kill Sat Sawh? Ask JAGDEO!!!!!!

Who killed Ronald Waddell?

Who kill George Bacchus?


Skelly, why yuh worrying about Hammie?

He died politically long time ago.

The PPP keeping his corpse in the Mayor's chair by not holding local government elections.

If such elections were held since 15 years ago, Hammie would have been history.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:

Who kill Shirley Field Riddley????   Ask Green!!!

Who kill Sat Sawh? Ask JAGDEO!!!!!!

Who killed Ronald Waddell?

Who kill George Bacchus?

Who killed Monica Reece?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:

Who kill Shirley Field Riddley????   Ask Green!!!

Who kill Sat Sawh? Ask JAGDEO!!!!!!

Who killed Ronald Waddell?

Who kill George Bacchus?

Who killed Monica Reece?

Who killed Vincent Teekah??

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by kp:

Who kill Shirley Field Riddley????   Ask Green!!!

Who kill Sat Sawh? Ask JAGDEO!!!!!!

Who killed Ronald Waddell?

Who kill George Bacchus?

Who killed Monica Reece?

Who killed Vincent Teekah??

'brian teekah' . . .?


I am no fan of Hamilton Green but Sooba and Decency can be used in the same sentence?


We will ignore the fact that she has hired a known criminal in shawn hinds who was involved in several murders across Guyana and most recently in the belair heist where he was later freed by the PPP under dubious circumstances?


But Sooba is decent? heck the PPP needs their own dictionary.


I appeal to all the spread the word by telling the youths that when they cast their vote in 2016, vote for an Idea called Guyana.


Tagore's said "A nation is at a crossroads where the decisions of its youth will determine its future course and destiny."

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I appeal to all the spread the word by telling the youths that when they cast their vote in 2016, vote for an Idea called Guyana.


Tagore's said "A nation is at a crossroads where the decisions of its youth will determine its future course and destiny."

Time to DUMP all the opportunistic politicians in the PNC/APNU/PPP including TK and his 5 jumbies on GNI.


Can you imagine TK wants to vote 5 times with one body?  It is called rigging.


Still in them DNA.  PNC daags.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I appeal to all the spread the word by telling the youths that when they cast their vote in 2016, vote for an Idea called Guyana.


Tagore's said "A nation is at a crossroads where the decisions of its youth will determine its future course and destiny."

Time to DUMP all the opportunistic politicians in the PNC/APNU/PPP including TK and his 5 jumbies on GNI.


Can you imagine TK wants to vote 5 times with one body?  It is called rigging.


Still in them DNA.  PNC daags.

Bai Brian Teekah(oops KishanB), you on a roll. You mek waan good typical Guyana politician.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I appeal to all the spread the word by telling the youths that when they cast their vote in 2016, vote for an Idea called Guyana.


Tagore's said "A nation is at a crossroads where the decisions of its youth will determine its future course and destiny."

Time to DUMP all the opportunistic politicians in the PNC/APNU/PPP including TK and his 5 jumbies on GNI.


Can you imagine TK wants to vote 5 times with one body?  It is called rigging.


Still in them DNA.  PNC daags.


 You serious need help Mr Sasenarine Singh. Sorry you have to be so envious of Mr TK. You shoud be helping your AFC instead of seeing every poster here as Mr TK. See mental help. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I appeal to all the spread the word by telling the youths that when they cast their vote in 2016, vote for an Idea called Guyana.


Tagore's said "A nation is at a crossroads where the decisions of its youth will determine its future course and destiny."

Time to DUMP all the opportunistic politicians in the PNC/APNU/PPP including TK and his 5 jumbies on GNI.


Can you imagine TK wants to vote 5 times with one body?  It is called rigging.


Still in them DNA.  PNC daags.


 You serious need help Mr Sasenarine Singh. Sorry you have to be so envious of Mr TK. You shoud be helping your AFC instead of seeing every poster here as Mr TK. See mental help. 

Why is Mr TK and his five finger and jumbies so obsessed with Mr. Sasenarine Singh.  Let the man go, why this obsession, like the man interfere with you and your LOSER LIFE Mr. Tyrone.


From the Press, I read the man resigned and he finished with the AFC and politics.  But it appears you have a mental obsession, you are a social media follower.  Please lead for once.


But I hold no brief for Mr. Singh; I am sure if he needs to he can defend himself.


What my concern is, and I continue to challenge anyone on this blog to prove I am KishanB .


Many of time I do not agree with KishanB.  Sometime he does write some real shit, but at other he does push some piercing points that really peal away at the real issue.


The hypocrisy of the PNC Gang including  Mr. Tyrone and the five jumbie handles is appalling.


But of course when the boisee brain Mr Tyrone Khemraj ak TK ak anti palm and the five jumbies wake up, he so fed up masturbating and disgusted with himself and Mr. Granger that he become a hateful negaholic every morning.


HATE THEM HATE East Indian boys and girls like Dr. Dolly Hassan who blocking Mr. Granger from advancing.




