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The PNC supported by the AFC has been buying votes in the Billions for Linden for a few years now.


Let us talk about what is fair. Why has the AFC become the step child of the PNC ?


Answer: Nigel and Trotman are PNC stooges. Moses and Rumjattan are just poster boys for the AFC, they have NO power to stand up to Nigel and Trotman.


Indos in the AFC are being taken for a ride.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:


The PNC supported by the AFC has been buying votes in the Billions for Linden for a few years now.


Let us talk about what is fair. Why has the AFC become the step child of the PNC ?


Answer: Nigel and Trotman are PNC stooges. Moses and Rumjattan are just poster boys for the AFC, they have NO power to stand up to Nigel and Trotman.


Indos in the AFC are being taken for a ride.

Bhai, Some people love to be ridden like Donkeys and that is fine. People are entitled to do such things.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


The PNC supported by the AFC has been buying votes in the Billions for Linden for a few years now.


Let us talk about what is fair. Why has the AFC become the step child of the PNC ?


Answer: Nigel and Trotman are PNC stooges. Moses and Rumjattan are just poster boys for the AFC, they have NO power to stand up to Nigel and Trotman.


Indos in the AFC are being taken for a ride.

I whose world are you presuming this massaging of race bias as your only trajectory to argue ethics will ever provide traction? Of course the black man will be stooges but the reality hardly any of you can match wits with any of the listed names. You especially with your sub par diction and poor grasp of everything else is a hapless messenger for ideas that calls for smarts. 


The AFC is not about Indos or blacks or Portuguese or Chinese. It is there for the left behind, the ignored, the dispossessed the abused and the helpless. It is there to enable them to escape PPP oppression.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Fact: The AFC/PNC voted for Zero funds for Natives. 

How much of the One Billion, two hundred and fifty- five million dollars was spent in the the Amerindian Villages. Tell us what the PPP/C did with that money.


They are now asking for more than one billion dollars and cannot give the details as to how it will be used. The fact is they will buy the Indigenous votes with $30,000 each. This is common knowledge.


Amerindians must be told the truth: the PPP/C are not their friends. They will not listen to their views. Instead, they will put $30,000 in indigenous hands and demand their votes.

Amerindians must not fall into the trap. Guyana’s first peoples deserve real representation. Amerindians must not be deceived by PPP/C politicians; they must demand real development; real change. Let the PPP/C use the money to develop the communities, instead of buying votes.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Nehru and Yugi22,


I need sponsors for scholarships to Indigenous High School Students. One Scholarship is about $500.00 for the year. This money will go towards helping them with transportation, boarding and Lodging at homesteads away from their villages and other expenses.


Na Bhai


That money will end up with in the AFC fundraising campaign. Overseas funding dried up for the AFC.


People are afraid to donate to the AFC these days.


Mits, how about we seem some Independent Audited AFC financial statements on how donations were spent.


How about the an independent report of corruption investigation ?


The AFC/PNC voted down the money for Natives in the budget. I will never trust the AFC/PNC party.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Nehru and Yugi22,


I need sponsors for scholarships to Indigenous High School Students. One Scholarship is about $500.00 for the year. This money will go towards helping them with transportation, boarding and Lodging at homesteads away from their villages and other expenses.


Na Bhai


That money will end up with in the AFC fundraising campaign. Overseas funding dried up for the AFC.


People are afraid to donate to the AFC these days.


Mits, how about we seem some Independent Audited AFC financial statements on how donations were spent.


How about the an independent report of corruption investigation ?


The AFC/PNC voted down the money for Natives in the budget. I will never trust the AFC/PNC party.



The organization is registered and the money goes directly to the students.


This has nothing to do with the any political party. Many prominent concerned Guyanese are supporters. We are a small group and only work thru our contact network.


The primary goal is to help the youths thru High School. If they cannot get a Secondary Education, how will they be able to get a Tertiary Education and hopefully gain the capacity to help their own?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


The PNC supported by the AFC has been buying votes in the Billions for Linden for a few years now.


Let us talk about what is fair. Why has the AFC become the step child of the PNC ?


Answer: Nigel and Trotman are PNC stooges. Moses and Rumjattan are just poster boys for the AFC, they have NO power to stand up to Nigel and Trotman.


Indos in the AFC are being taken for a ride.

Bhai, Some people love to be ridden like Donkeys and that is fine. People are entitled to do such things.


The AFC is now officially the Dankey Man Party.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Nehru and Yugi22,


I need sponsors for scholarships to Indigenous High School Students. One Scholarship is about $500.00 for the year. This money will go towards helping them with transportation, boarding and Lodging at homesteads away from their villages and other expenses.


Na Bhai


That money will end up with in the AFC fundraising campaign. Overseas funding dried up for the AFC.


People are afraid to donate to the AFC these days.


Mits, how about we seem some Independent Audited AFC financial statements on how donations were spent.


How about the an independent report of corruption investigation ?


The AFC/PNC voted down the money for Natives in the budget. I will never trust the AFC/PNC party.



The organization is registered and the money goes directly to the students.


This has nothing to do with the any political party. Many prominent concerned Guyanese are supporters. We are a small group and only work thru our contact network.


The primary goal is to help the youths thru High School. If they cannot get a Secondary Education, how will they be able to get a Tertiary Education and hopefully gain the capacity to help their own?




Goodluck with your campaign. I wish you well. I honestly thought that you were joking.


I donate quite a bit to assist in a similar project in India.



