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Former Member

. Time does give us reflections on human errors and mistakes, but there is no mistake on what I've posted except for my personal response to the thread itself, which I usually do from time to time. 

For the general audience:

The article was done based on a scientific finding that a woman vagina does go into stress mode due to lack of sex for a long period of time. It also provides remedies on how to relieve your vaginal stress by having a sex partner or "Do-It-Yourself" (DIY) 


Why are we ashamed to speak of our sexual organs in an open society? This like many other researched article is intended for educational purposes. This is something we must come to terms with. 

But my suspicion runs deeper how quick the thread was deleted at that hour of the night. Admins are human and they need their rest,

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Baseman posted:

I was at an event last year and a woman speaker was speaking to women on such matters.  She told them sexual activity is important for maintaining physical and emotional health.  

Not sure why your article was deleted as it was not a personal opinion. I had a feeling admin went saff! 

Well, we are learning as we go along. I just wanted to get feedback and opinions. Let see how it goes.

Sunil posted:

topic was moved to health forum.

Sunil, the topic is not my concern. My concern is why I was called a sexist pig for posting something that is less X-Rated than what we discuss daily on Gni political. In recent time we have discussed buggering, anal and oral sex. Stormy milk jugs and Trump ***** grabbing, which are all sexual in nature. No one has ever singled out or being called a sexist pig. It seems like it has to do with who is the topic starter. Just for curiosity, who is the forum doctor to determine my thread should be placed in the medical emergency ward? It has to be a gynecologist since the topic is about vagina. Lol 

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

The Prince is always desperately seeking attention.

What the fvck you are here for? I am tired of telling you about trailing my ass and talking shit. Go after somebody else. You are fvcking disgusting. I am not looking to get your attention because I don't fvck men. ok.

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
ksazma posted:

The Prince is always desperately seeking attention.

What the fvck you are here for? I am tired of telling you about trailing my ass and talking shit. Go after somebody else. You are fvcking disgusting. I am not looking to get your attention because I don't fvck men. ok.

Bai, try getting some exercise in and you may not be as tired as you always seem. 

Why the moment yuh interact with a man, yuh automatically think about fvcking one? Is that yuh preoccupied perversion? 

Bai gwan suh. 

Baseman posted:

Prince got boned on the post.  Not good!

The post is no longer an issue, Baseman. I get my message across that is important. I look forward to a new day.  

Sunil, the topic is not my concern. My concern is why I was called a sexist pig for posting something that is less X-Rated than what we discuss daily on Gni political. In recent time we have discussed buggering, anal and oral sex. Stormy milk jugs and Trump ***** grabbing, which are all sexual in nature. No one has ever singled out or being called a sexist pig. It seems like it has to do with who is the topic starter. Just for curiosity, who is the forum doctor to determine my thread should be placed in the medical emergency ward? It has to be a gynecologist since the topic is about vagina. Lol 


Prince posted:
Baseman posted:

Prince got boned on the post.  Not good!

The post is no longer an issue, Baseman. I get my message across that is important. I look forward to a new day.  

Sunil, the topic is not my concern. My concern is why I was called a sexist pig for posting something that is less X-Rated than what we discuss daily on Gni political. In recent time we have discussed buggering, anal and oral sex. Stormy milk jugs and Trump ***** grabbing, which are all sexual in nature. No one has ever singled out or being called a sexist pig. It seems like it has to do with who is the topic starter. Just for curiosity, who is the forum doctor to determine my thread should be placed in the medical emergency ward? It has to be a gynecologist since the topic is about vagina. Lol 


I was only kidding bai!

Baseman posted:
Prince posted:
Baseman posted:

Prince got boned on the post.  Not good!

The post is no longer an issue, Baseman. I get my message across that is important. I look forward to a new day.  

Sunil, the topic is not my concern. My concern is why I was called a sexist pig for posting something that is less X-Rated than what we discuss daily on Gni political. In recent time we have discussed buggering, anal and oral sex. Stormy milk jugs and Trump ***** grabbing, which are all sexual in nature. No one has ever singled out or being called a sexist pig. It seems like it has to do with who is the topic starter. Just for curiosity, who is the forum doctor to determine my thread should be placed in the medical emergency ward? It has to be a gynecologist since the topic is about vagina. Lol 


I was only kidding bai!


Baseman posted:

I was only kidding bai!

Since you were able to understand that, can you translate this into English? 

All who talks about attention must be genius of attention to notice. I am sorry to fvck up the limelight for you important GNI folks. Sometime I tend to forget that some of you have ownership rights to speak skvnt on GNI which I don't have. Now you know.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

I was only kidding bai!

Since you were able to understand that, can you translate this into English? 

All who talks about attention must be genius of attention to notice. I am sorry to fvck up the limelight for you important GNI folks. Sometime I tend to forget that some of you have ownership rights to speak skvnt on GNI which I don't have. Now you know.

You try deh rass.  I ain’t getting in alyuh two cock fight!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

I was only kidding bai!

Since you were able to understand that, can you translate this into English? 

All who talks about attention must be genius of attention to notice. I am sorry to fvck up the limelight for you important GNI folks. Sometime I tend to forget that some of you have ownership rights to speak skvnt on GNI which I don't have. Now you know.