Brian Teekah cannot stop Mr. Granger if he is HONEST, sincere and remorseful with a plan of action to help the people.


But Mr. Granger stand busted, he just want power for revenge against the East Indian population and he has these Krulli DAAGS like TYRONE Kemraj and Gergard Raswaroop sucking egg for a back bench on the APNU side.





Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I appeal to all the spread the word by telling the youths that when they cast their vote in 2016, vote for an Idea called Guyana.


Tagore's said "A nation is at a crossroads where the decisions of its youth will determine its future course and destiny."

Time to DUMP all the opportunistic politicians in the PNC/APNU/PPP including TK and his 5 jumbies on GNI.


Can you imagine TK wants to vote 5 times with one body?  It is called rigging.


Still in them DNA.  PNC daags.

Bai Brian Teekah(oops KishanB), you on a roll. You mek waan good typical Guyana politician.

Skeldon man, you ah me friend, please provide evidence chap.  Or else SHUT yu rass!

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I appeal to all the spread the word by telling the youths that when they cast their vote in 2016, vote for an Idea called Guyana.


Tagore's said "A nation is at a crossroads where the decisions of its youth will determine its future course and destiny."

Time to DUMP all the opportunistic politicians in the PNC/APNU/PPP including TK and his 5 jumbies on GNI.


Can you imagine TK wants to vote 5 times with one body?  It is called rigging.


Still in them DNA.  PNC daags.


 You serious need help Mr Sasenarine Singh. Sorry you have to be so envious of Mr TK. You shoud be helping your AFC instead of seeing every poster here as Mr TK. See mental help. 

Why is Mr TK and his five finger and jumbies so obsessed with Mr. Sasenarine Singh.  Let the man go, why this obsession, like the man interfere with you and your LOSER LIFE Mr. Tyrone.


From the Press, I read the man resigned and he finished with the AFC and politics.  But it appears you have a mental obsession, you are a social media follower.  Please lead for once.


But I hold no brief for Mr. Singh; I am sure if he needs to he can defend himself.


What my concern is, and I continue to challenge anyone on this blog to prove I am KishanB .


Many of time I do not agree with KishanB.  Sometime he does write some real shit, but at other he does push some piercing points that really peal away at the real issue.


The hypocrisy of the PNC Gang including  Mr. Tyrone and the five jumbie handles is appalling.


But of course when the boisee brain Mr Tyrone Khemraj ak TK ak anti palm and the five jumbies wake up, he so fed up masturbating and disgusted with himself and Mr. Granger that he become a hateful negaholic every morning.


HATE THEM HATE East Indian boys and girls like Dr. Dolly Hassan who blocking Mr. Granger from advancing.




Brian Teekah cannot stop Mr. Granger if he is HONEST, sincere and remorseful with a plan of action to help the people.


But Mr. Granger stand busted, he just want power for revenge against the East Indian population and he has these Krulli DAAGS like TYRONE Kemraj and Gergard Raswaroop sucking egg for a back bench on the APNU side.





Seek help Mr Sing.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

I appeal to all the spread the word by telling the youths that when they cast their vote in 2016, vote for an Idea called Guyana.


Tagore's said "A nation is at a crossroads where the decisions of its youth will determine its future course and destiny."

Time to DUMP all the opportunistic politicians in the PNC/APNU/PPP including TK and his 5 jumbies on GNI.


Can you imagine TK wants to vote 5 times with one body?  It is called rigging.


Still in them DNA.  PNC daags.


 You serious need help Mr Sasenarine Singh. Sorry you have to be so envious of Mr TK. You shoud be helping your AFC instead of seeing every poster here as Mr TK. See mental help. 

Why is Mr TK and his five finger and jumbies so obsessed with Mr. Sasenarine Singh.  Let the man go, why this obsession, like the man interfere with you and your LOSER LIFE Mr. Tyrone.


From the Press, I read the man resigned and he finished with the AFC and politics.  But it appears you have a mental obsession, you are a social media follower.  Please lead for once.


But I hold no brief for Mr. Singh; I am sure if he needs to he can defend himself.


What my concern is, and I continue to challenge anyone on this blog to prove I am KishanB .


Many of time I do not agree with KishanB.  Sometime he does write some real shit, but at other he does push some piercing points that really peal away at the real issue.


The hypocrisy of the PNC Gang including  Mr. Tyrone and the five jumbie handles is appalling.


But of course when the boisee brain Mr Tyrone Khemraj ak TK ak anti palm and the five jumbies wake up, he so fed up masturbating and disgusted with himself and Mr. Granger that he become a hateful negaholic every morning.


HATE THEM HATE East Indian boys and girls like Dr. Dolly Hassan who blocking Mr. Granger from advancing.




Brian Teekah cannot stop Mr. Granger if he is HONEST, sincere and remorseful with a plan of action to help the people.


But Mr. Granger stand busted, he just want power for revenge against the East Indian population and he has these Krulli DAAGS like TYRONE Kemraj and Gergard Raswaroop sucking egg for a back bench on the APNU side.





 A very poignant case of the psychologically damaged.


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