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Former Member

That sugar workers need to acquire new skills to challenge new jobs in the  21st-century industries. Cutting Cane will be a thing of the past in the near future. Mr. Ramjattan said it bluntly and accurately that sugar workers must adapt to changes, if not, when the industry is close, it wouldn't affect you. The PPP is encouraging sugar workers to work in the canefield like jackasses and let them believe that's all they can do to sustain their livelihood. The PPP never tell the sugar workers to aim high and learn new skills and trade to be apart of a growing Guyana.

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seignet posted:

Sugar workers are mainly unskilled and with limited education. Employment in Guyana is scarce.

What new skills these ppl are supposed to acquire for the future?

Their prospects are like the Untouchables of India, doing menial jobs for the well to do for pitance. 

Dinosaur PPP thinking pon display! These people do manual labor which is not restricted to use only in the sugar industry. There are other industries that require manual labor, the PPP's failure to nurture and encourage such industries over 23+ years and keep these people cutting cane is the problem.

Secondly they may be poor and uneducated but I'm sure not stupid. They can learn to operate a machine or use some new tool. In case yuh din notice, a lot of farm and agricultural tasks now subject to automation.

Dem blackman teach you good although yuh lil schupid and yuh become successful. Why you tink yuh mattie Indian can't do the same, eh?


Guys, sugar workers may be unskilled, but they're not stupid. They can learn if they are given the opportunity. If the sugar industry were profitable and management wants to introduce modern technology, would they hired skilled workers or over the unskilled cane cutters or give them the opportunity to learn and keep their jobs?

I believe in a country that invests in its workers. Neither the PNC not PPP has done that to the unskilled sugar workers. 

Both major political parties are treating the backbone of Guyana like shit. When voting time comes around, they campaign on the same people they treated like shit. 


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