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These are the millers who owe the farmers and are yet to pay them.

Wazeer Hussein (Dry Shore/KSCL)– $285,360,540

Ramesh Ramlakhan (Ex-Mouth)     – $156,584,455

Deonarine (Evergreen)                  – $135,000,000

Old Mac Guyana Inc                         – $28,300,000

La Resource Rice Industry               – $27,600,000

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Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The farmers are not interested in that. They are in cahoot with the millers to rob the tax payers. This is a PPP orchestrated crisis.

"Black man a kill ahbe".   This is why these people will remain poor as they are so foolish to believe in the SAME people who refuse to pay them.


I see caste still works in Guyana, and the lower castes cannot think for themselves. The farmers should be trying to get the rice millers to PAY them.  They shouldn't be trying to help bail out these millers by forcing the govt to pay them  instead.


I don't see anyone who's crying the blues about the Govt needing to hand over $$$ to these farmers speak out against these millers...why?


Is it because what Mr T posted is true?


"The farmers are not interested in that. They are in cahoot with the millers to rob the tax payers. This is a PPP orchestrated crisis."



This government is spiteful and wicked. They are out to destroy those who did not support them. The destroyed the rice industry when they were in office and they are hell-bent on doing it again. Shame on this bastards.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This government is spiteful and wicked. They are out to destroy those who did not support them. The destroyed the rice industry when they were in office and they are hell-bent on doing it again. Shame on this bastards.


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This government is spiteful and wicked. They are out to destroy those who did not support them. The destroyed the rice industry when they were in office and they are hell-bent on doing it again. Shame on this bastards.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Ralph Ramkarran was not kidding when he referred to the AFC as Hoodwinkers.

and Ralph Ramkarran

was correct

when he said


PPP controlled by

Thiefman & Drug Dealers

De Petro Caribe

Rice Account Empty...

before may 11th 2015

who thief the money?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The rice farmers should file a class action to collect their money. These rice millers have lots of assets and possible foreign bank accounts.

Unfortunately class action does not get anywhere in our society.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The rice farmers should file a class action to collect their money. These rice millers have lots of assets and possible foreign bank accounts.

Unfortunately class action does not get anywhere in our society.

Because of a corrupt judiciary that exercises racial biasedness in its decisions.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This government is spiteful and wicked. They are out to destroy those who did not support them. The destroyed the rice industry when they were in office and they are hell-bent on doing it again. Shame on this bastards.

Yes of course you are a rice miller, who wants the gov't to pay the rice farmers, so you don't have to.


Business is about taking risks.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesny,  Why would any credible rice miller depend on their livelihood on a market of a country which seeks to destroy Guyana? 


Venezuela could have only been an interim arrangement, until more secure markets could be found, and there should be no shortage of people wanting to buy rice.


What the rice industry needs to address is why are they so high cost, and what assistance do they need from the government about how to address that fact.  I do not hear DDL, or XM screaming because the government cannot find markets for them, so why should the rice industry, which is PRIVATELY owned by different. 


The gov't can assist it, but it CANNOT consistently be bailing this industry out, unless the rice industry wishes the gov't to take it over.

Originally Posted by caribny:

The gov't can assist it, but it CANNOT consistently be bailing this industry out, unless the rice industry wishes the gov't to take it over.

It has nothing to do with bailing the farmers out. It has all to do with taking actions to ensure that the millers pay their suppliers, in this case the farmers. The government should be arresting these millers.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The gov't can assist it, but it CANNOT consistently be bailing this industry out, unless the rice industry wishes the gov't to take it over.

It has nothing to do with bailing the farmers out. It has all to do with taking actions to ensure that the millers pay their suppliers, in this case the farmers. The government should be arresting these millers.

It is the rice millers who will be bailed out if the gov't pays the farmers, instead of forcing the millers to pay their bills.


The rice industry consists of the farmers AND the millers.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This government is spiteful and wicked. They are out to destroy those who did not support them. The destroyed the rice industry when they were in office and they are hell-bent on doing it again. Shame on this bastards.