You try deh rass.  I ain’t getting in alyuh two cock fight!

Me cock don't fight dude. Me cock duz love. Plus me too much of a womanizer to lose sleep over the prince's obsession. By the way, meh ohman Anna Kooiman is right now making an appearance on Fox and Friends. But is not her old self. Sheh just had a baby so she is out of shape and wearing sweat pants. Wonder how long it would be before she start looking like this again. Image result for anna kooiman

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

. Time does give us reflections on human errors and mistakes, but there is no mistake on what I've posted except for my personal response to the thread itself, which I usually do from time to time. 

For the general audience:

The article was done based on a scientific finding that a woman vagina does go into stress mode due to lack of sex for a long period of time. It also provides remedies on how to relieve your vaginal stress by having a sex partner or "Do-It-Yourself" (DIY) 


Why are we ashamed to speak of our sexual organs in an open society? This like many other researched article is intended for educational purposes. This is something we must come to terms with. 

But my suspicion runs deeper how quick the thread was deleted at that hour of the night. Admins are human and they need their rest,

Can you ever have a bone...r? You are too limp d..& in all things to talk of bones, bone or boner.

Stormborn posted:
Prince posted:

. Time does give us reflections on human errors and mistakes, but there is no mistake on what I've posted except for my personal response to the thread itself, which I usually do from time to time. 

For the general audience:

The article was done based on a scientific finding that a woman vagina does go into stress mode due to lack of sex for a long period of time. It also provides remedies on how to relieve your vaginal stress by having a sex partner or "Do-It-Yourself" (DIY) 


Why are we ashamed to speak of our sexual organs in an open society? This like many other researched article is intended for educational purposes. This is something we must come to terms with. 

But my suspicion runs deeper how quick the thread was deleted at that hour of the night. Admins are human and they need their rest,

Can you ever have a bone...r? You are too limp d..& in all things to talk of bones, bone or boner.

The Prince just like attention. And while that may be fine, he does so an such a clumsy manner. 

ksazma posted:

The Prince just like attention. And while that may be fine, he does so an such a clumsy manner. 

he has never been fine...a regular june bug is he. First saw him on the community section cussing out an indian woman ( who posted here) for her supposed blackmanphilia. He wanted to purify the indian race. Today he is a regular defender against racism. He once hated muslims, then claimed he join the faith now he hates them again.  Now he is a sexologist! That fellow is schitzoid.

Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

The Prince just like attention. And while that may be fine, he does so an such a clumsy manner. 

he has never been fine...a regular june bug is he. First saw him on the community section cussing out an indian woman ( who posted here) for her supposed blackmanphilia. He wanted to purify the indian race. Today he is a regular defender against racism. He once hated muslims, then claimed he join the faith now he hates them again.  Now he is a sexologist! That fellow is schitzoid.

I believe he meant in in gist but today's world, everybody hypersensitive and trying to get on TV!

Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

The Prince just like attention. And while that may be fine, he does so an such a clumsy manner. 

he has never been fine...a regular june bug is he. First saw him on the community section cussing out an indian woman ( who posted here) for her supposed blackmanphilia. He wanted to purify the indian race. Today he is a regular defender against racism. He once hated muslims, then claimed he join the faith now he hates them again.  Now he is a sexologist! That fellow is schitzoid.

Time has changed and people change with time. Sex is human nature and an important part of marriage, relationship, and self-satisfaction, yet controversial. One thing you failed to mention is the sexual pervert among us.

Sometimes some people speak louder about women and sex when they are sex starved. It's a way of showing machoism with pictures and fantasy. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

The Prince just like attention. And while that may be fine, he does so an such a clumsy manner. 

he has never been fine...a regular june bug is he. First saw him on the community section cussing out an indian woman ( who posted here) for her supposed blackmanphilia. He wanted to purify the indian race. Today he is a regular defender against racism. He once hated muslims, then claimed he join the faith now he hates them again.  Now he is a sexologist! That fellow is schitzoid.

Time has changed and people change with time. Sex is human nature and an important part of marriage, relationship, and self-satisfaction, yet controversial. One thing you failed to mention is the sexual pervert among us.

Sometimes some people speak louder about women and sex when they are sex starved. It's a way of showing machoism with pictures and fantasy. 

Nobody asked you for sex therapy here.

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:

The Prince just like attention. And while that may be fine, he does so an such a clumsy manner. 

he has never been fine...a regular june bug is he. First saw him on the community section cussing out an indian woman ( who posted here) for her supposed blackmanphilia. He wanted to purify the indian race. Today he is a regular defender against racism. He once hated muslims, then claimed he join the faith now he hates them again.  Now he is a sexologist! That fellow is schitzoid.

Time has changed and people change with time. Sex is human nature and an important part of marriage, relationship, and self-satisfaction, yet controversial. One thing you failed to mention is the sexual pervert among us.

Sometimes some people speak louder about women and sex when they are sex starved. It's a way of showing machoism with pictures and fantasy. 

Nobody asked you for sex therapy here.

This is meant for middle age women. It is not for old men who are at a point of no return. Lol


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