On a political note:


Please remember that the AFC voted down BILLIONS to assist Natives. If we take off our political glasses we could have seen the bigger picture and realized the blunder that the AFC made.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


The PNC supported by the AFC has been buying votes in the Billions for Linden for a few years now.


Let us talk about what is fair. Why has the AFC become the step child of the PNC ?


Answer: Nigel and Trotman are PNC stooges. Moses and Rumjattan are just poster boys for the AFC, they have NO power to stand up to Nigel and Trotman.


Indos in the AFC are being taken for a ride.

Bhai, Some people love to be ridden like Donkeys and that is fine. People are entitled to do such things.


The AFC is now officially the Dankey Man Party.

What a smart comeback!!!!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Nehru and Yugi22,


I need sponsors for scholarships to Indigenous High School Students. One Scholarship is about $500.00 for the year. This money will go towards helping them with transportation, boarding and Lodging at homesteads away from their villages and other expenses.


Na Bhai


That money will end up with in the AFC fundraising campaign. Overseas funding dried up for the AFC.


People are afraid to donate to the AFC these days.


Mits, how about we seem some Independent Audited AFC financial statements on how donations were spent.


How about the an independent report of corruption investigation ?


The AFC/PNC voted down the money for Natives in the budget. I will never trust the AFC/PNC party.



The organization is registered and the money goes directly to the students.


This has nothing to do with the any political party. Many prominent concerned Guyanese are supporters. We are a small group and only work thru our contact network.


The primary goal is to help the youths thru High School. If they cannot get a Secondary Education, how will they be able to get a Tertiary Education and hopefully gain the capacity to help their own?




Goodluck with your campaign. I wish you well. I honestly thought that you were joking.


I donate quite a bit to assist in a similar project in India.



On a political note:


Please remember that the AFC voted down BILLIONS to assist Natives. If we take off our political glasses we could have seen the bigger picture and realized the blunder that the AFC made.


No one in the organization gets paid or reimburse for expenses. Just remember, I am not a member of the AFC. I am just an X PPP supporter.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

disrespectful treatment of our village elders.


It is time that the PPP respects our people and do not sent piddling punks like this among us to insult us. It is also disgusting that Sukhai should stand there and let this happen. What the hell does she get for selling her soul to these fellows who look to us as the backward others? Could this lady not remind that fool that he is here on what is our patrimony. He is accommodated and treated as one and it is high time his bigoted ass treats us with respect.

To date the APA has NOPT addressed the issue.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

disrespectful treatment of our village elders.


It is time that the PPP respects our people and do not sent piddling punks like this among us to insult us. It is also disgusting that Sukhai should stand there and let this happen. What the hell does she get for selling her soul to these fellows who look to us as the backward others? Could this lady not remind that fool that he is here on what is our patrimony. He is accommodated and treated as one and it is high time his bigoted ass treats us with respect.

To date the APA has NOPT addressed the issue.

I believe the APA did address their distress at the PPP using Amerindians to cover up their fraudulent and blatant attempt to waste funds on bogus projects and vote buying.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

disrespectful treatment of our village elders.


It is time that the PPP respects our people and do not sent piddling punks like this among us to insult us. It is also disgusting that Sukhai should stand there and let this happen. What the hell does she get for selling her soul to these fellows who look to us as the backward others? Could this lady not remind that fool that he is here on what is our patrimony. He is accommodated and treated as one and it is high time his bigoted ass treats us with respect.

To date the APA has NOPT addressed the issue.

I believe the APA did address their distress at the PPP using Amerindians to cover up their fraudulent and blatant attempt to waste funds on bogus projects and vote buying.

CaribNY, thank you I did not read any article to the effect that the APA condemn Dharumlall's comments.


But I defer to you Carib.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The above will make good toilet paper.

Indeed you stumbled on a truth. We all know that it matters not if you put the NY times or Wall street journal at the bottom of the bird cage they do not get smart. You share that quality with our avian friends.




It appears as if you love to rub toilet paper in your face. I pity you since you live on a park bench and have friends who were jailed for fraud and corruption. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Amerindians will NEVER listen to a Buckman

Amerindian will never listen to a PNC dinosaur and Cry Baby.



Just  as how the British worked thru the Brahmins and various Rajas to subjugate Bharatis, likewise the PPP/C is working thru the Toshaos.




The AFC/PNC showed a racist attitude towards the Natives.


How come it was acceptable to vote for BILLIONS for Linden yet ZERO for Natives ?


Ever wondered why the Natives will support the PPP and kick out the AFC/PNC from their communities ?

Very good point Bhai YUgi. And the FACT is most of the money Voted for Linden will be wasted!!!


Correct. Billions in free Money for Linden.

Zero For Natives.

The PNC/AFC supporters also verbally attacked the Natives with the most vile and racist terms.

Yes and a Buckman like D@ will prostitute himself just to TRY and embarass the PPP. What he is actually doing is exposing his trade.

And a dalit like you would know the difference!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The above will make good toilet paper.

Indeed you stumbled on a truth. We all know that it matters not if you put the NY times or Wall street journal at the bottom of the bird cage they do not get smart. You share that quality with our avian friends.




It appears as if you love to rub toilet paper in your face. I pity you since you live on a park bench and have friends who were jailed for fraud and corruption. 

 What remarkable display of genius there is in this response! I do live in a park. It just happen to have a remarkable house in it. And indeed a fellow I once knew is in jail. So what? He is a remarkable man whose accomplishment to date exceeded all you can hope to ever achieve! His error is not mine. He is paying his dues.


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