I pity some of you. I pity you because I know what damage you to to your perceptual systems. You train its reward feed back loop only to reward the  lies you tell it so as time goes by you come to be satisfied only with that kind of lying.


I am not cognitive scientist ( Nerhu claims he is) but given we know sense perception has meaning only as our brain, a wonderful inferential engine, gets the reward signals that what you do is pleasing or deemed true. Given this engine is in the background of, and never accessible to the conscious mind, I think it loses that response we call empathy and we become without conscience when we habitually feed its base system lies.


Things pass through the conscious mind and it is never given the necessary information by the subconscious. And all of this because you lie to yourself as above and condition your brain reward system feed back loop ( endorphin release) to feel "right" with the lie.


The rice industry is overproducing. There are no markets. The PPP lost 30 percent of the market or knew they lost it before the elections. That the Venezuelans told them the market is lost before the election and they did not inform us does not mean the blame or ( whatever) is transferred to the present regime. Actually, no one is to be blamed. The market was just lost; disappeared for what ever reason maduro conceived it to be.


And here you are lying your ass off because it pleases you to do so. It matches my contention you folks are disposed by your racism to this think this inconsistency in reason is indeed the right way to reason.  It takes me back to my original thesis. If you practice self deception the brain as a superb inferential machine encodes it. You become a good liar unable to perceptive you actually lie since the reward system in the brain only functions as you conditioned it.


You go about life missing much of what is good in this world. All because you are a racist and lie to preserve that irrational position.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The rice farmers should file a class action to collect their money. These rice millers have lots of assets and possible foreign bank accounts.

Unfortunately class action does not get anywhere in our society.

Because of a corrupt judiciary that exercises racial biasedness in its decisions.

Which reminds me, Billy, you still haven't named the judges which are corrupt and racial as requested by one of my judge friends.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The gov't can assist it, but it CANNOT consistently be bailing this industry out, unless the rice industry wishes the gov't to take it over.

It has nothing to do with bailing the farmers out. It has all to do with taking actions to ensure that the millers pay their suppliers, in this case the farmers. The government should be arresting these millers.

It is the rice millers who will be bailed out if the gov't pays the farmers, instead of forcing the millers to pay their bills.


The rice industry consists of the farmers AND the millers.

During the past 23 years some rice millers got away with "murder" because they knew the PPP government would poney up $$$$$$ to farmers when they the millers didn't pay for paddy received.

Those millers don't run their businesses as businessmen are supposed to do, paying for supplies and putting aside a portion of revenue for future supplies. Instead, they have used up considerable revenue to expand their homes, not mills, and buy expensive SUVs etc for themselves, wives, children etc., "forgetting" they owe farmers. The physical evidence is there, and someone should post photos of these millers' homes and vehicles and let the people see where rice farmers' money is going.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This government is spiteful and wicked. They are out to destroy those who did not support them. The destroyed the rice industry when they were in office and they are hell-bent on doing it again. Shame on this bastards.

Fool, why did your PPP/Crooks did not ensure these poor farmers got paid promptly during the 25 years in office? The tax payers do not owe these farmers. Why should the present Government bail them out? Why are they even planting rice if it is not profitable?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The rice farmers should file a class action to collect their money. These rice millers have lots of assets and possible foreign bank accounts.

Unfortunately class action does not get anywhere in our society.

Because of a corrupt judiciary that exercises racial biasedness in its decisions.

Which reminds me, Billy, you still haven't named the judges which are corrupt and racial as requested by one of my judge friends.

Billy Ramgoat Balgobin mouth is like a leaking pozey.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
.., "forgetting" they owe farmers..

"black man a kill ahbe".


The PPP must be happy they lost, so they don't have to deal with all of this.

Hahahahahaha! PPP/C -Happy Looosers.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

When the government pays the millers the farmers will get their money.

Rama, government has already paid millers for the last rice crop. That's why the government released the names of those 5 millers who together owe farmers $632 million. Those millers collected payment and have not yet passed on the farmers' share. They are scamps.


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